Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The People Behind the Con: Jamie Harrington

We hope you've enjoyed the first day of WriteOnCon. If you're anything like us, you've learned a ton! And yet there's still so much more to come.

Over here, we're celebrating and right now we're celebrating the genius of Jamie Harrington. Hilarious, ridiculously smart, marketing-guru, server-understanding, YouTube Customer Service-navigating, Underbelly creating, Live Event coordinating JAMIE HARRINGTON. If you don't know Jamie, you need to because she has single-handedly made us cry from laughter more times than we could ever count. Also she frequently rocks pink hair which automatically increases her awesome factor by multiples of ten.
She's the kind of gal who says, "I'll take it from here..." and you know she will and much better than you ever could. Jamie is one of the smartest writers we know and we are lucky to learn from her. Just last night she rocked our world with her opinions on Pinterest, which as many of you know, is extremely close to our hearts and our procrastination efforts.

Here's to you, Jamie Harrington, genius comedienne. We love you and could never pull WriteOnCon off without your ridiculous breadth of knowledge. When our heads are about to explode with technical questions, we blindly look to you our fearless techie leader.

Group hug!

1 comment:

Matthew MacNish said...

Hear, hear.

I was chatting with Jamie just last night, during the live event. Don't worry, we didn't make fun of you two ... much.

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