Big night tonight, and not just because we housed an entire package of Twizzlers. Laura came over to flesh out a few of our book ideas. As evidenced by the picture above, we brainstorm best with Twizzlers and Crystal Light. It just works. Oh, and you can't tell, but my notebook is really adorable. It helps to have cute notebooks too.
We now have 3 solid outlines of potential projects that we're going to pitch to May-jah Agent (phonetic spelling for those of you who've forgotten that the "Major" is to be said with your best V. Bex accent) later this week. I'm feeling pretty good about 2 of the 3 projects. The third project would be challenging, but also might be the most marketable. It will be interesting to get Major Agent's perspective on all of the concepts.
Honestly, we might end up back at the drawing board, and we'd be completely ok with that too. At this stage in the game we want to write something that's going to be easy to market to publishers. Does that make us a couple of sell out, idea whores? Um...yes, probably. But we're totally ok with that label thankyouverymuch.
Brainstorming is always a fun part of the process for us because it usually devolves into random conversations. Tonight we discussed everything from starting a book with a ghost taking a dump (I'm not kidding. I really wish I was, but I'm absolutely not) to randomly adding in vampires, werewolves and characters named Bella to each of the books, you know just to increase their marketplace viability. It was hilarious. Really it was. Well, maybe it was only funny if you've eaten half a bag of Twizzlers. You'll just have to take my word for it.
Over the next couple of days we'll be drafting and finalizing a one page synopsis for each project and then sending it over the interwebs to Major Agent. For the record, synopsis writing is the bane of my existence. Laura is MUCH better at it than I am and this is one of the many times throughout the writing process where I thank God for my writing partner.
All of this brainstorming has us excited to start a new project. We're hoping some actual productivity will help counteract the shame induced hangover that inevitably hits after a fruitful day of cyberstalking potential editors and refreshing our e-mail.
Good. Times.