2. Why the bandana?
3. Are you really working up a sweat on that bike?
4. Is that a green spicket on the front or some sort of good luck charm?
5. Did you attach that little skull to the handlebars to scare birds or look cool?
6. Is that a purity ring I spy on your left finger?
7. Or are you the married Jo Bro?
8. If you're married why in God's name did your wife let you out looking like this?
9. Is that a swatch watch?
10. What size are those pants?
11. Did you intentionally match your shoes and bandana to the bike?
12. What do your dog tags say?
13. Did Robert Palmer loan you that blazer?
14. Do you even know who Robert Palmer is?
15. If you happened to fall and skin your knee would you bleed real blood or yellow robot fluid?
16. Are you aware that your stylist has a deep seeded hatred for you?
17. Do you think Walt Disney would spin in his cryogenic chamber if he saw you cavorting around like this in the name of Disney?
18. Do you ever get to hang out with Zach Effron?
19. Your hands look REALLY soft, 'fess up, you totally do weekly paraffin treatments don't you?
20. Do you regret doing this?
Now it's your turn, what questions do you have for good old Joe? Let us know in the comments. I'm sure he'll be checking in throughout the day.
LOL-yellow robot fluid?? HAH!
Just to show you I know my Jo Bro STUFF, he's not the married one and has been looking pretty scraggly lately!
that really joe jonas? normally, I think he's the ugliest of the three, but I actually think he's quite cute there.
I like the "scraggly" look.
Hilarious questions you've got there for him!
Oh good golly miss molly!!!!! I thought that red head on the dash - er.. handlebars, was a red Homer Simpson head. I still think it might be.
This was hysterical! Where do y'all find these things?
P.S. I'll totally trade my Simone for yours :-)
Ahahahaha, perfect laugh to start my morning.
my question: how many times did your brothers punch you when they saw you like this?
I don't know much about the Jonas Brothers (thankfully my 10 yr old is not all gaga over them), but you gotta love a guy who seems okay with not taking himself too seriously.
LOL too funny :D Eh, he looks like he's having fun - more power too him ;-D
YES! A link to the single ladies video!
What I want to know: Does he think the tassles on the handlebars make him look more manly?
That picture's hilarious and adds to my complete lack of understanding of the Jonas Bros. sensation. Of course, I'm way older than the target audience!
I get that he lost a best and had to do the Single Ladies vid.
But did he *have* to do it in a leotard?!!?
(And where did he stick his man bits? What is he, a Ken doll?)
..er....not that I looked. But....
hahaha I often wonder he, perhaps, skinned a small furry rodent to boost the volume of his brows...is that evil? ;)
Does PeeWee Herman know you stole his bike?
I always love your blog. It is one of the bright spots in my day. Now I can clean my house with the image of Joe's bandanna in my mind. Thanks for bringing a smile my way, ladies.
OMGoodness! I always wanted a Swatch watch!
1. WTF is with the tassles (sp?) on the handlebars?
2. Did you paint the checkerboard pattern on the wing mirror yourself?
3. WTF is with the wing mirrors in the first place? Just turn your head, dude!
4. WTF is with... oh, hell. Just WTF?
(P.S. I figure if it's abbreviated, it's totally not real cussing. Kinda like d-bag, eh? Eh? Yah.)
Too funny! My one and only question for him: Why?
Oh gosh, I'm having a flashback to the eighties, and it's so not pretty. Maybe he should read Perfect Chemistry to figure out how to dress--especially with the bandana. Then he'd be hot! :D
Swatches should have never gone out of style.
I feel strongly about that.
Does that bike really have a banana seat? Ha ha ha ha!
My question for LiLa...
Where did ya find that one? LOL!
My husband just gave our 6-month-old a Jonas Brothers card for Valentines Day. I didn't think I'd have to deal with that crap this early...
Ha! That's funny!
I have no clue which one he is. I have no clue what their songs sound like. I'm not a fan. :0)
My first thought when I started reading this was, "Who is Joe Jonas?" but then I figured it out. Sorry, I'm pathetic.
So, then my question: What sort of message does your complete disregard for traffic laws send to your young fans?
LOL! Who picked out his pretty little pom-poms? :-)
1. Do you know that we can see your junk in those tight pants?
2. Is that the idea?
3. Does Demi Lovato approve of this outfit.
4. If so, dump her. [Though not a question, it must be said.]
5. Do you have a poster of Rob Lowe hanging above your bed? C'mon, don't lie.
6. Do you consider yourself a single lady?
7. Do you know Zac Efron and can you introduce me?
*retinas burning* My eyes!!! Stop dancing, please! I beg you!
You guys just had to link to that video, didn't you? I can't unsee it now.
Ha! Too funny. Unfortunately Joe Jonas barely registers on my Who Dat radar so I'm fresh out of questions for good ol' Joe. I think yours do just fine ;)
Oh my gosh! Those were some hysterical questions!
You seem to be paused in the middle of the street... DON'T YOU KNOW THAT'S DANGEROUS???
Hey, Joe: Is that bed head, or were you struck by lightning?
Safety tip of the day: Don't steal the kid next door's bike and then ride it in a storm :).
(Also, I love Robert Palmer.)
13. Did Robert Palmer loan you that blazer?
*spits coffee everywhere*
Did you really plan for the shoe stripe, bandana, and bike to match? Or was that totally accidental?
Why in the world do you wear pants that are tighter than mine? Isn't that uncomfortable? No man should be wearing pants that tight. It's against the law of nature.
Ooo, ooo, I have a couple:
Joe, when did you start impersonating Rob Lowe?
Do you know who Rob Lowe is?
Okay, I made the mistake of clicking on the "here". Ouch - My eyes burn a little.
LOL Very funny! I wish I had a question, but I'm left speechless. =)
You had me at number one, ladies. Hilarious!
One of my younger sisters loves the Jonas brothers.
Here is my question for him: Where did you find high heels large enough for a man?
Seriously - tea just spewed from my lips & nose...I can't stop hiccuping while I'm laughing...
Good Grief! I don't know which question makes me laugh harder:
The Zac Efron one, the Robert Palmer questions, or any & all of Simon's...what the...????
LOVE this! Thank you for the grin & my coworkers may or may not thank you for the impromptu fountain of liquid...yeah...probably not.. ;o)
I can't think of any more questions, I'm still laughing from all of yours. Love it!
You guys are sooooo funny! Do you think he'll respond??? Ha, ha!
My question for Joe: Are you aware that dorks everywhere feel sorry for you?
xoxo -- Hilary
Joe, are you ready to come out of the closet?
Your the Jo Mo Not the Jo Bro.
You will never be Zac Efron no matter how much eyeliner you wear.
LMAO, this was the perfect way to start the day.
Dear Joe,
There's only room in the world for one Ellen and you are not it.
Oh wait, you wanted a question. Oh well.
Yeah, I love YOU guys, but I just don't care about Joe Jonas.....
Oh. My.
I have no words--it's THAT bad. (That and, wow, I'd never see that youtube video. I think I need to gouge my eyes out now)
My question for Joe: Were you and Arvil Lavigne competing to see who could be the worst guest judge on Idol? And how does it feel to win the prize?
13. Did Robert Palmer loan you that blazer?
Doubtful because he died seven years ago and had better fashion sense so no, he wouldn't wear that SPORTCOAT (I love suits).
14. Do you even know who Robert Palmer is?
Robert Palmer born January 19th 1949, died September 26th 2003. British musician. His first album was Sneaking Sally Through the Alley and he didn't reach celebrity-level popularity until he joined the Duran Duran spinoff The Power Station in 1984 with their remake of T-Rex's 'Bang a Gong (Get It On)'.
Does that answer your questions?
Hi Shawdy (or should we call Joe Jo?),
Thanks for visiting and answering all Robert Palmer related questions. Just wondering where you stand on the other 18.
Just one question for him: What in the world were you thinking???
My question for LiLa:
1. Did you realize that when you posted this it would make you That Mom?
2. When you were wearing jelly shoes did you think you'd be making fun of a millionaire teenager in your thirties?
3. Does loud music make you put your hands over your ears and say, "I don't know how these kids understand a word of this garbage."
4. Who is Robert Palmer? I'm not even that old.
this one may have been asked:
which way do you really swing? honestly.
I wanna know exactly what brother Joe had to DO to get Pee Wee Herman to give up his bike??
Dear Lila: I have no idea who this Palmer person is. That must mean you're like, a million years old, and I'm WAY teen and cool. Right?
Dear Joe: I almost demoted you on my list of favorite Jonas' brothers, but then I saw that wonderful video. YOU, my friend, have a sense of humor. And I'm going to attribute that sense of humor to your asinine wardrobe.
Hilarious. Hey, I like the shoes.
Hey don't kid. I had that outfit in the nineteen-ninety "what".
*all the single ladies, all the single ladies* man that song is catchy ;o)
These questions are hilarious!!!
BTW I thought I was following you and I was not. I apologize. I am now:)
My first thought as I saw this picture in my blog roll was "What the fell?"
Seriously not even censoring myself here.
You know, I think it's not that bad really... considering I've seen him come out pre-concert during a Q & A sesssion dressed as a bunch of purple grapes like the Fruit of the Loom guy.
My only question to Joe is:
When your brother Nick comes over to my house for dinner with my teenager (who is destined to be his next girlfriend and ultimately his wife), will you be joining him?
If so, please bring dessert. Something fruity.
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