Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Thursday made of random...

1. We are in the process of planning WriteOnCon 2011 and we're so excited about it. It's going to be epic, EPIC and we can't wait for all the big reveals!

2. If you were the kid in elementary/middle school who brought soup in a plastic thermos (preferably the ones that matched the hard, plastic lunchbox) as a part of your lunch, I wanted to be you. I would stare longingly as you slurped up your hot deliciousness. That's all.

3. I just ruthlessly purged my closet of 3/4 of its contents. I'm thinking I'll never shrink back small enough to make what has become a crop top not a crop top anymore.

4. I was doing said purging when I was supposed to be involved in a chat. I always miss things. Especially when they're scheduled after 8 PM at night. All bets are off when the sun goes down.

5. I apologize that our blog posts are written primarily in list form (and tend to morph into Tell the Truth EVERYDAY when we're finished with them). It's as though we use up all of our paragraph-forming abilities in our books and can't bring ourselves to write ONE more for the blog. Lists are also universally satisfying, no?

What's your random today?


Andrea Mack said...

I like your lists. I don't think I could function if I didn't make lists!

Matthew MacNish said...

Don't feel bad, I missed the WOC chat last night too. And you can always blame Laura.

Corey Schwartz said...


I'd like to do some sort of PB post or workshop for WriteOnCon. Who do I talk to about that?

lisa and laura said...

OMG! THE BLOG! YOU REMEMBERED! I'm so impressed. Thank God for sister writers. My chapter from last night is pretty awesome though, so that's something.

Rebecca T. said...

Your list posts are some of my all time favorite blog posts :D

Anonymous said...

I died. DIED over #2!! We had the matching plastic thermos, but there was no way that my mom was going to fill it with piping hot deliciousness so it was useless! Mine always contained water. Lame. My bff had a JEM one. It had hot cocoa on rainy days. I hated her. ;)

Krispy said...

Hey, nothing wrong with lists! They are the best form of information-sharing. :)

I miss those lunch boxes...

Bethany Elizabeth said...

Random is awesome - I had one of those thermoses, they're not all they're cracked up to be. I was always jealous of the kids who had chips with lunch. :)

Rebecca Knight said...

Don't get rid of the lists! :D I LOVE the lists!

Your random truth telling always makes my day.

Also, seconding that those plastic soup thermoses were awesome. I was the little girl with the batman lunchbox. Awww, yeaaaah.

Marsha Sigman said...

I love your random lists.

I missed the live chat and I was determined not too this time! I always go back and read the transcript and kick myself later.

Anonymous said...

Chipmunks might looks cute with their cheeks stuffed full, but when you've got a vegetable garden, they're like small, fuzzy, Satan-puffs in your back yard.

(What? You *did* ask what my random was today, didn't you?)

Dara said...

I was one of those at #2. Specifically from first through third grade, LOL. All my lunch boxes were the Disney ones--The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast being the two I remember. Those were the days...

Anyway, my random for the day (even though it's Friday): Never realized how much a newborn really makes you forget what sleep feels like :P

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