July 22nd 2009 the universe shifted just a little. That was the day Loretta Nyhan stumbled onto our blog, ripped apart the first few hundred words of our WIP and became one of our closest friends and readers.
We had exchanged emails with Loretta a month before when she emailed us to ask questions about how to choose an agent. To be honest, we didn't put two and two together when we read her comment on our blog. We just knew her feedback was dead on. Instead of telling us what we wanted to hear, "You're amazing!" "Have you won awards for your writing?" "Get this to your agent NOW!" she told us what we desparately needed to hear--that we were close, but could do better. As writers, isn't that always what we're striving for? Our best? That and incredible beta readers. Two birds with one stone, my friends.
From that day forward, we decided to exchange work. We sent her our baby and she sent us hers. We were blown away by her writing, wanted to recommend it to friends, our mom, anyone who would listen, couldn't wait until it was published so we could do just that. And in return, we received honest, constructive feedback on our own writing. There's nothing better than a critique partner who isn't afraid to tear into your work, but does it in a way that makes you want to get better, that forces you to improve as a writer.
And then somewhere along the way, a few emails in, we forged a friendship with a complete stranger--but that's the funny thing. From the beginning, Loretta just fit. She never really felt like a stranger. She always felt like a friend. Sure she supplied endless advice on our works in progress, but she also listened to family stories, served as an herbalist, cured our colds and linked us to the best Etsy shops. She was one of the first people who knew when Lisa had her baby and when Laura found out she was pregnant because Loretta is just someone you tell. We've talked on the phone, sent Christmas cards and the day of our launch, met.
That's right...Loretta traveled all the way from Chicago and surprised us at our launch party. Talk about surreal. As we were simultaneously sweating and signing books, someone approached us in line who looked awfully familiar. Cue tears. And hugs. And squeals.
And now it's our turn to jump up and down and squeal for her because Loretta and her amazing writing partner, Suzanne Hayes, are getting published!
Suzanne Hayes and Loretta Nyhan's I'LL BE SEEING YOU, a story of unexpected friendship told through letters shared between two American women on the home front during World War II, to Erika Imranyi at Mira, in a two-book deal, by Anne Bohner at Pen & Ink Literary and Joanna Volpe at Nancy Coffey Literary & Media Representation.
We always knew this day would come, but there's absolutely nothing like seeing a friend's dream come true. Jump up and down and squeal with us in the comments. We demand it.
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I'm SO EXCITED for her!!! Loretta is one of the nicest people I've met! (along with you two) I can thank you both for that ;o) I'm THRILLED about Suzanne and Loretta's deal!!! *throws confetti*
What a great post ;o) AND a wonderful day indeed!
Huge congrats to Loretta! She's a wonderful lady and I'm so excited for her! Glitter, cupcakes and unicorns and such! YAY!
*jumps up and down*
Yay Loretta! Congratulations!
I'm sobbing over my macbook.
I thank my lucky stars I sent that email. Meeting you two has changed my life in so many wonderful ways.
Thanks for this. So, so much. I can't begin to tell you how touched I am.
I love you gals!
Yay Loretta and Suzanne!!!
Many Many Congrats!
I'm so excited for you, Loretta! I already told Lisa I feel a special kinship because you're at NC Literary, and because I got my start at Harlequin, and because we have a mutual admiration for Lisa and Laura!
Congrats, Loretta!
Loretta is a very special person. I liked her the instant I met her. I'm not surprised you guys clicked so well as you're something pretty special yourselves. So happy for her and Suzi. What amazing friends you guys are for giving such a lovely tribute.
You are all so nice! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Loretta's book sounds fantastic!! Can't wait to read it and HUGE congrats to her!!!
CONGRATS!!!!! How awesome is that? Stories like this make me get all weepy cause I know some of the friends I've made online and through email are going to be for life.
The book sounds great too!
What an awesome, awesome story! CONGRATS to Loretta!
Oh my gosh LILA! What an amazing post! Thank you so, so much. Loretta and I wouldn't have even met if it weren't for you. We are SO excited and the book meant SO means so much to us on many different levels.
Thank you for this post. Thanks for bringing us together.
Love you Loretta. Seriously. Girl Crush all around.
Now that's exciting! You ladies are the best so I can see why you connected so easily!!! Congratulations to those getting published! How awesome for Loretta!
Yay!!!! Congrats to Loretta!!! :)
This whole story is so lovely. I can't wait to read these women's book. And I love how much you all are such good fangirls:)
Okay, it's embarrassing how many times I've been back to read all these lovely comments. This totally made my week. Thanks so much to everyone!
I love the MIRA imprint :-)
Congrats Loretta :-D
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