We're knee deep in our first draft of THE HUSH FUND and it's kind of swallowed us whole for the time being. We have an August deadline, so posting will be spotty for the summer, but we'll keep you guys posted on our progress. In the meantime, I head to Twitter in between just about every sentance that I write to ramble and cyberstalk. So, if you want real-time updates on my new and improved procrastination methods, you can follow us over there.
In other news, if you're going to ALA we'll be there! That's right, the Roeckers are leaving Ohio! Alert the media and tell the Kardashians to watch their backs. Click here to see where you can find us at the conference. We're planning on bringing some extra special, one-of-a-kind swag, so be sure to stop by the Sourcebooks booth for our signing on Saturday!
We've also heard rumblings of a tour with some fellow Sourcebooks authors this November. 8-cities, 3 awesome YA contemporary novels and some pretty convincing faux blue hair. We'll post details as soon as we know more.
And now, I must retreat back to the writing cave where it's dark but there's an endless supply of chocolate and Laura stands guard over my computer with a whip made of Twizzlers. More soon!
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Don't call this a comeback
So it’s been a minute. Or 10. Or truthfully more like 2,102,400. At least we think that’s how many minutes there are in 3 years, but let...
A couple of months ago something strange happened. The Universe gave us a Kindle . I know it's random, but unfortunately we aren't a...
Since I am the worst tweeter ever, Lisa informed me of the #Speakloudly Twitter campaign that's happening as we speak. It brought b...
Good luck with the first draft and enjoy the conference! I'm jealous of all the fun things for writers that seem to happen in the US!
I'm bribing Janet G with dessert to snag me some swag. :D
Yay! See you at ALA. Will you be wearing blue hair?
Nick - Wish you could be here!
Stina - YAY! We'll definitely send some swag home for you. I don't think ARCs of TLTB will be ready yet, but we'll smuggle some fun things for you in Janet's suitcase.
Shelley - ALA! ALA! Yes, our hair will have streaks of blue! Can't wait to meet you in person!!!!!!!!
OH MY HECK, ONE OF THOSE CITIES BETTER BE SALT LAKE. You know we have a killer indie here, and the Provo Library does THE BEST EVENTS ON THE PLANET. I'm not even kidding.
Good luck on the drafting!
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