Bottom line, we need an epic contest for the Teen Fire site ASAP. We're trying to think of ideas that will make participants feel like they're playing an active role in the publishing process. The winners of our first contest named a couple of our secondary characters and won ARCs and all entrants were sent the first chapter of the book.
This time around we're going to be giving away a huge prize pack of books from some of the uber amazing authors who are blurbing the book and all contest participants will get the first and second chapters of THE LIAR SOCIETY
So, this Idea Whore is operating on about 4 hours of sleep and a reduced calorie diet that does not leave room for Twizzlers or ice cream (ouch). Help me. Please, for the love of God, HELP ME.
Here's what I've got so far:
Ok, I've got nothing. NOTHING. We could let people vote on two different bio options but that is SO freaking boring.
Have pity on this sleep and sugar deprived new mom, and post some ideas for us, okay?
I loved the name contest. So unique. Hmmm...maybe vote on cover quotes or some special tag from the manuscript that could be used as publicity but also marketing??? Um, the best way to eat Halloween candy?? Crap-ola, I'll need to think more.
epic contest... hmmm...
how about giving the prize to whoever tweets your book / blog the most in a one week period?
or whoever mentions your book in the most creative way on their blog will win?
Can't wait to see what you come up with!
How bout which random kid photo to use as your author photograph? Just kidding.
Um, cover title font? Boring. And probably too important, like the tag lines.
Hmm ... how about the best alternative defintion of DILF? Dashing Individual, Loving Father?
I know. Lame as hell. I just spent everything I've got on writing the longest post ever this morning. Sorry.
I've got nothing. Wow, as if writing a book isn't hard enough.
Yay, I can't believe it comes out in March. A friend of mine has a book also coming out from Teen Fire in spring. Looks like I'm going to be giving lots of publisher love early next year. :)
what about something like a 'guess that character'. You give us short blurbs from each character's perspective and we have to guess what they look like (physical description) based on their 'voice'. There was a blogfest like that some time ago and it was loads of fun and very interesting to see what mental images came to mind based on voice alone.
Before you reveal the cover, you could have a design the cover contest and give a prize to the design that actually ends up close to what the cover really looks like....
That was one confusing sentence...sorry....
Um.... uh.... yeah. I've got nothing. And I don't have a newborn to blame it on. I do have a sinus cold, does that count? Okay, trying again. A LIAR'S SOCIETY choose your own adventure contest! Except, way too involved, especially for a new mother. OKay, yeah, I've got nothing.
I meant LIAR SOCIETY. See? I am totally brain defunct just from a silly cold. Ugh.
I'm with storyqueen cover re-creations are always really fun and many people love coming up with creative designs myself included. :D
What if you did set up something on lying... I mean, your novel is called The Liar Society, so do a play on your story...
Here me out: Beth Revis made everyone write a travel story about themselves (okay I lied my through it) and whoever told the best story won her ARC.
What if you have people make the most OUTLANDISH lies just to get people to touch the link to The Liar Society... the best lies win, or the most people that bring traffic over wins.
They could tweet a riduclous lie, facebook one, blog one, the lying could be endless... the only point is to get the name The Liar Society on everyone's minds and in the stores come time for release date.
(NOTE: This idea could totally suck... if so, just throw it in the crappy bin)
I think Jen's idea is great. Spread the lies, lol Whoever has the most outlandish lie (doesn't have to be a real one), wins.
I love the lie idea :)
Um...yeah...I'm gonna go with Jen's idea! :-)
You guys are so sweet! I was stopping by to see what else was shared but all those sweet comments totally made my day :)
Yay I'm a winner... all because I suggested lying. LOLOL... something to be proud of.
Hey, I can't view your site properly within Opera, I actually hope you look into fixing this.
This is such an amazing prize!! Except, I'm at a loss as to what you should have the entrants do. I've had only eight hours of sleep. Total. In the last three days. And I don't even have an infant.
I'll go with the lie idea. Or maybe fake book covers...
I've got nothin'. I can barely think up what I'm wearing five minutes before I have to walk out the door.
I think you should actually do the "vote on your author photo" thing. You get to pick the photos that will be voted on, of course, so you can make sure the options are all photos you would be happy to use, and you let people vote.
I want to name the sequel.
Or I could go for that author photo too but I want some of those childhood photos thrown
Love this title! So sorry for your current state. Not even a little sugar? :( I'll have to think on this...
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