It's Thursday and we're in the mood for a game. Can you guess which pic features a popular celebrity and which pic features a Roecker sister (identities disguised to protect the innocent) ready for a beauty pageant dance competition in the late 90's?
Since I happen to know you stole that first pic from my private collection, it's obvious the second one is Laura. Looking good, chickie.
I still don't know how you found that first pic under that rock, in that cave, buried beneath boulders, in Siberia. But I'm glad you unearthed it, really. To look at it now makes me realize how totally awesome it is. I'm talking epic awesome. Those shiny I wish I had some now. And the matching spanxtard-scrunchie combo? Dude, cannot be beat.
Congrats on your 500 followers, ladies. I will enter your contest ASAP. I should just tell you up front that I'll win it. Cuz that's how I roll.
Wow, those are some SHINY tights in picture number one. Though I kinda like that outfit better than the one in number two. I mean, a sparkly, hot pants, unitard with heels AND a biker jacket? Um.... :)
Wait, is it really the last picture? My guess was going to be that the first one was Lisa, but everyone else thinks it's the other one and I'm all about being a conformist and going with the flow. Err...I can't telllllll.
Ha ha! I'm going to go with the top one. I think I've been hanging around here long enough that I've seen this picture before. Could that be possible??
Hahaha. Awesome. Now I shall go photoshop my face in this photo...
haha. Hilarious as always.
This first one has to be the dark haired sister ... Laura right?
I'm going with # 2. That must have been Lisa's high school picture, right? Your parents must have been so proud. ;)
Late 90's dance competition costume? I was thinking more along the lines of the new 'Super Woman'. LOL. Nice girls.
LOL! Thanks for the morning laugh--it's hard to get me to do before 10am... =)
Is that Stacey?
Ha ha ha ha ha! I love you guys! :-)
Aw, this is so easy! Pic number two is Laura. Final answer.
Uhhh it's such a hard call with those costumes...I give up.
Love those shoes in the second pic though.
Since I happen to know you stole that first pic from my private collection, it's obvious the second one is Laura. Looking good, chickie.
I still don't know how you found that first pic under that rock, in that cave, buried beneath boulders, in Siberia. But I'm glad you unearthed it, really. To look at it now makes me realize how totally awesome it is. I'm talking epic awesome. Those shiny I wish I had some now. And the matching spanxtard-scrunchie combo? Dude, cannot be beat.
Congrats on your 500 followers, ladies. I will enter your contest ASAP. I should just tell you up front that I'll win it. Cuz that's how I roll.
Thanks for that! lots of fun.
Fun photos, Ladies!
Ha ha ha. That's a toughie. ;-)
BTW, I posted about your contest on my blog, so if you want to check it out take a look at :-)
I say trick question and call both as Roecker!
You two kill me! Ha!
I'm voting for #2 since Carolina spilled the beans. But #1, too funny. That would be me way back when!!
Wow, those are some SHINY tights in picture number one. Though I kinda like that outfit better than the one in number two. I mean, a sparkly, hot pants, unitard with heels AND a biker jacket? Um.... :)
Lol, yup it's the last picture ;)
Wait, is it really the last picture? My guess was going to be that the first one was Lisa, but everyone else thinks it's the other one and I'm all about being a conformist and going with the flow. Err...I can't telllllll.
i'm not even kidding a little bit.
Definitely picture #2! I love it!
Nice "shiny-leg-stockings".
LOL, love how y'all are getting ready to wrassle in front of a side table with an orchid on it.
How appropos. ;)
Too funny ... I'm going with picture #1!
*eyes dart back and forth*
Number 2, obviously.
Haha! Love it!
Oh wow ... tough call. I really can't decide ...
Haha. I vote...both?
Too close to call! :)
You're closing in on 600 faster than a speeding bullet! You ladies rock :)
Ha ha! I'm going to go with the top one. I think I've been hanging around here long enough that I've seen this picture before. Could that be possible??
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