In other news, are you as excited to read Ally Condie's MATCHED
Enter the fabulous Veronica Roth who's hosting a contest on her blog to win this much buzzed about book. But she's going to make you work for it. In order to enter you have to "match" some YA protagonists. You can either match them according to compatibility or hilarity. Like: let me put together Katniss Everdeen with Edward Cullen. What would their relationship be like, in a few lines? You can write dialogue, or just describe it, or write a scene, whatever works!
We've decided to go with Alex from PERFECT CHEMISTRY
Alex: Hola chica, you lookin' for a clue? I've got one right here *grabs himself*
Nancy: You'll have to excuse me, but there's an old clock that needs investigating.
Alex: *moves in mere inches from her face* Wouldn't you rather investigate me?
Nancy: I'm not quite sure what you mean. I can't imagine that you'd have any clues. Besides, Ned is waiting for me at the library.
Alex: No seriously, I have your freakin' clue. It's this lame ass key. Just take it, already, I've got better things to do.
Nancy: Oh, well, that is actually quite helpful. I believe this will open up the safe hidden beneath the staircase which will reveal who has been blackmailing my poor elderly neighbor. Thank you.
Alex: Let me save you a trip, chica. It's the creepy old uncle.
Nancy: Yes, well that does make sense. It is almost ALWAYS the creepy old uncle, isn't it?
Alex: Si. Now get out of here before Brittany catches you. She gets mad jealous, Mamacita.
Nancy: Oh, er, yes, I can see how that might be an issue. You are quite fetching. Thanks again for all your help. Now Ned and I will have time to neck in the stacks.
Okay, now it's your turn. Head on over to Veronica's blog (NOW--the contest ends today) and write a fabulous scene with a couple of your favorite YA protagonists. And check out the other comments while you're over there because some of the match ups are pretty freaking funny. We can't wait to see what you come up with...happy Monday!
Congrats to Bethany on winning Deception! Looks like a great book.
Love, love, love your entry for the Matched contest. Well done.
Dido congrats to Bethany. The Matched contest sounds fun. Nice job.
The matched contest sounds like fun. Great to see the old school Nancy Drew out and about, navigating the modern world.
*cracking up* at your Alex. ha!!! Loved that durn book!!!
Great pairing!
Lol, oh that is great dialogue!
BWA HA HA HA! That was awesome.
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
Congrats to Bethany and I will check out the link. Thanks!
I also congratulate the winner!
Congrats to Bethany! And great scene. Nancy Drew is so chicly old school. :)
"You are quite fetching." So perfect! I want to go reread all of my old Nancy Drews now. And Perfect Chemistry, but I always want to reread that :)
"Now Ned and I will have time to neck in the stacks." That's awesome. Good luck in the "Matched" contest!
Lol. Loved the little scene. :)
Congrats to Bethany too. :)
What an awesome contest idea. Thanks for the linkage!
Congrats, Bethany!
And I love the dialogue, girls. Alex is definitely one of my fav hotties. Le Royal Sigh!
I just laughed so hard!! Your blog makes my day :) I have an ARC of Matched en route ... and I'm so excited I pretty much just sit by the mailbox all day.
Matched looks like such a good book. Your scene was hilarious!! Good luck in the contest :)
Firstly: EEEEEK! :)
Secondly: That dialouge was fantastic, I giggled my way through it. :)
hehe that sounds awesome! love your little sketch!
and congrats to bethany!!
"Neck in the stacks" LOL!
I have been in stitches reading the entires to Veronica's contest. Best idea ever!!
Ha, ha, but you forgot to use the word "admonish." I got that from Nancy Drew and used it in a story in second grade and I think my teacher nearly died laughing.
Congrats to Bethany!
You two are made of win! :)
Love the little vignette! Congrats to Bethany.
Na na na na na naaaa... I have Matched in my hot little hands as I type or whatever. Maybe, if you're really nice, I'll mail it to you when I send my Personal Demons ARC. (on loan, of course, cuz it's MINE!!)
Nancy and Alex is a match I will now keep in my mind forever :)
I'm way excited for Ally! She is so sweet! =)
Love Nancy - no modern tough guy or hood or whatever is going to take her in a match of wits! :)
Can I just tell you how much I loved your Twitter War today? Lisa, I think you have a little Regulator in you. You're hacking now? I love it.
Not sure I would be any good at this but I love your example!
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