It's Friday and we're feeling cranky. The following bullet points about sent us over the edge.
- According to Yahoo News (my favored news source), Parenthood, one of the best shows ever, is on the bubble. Must. Remove. Favorite. Show. From. Bubble. So, link arms with us and sway back and forth. If we all band together and set our DVRs we can save this show, dammit. I'm getting flashbacks of My So Called Life and we all know how I feel about Jordan Catalano.
I'm sure others have spoken out before us, but we just can't take it anymore. What is the deal with celebrities and their eyelashes lately? It's out of control. The Kardashian sisters are by far the worst offenders. They appear to have dead spiders attached to their lash lines. Every time I see them, their lashes get longer and I get the urge to stab them in the eye with a mascara wand.
- Blogger has been putting bullet points in strange places, refusing to allow me to upload pictures (it sounds like I'm sending morse code when I try) and failing to save changes. It's being a cranky little biatch and I'm over it. Over it, Blogger.
- I'm pretty sure Lisa had her last optimistic bone removed sometime during Ben's birth. She currently gives new meaning to the word cranktastic. Yeah, she's so cranky I'm making up words for her state of mind. I'm totally tempted to lace her Diet Coke with antidepressants, but I'm afraid she'll attack me with a cordless phone from the mid-90's.
but long eyelashes are gorgeous!
Nooooo!!!!! Parenthood and CSI: NY are two of my favorite shows! Granted I wish they hadn't replaced Melina, aka Stella, with Sela Ward on CSI: NY but hey! They better not cancel my shows. Grrr.
I've always though KK was a little creepy. Lovely, yes, but creepy lovely.
The eyelash thing: it is creeping close to Halloween. LOL Enjoy your weekend, too!
I bought eyelashes for Halloween last year. Never wore them because I couldn't figure out how to put them on so they didn't look like they were trying to creep away. Maybe I'll try again this year. :D
Hope Lisa is feeling optimistic again, soon.
Have a great weekend!
I hope the plot to save your show works out. I might even watch it once... to do what I can.
Why iS Parenthood on the bubble? IT is an absolutely fantastic show! I adore it and will be sad if it goes.
Community is on that list too - wtf! That show is absolutely hilarious! Outsourced is doing better than it and that show is just not funny. People need to have better taste in TV!
A big glass of wine (or bottle) is in order, ladies. Watch a bunch of mindless TV, eat your Twizzlers and have a lazy weekend. My orders.
I'm right there with you! The eyelash thing--this is why I avoid the outside world. Don't want to get impaled on an eyelash. But I'm driving to LA tomorrow to hang out with some fab author. Where all the eyelashes are!! Wish me luck, and send someone out with the jaws of life if I'm not back by Sunday!
Aw, sorry you're in a cranktastic mood, Lisa too. (by the way, love that word) I hope it gets better!
So, this is weird, cause I saw a pic of her yesterday and I was thinking the same thing about her lashes! That's crazy that you blog about it the next day. I agree, they look a little spidery for my taste. It must be that Restasis stuff...
Hope you both have a great weekend!
By the way, I can hear Donald Duck in my head now, scream-sqauking, you know when he gets mad... LOL
You're likable and fun even when you're cranktastic! Are the buffalo going to be roller skating?
The lashes were the first thing I noticed when the picture came up. Scary. But good for Halloween.
Before I even read your post, I looked at that pic and thought, Eeeeek! Spiders!
I'm with you on the cranky train.
Wow, I don't know if I'd be able to sleep knowing that giant Donald suit was in my house...
And if I did sleep, I'd surely be scared awake by dreams of attacking Kardashian lashes. (Wow, that almost sounds Trekky. Why, yes, I'm a huge dork, how did you know?)
Have a relaxing weekend!
Yeah, the duck suit kinda loses all the manly sex mojo...I hope he's expecting a drought.
Then again, they say laughter is an aphrodisiac.
I have a bad feeling he does the Donald Duck voice, too. #amIrightOrAmIright?
Gird your loins.
I think there's such a thing as too long when it comes to lashes - like when they look super obviously fake (not to mention freaky).
It's ok to be cranky. The cold, rainy weather here is making me cranky too. Bright side? It's the weekend soon! Yay! (And LOL at the costume, but the kids will love it?)
Ah, noooooooooooo, Parenthood! And Community! It's a horrible feeling over here in Australia--we can't do anything to even feel like we're helping with the ratings battle. We just have to watch helplessly. Now, didn't this turn out to be a cheerful comment? I guess at least it matches the post? ;)
Those eyelashes are something. Man something could get caught in those things.
Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
Those eyelashes are hideous. Early Halloween costume?
Hope you guys have a good weekend!
Eh. Happy Schmappy. Who needs it.
And seriously? The eyelash thing is way out of control. Everywhere I look people are getting these "lash extensions" and it seems they're all subscribing to the "more is more" theory. I'm all for beautiful lashes, but COME. ON.
She is obviously trying to draw attention away from her ass.
She is pretty but those eyelashes scare the crap out of me. I hate spiders.
I see your cranktasticness and raise you with a bad hair day and a side of PMS. I win.
Buffalo for the win! Hope you have an uncranky weekend.
Wow, those lashes are seriously... ew. The dead spider thing is right on.
And poor, cranky Lisa. Having a baby and getting no sleep and having your hormones plummet in mere hours can do that to ya. It did to me, for sure. Hope you all get some good rest this weekend and feel happier soon!
The dead spider for lashes made me laugh out loud. So see? You've made someone less cranky. That has to count for something doesn't it?
Those eyelashes are ridiculous!
Good luck with the duck costume - I suspect you might need it! :)
Having a baby and lack of sleep can make anyone cranktastic!
Kim has nothing on Jessica Harrison (which is more disturbing.)
I love a good false eyelash. But that? Is gross.
OMGoodness, those are some seriously llllong eyelashes! I wonder if they tickle her eyebrows???
Have a nice relaxing weekend ladies...
Oh man, so much good stuff all in one post. My eyes keep going back and forth between the eye lashes and the duck. I can't decide which one is louder. Oddly enough, I've worn both at the same time.
Not really.
Here's a cure for crankiness, by the way: Every time some cranky turkey bitches at you, talk back to them like Donald Duck.
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