Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Life = Complete

This. THIS.

We can now die happy. Seriously.


Matthew MacNish said...

Adorable. She looks a lot like my kid. The nice one.

Caroline Starr Rose said...


Marsha Sigman said...

Holy crap, that is the coolest thing EVER.

Lydia Sharp said...

That is so amazing! :D

Anonymous said...

OMG, I'm DYING over Matthew's comment, lol.

Hailey will love this, she'll feel like such a celebrity. thank you. :)

Stephsco said...

Super cute.

I have no idea how this works since you're published and all, but since it's your book are you allowed to make your own swag on a site like cafepress.com? Or are the images used from your book licensed with a bunch of qualifiers like "thou shall not make thine own shirt and stickers and sell at cost"?

Lee Nichols said...

So adorable!

Jonathon Arntson said...

Did someone say ETSY and joint venture?

Tere Kirkland said...

Y'all must be feeling some major pride over that. So cute, Thanks for sharing!

PS, when can I get my own Liar Society tee? ;)

Krispy said...

So cute and awesome! Congrats!

Peggy Eddleman said...

Awww! So very cool.

ali cross said...

Oh my gosh, that is beyond awesome! No wonder you're over the moon!

erica m. chapman said...

Awwwww! LOVE it!!!

Kelly H-Y said...

That is awesome (and so sweet)!

Little Ms J said...

It is so awesome to see a little girl so excited about BOOKS and her FAVORITE authors! I love it!

Don't call this a comeback

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