Friday, November 6, 2009

Spread the Love, Win a Kindle

A couple of months ago something strange happened. The Universe gave us a Kindle. I know it's random, but unfortunately we aren't at liberty to disclose any further details, and no, it's not "hot." The point is that we have in our possession a shiny new Kindle still safely ensconced in its clever little package.

We thought about selling it on Ebay to pay for our Prosecco and Twizzler habit, but that would be really bad karma. The Universe has given us a Kindle, we can't just turn around and sell it to the highest bidder.

Now that we've officially announced the sale of The Haunting of Pemberly Brown (Sourcebooks Spring 2011) I guess it's pretty obvious that Good Vibe Week actually worked. After much deliberation (i.e. a five minute phone conversation) we've decided that in order to thank all of our amazing readers and friends for helping us build up a flurry of good karma, we're giving away the Universe's Kindle.

Here's how you can win:
  • This contest is only open to people who are following our blog. Not a follower? Well, that's easy to fix, just click the follow button up in the top left hand corner.
  • All blog followers will automatically get one entry in the contest.
  • If you comment on this post you will get a second entry.
  • If you blog about this contest and post a link in the comments section of this post you will get a third entry.
  • The contest ends at midnight on Friday, November 13th.
  • We will load all of the entries into an Excel spreadsheet and assign each entry a number.
  • We'll use the Random Number Generator to select the winner.
Good luck and spread the love!


1 – 200 of 296   Newer›   Newest»
Anissa said...

You guys are so cool!

Ina said...

You guys must have a lot of good karma stored up for the Universe to give you a Kindle :)

Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you ladies!

And this is an awesome contest :)

Dee said...

Oh my gosh! Pick me! I'm a follower and I am clearly commenting, so 2 points! :)

And congrats again on the book deal... can't wait to read it.

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

yay here's to karma! :) The kindle's "hot" isn't it?? ;)

Mariah Irvin said...

I <3 the Universe, and you guys for being awesome enough to give away your Universe Kindle!

Will blog about this as soon as there is time... probably on my Resident Expert post. You guys will be excited to see who is featured!

Vegas Linda Lou said...

OMG, I want a Kindle!

Hey, do you happen to have another sister named Linda? Because I have sisters named Lori and Lisa. Just wondering if your parents stuck with the L's. We also have a sister Stacie--poor thing, no L.

OMFreakinG--My capcha word is "stacre" (almost Stacie). That is totally a sign that I'm gonna win!

Carolyn V. said...

Wow, really? Kindles are awesome.

Brodie said...

Oh wow, you sure are spreading the love!! A Kindle, how awesome! I'm a follower and love reading your posts, though I'll admit I'm a bit of a lurker *slaps self*.

Just want to say a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on your book getting published!!! 2011 is so long away *is impatient* but I'm sure the time will fly by and we'll all devour your baby and think "How freakin' amazing was that??". Can't wait! :D

~Jamie said...

You know that I follow you, and love you.

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

Congrats on the book deal.

You must have accrued some serious Karma points.

Amy Lukavics said...

Baaah!! I'm totally entering this contest. I'll be back to post my linkie tomorrow. Huzzah!

Sarah Wylie said...

Remember that one time you said, "Curse you, Universe"? (Paraphrase). It doesn't sound much like the Universe was listening. And I'm glad!

You guys are amazing for giving the Universe's kindle. LiLa - 1, Bono -0.
Rock on! (Um, I seem to be saying that a lot today. It makes me feel cool.)

Little Ms J said...

Ok, have I ever told you about my ADD? When I saw there were steps my brain started to freeze up. I had to read the second rule twice. I can't even remember the third. Torture, I tell you. Torture.

Gretchen said...

If I promise to take you to the best fondue and prosecco bar in the universe when you're in LA will I get a third entry? ;)

Julianne Douglas said...

My family managed to work its way through a seven pound tub of Twizzlers, and that was BEFORE Halloween....

Congrats on your book deal and thanks for hosting such a great contest!

Anonymous said...

I sense that you all will be repaid with an unending supply of Twizzlers. Bring on the kindle!

Tamika: said...

Oh la la.. You ladies are too kind.

Congratulations on your book! I love hearing all the wonderful publishing news!

I'm linking you to my post today. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

And here's my link:

Thanks ladies!

sunna said...

Oooh, not only do I get a chance to win a Kindle, I don't have to think about what to blog about this weekend. I have no idea what prosecco is, but I'm getting you some. :)

Fantabulous contest, ladies!

Tara said...

Fabulous contest girls! Way to spread the love....

Kim Harrington said...

Wow, what a contest!

PS - Congrats on your deal!

Katie Anderson said...

Are you two just the coolest cats around, or what???

Katie Anderson said...

I'm linking you, Babies! Gonna go post right now :-)

Carrie Harris said...

So, so very awesome. In fact, you are so awesome that I invited you to my party.

Loretta Nyhan said...

Ooh, let's hear it for the Universe! (And you guys, too--great contest!)

Kristi Faith said...

Very cool contest, ladies! I've never even seen a Kindle in real life. Yeah, I'm sheltered.

So, I've been a follower, and I congratulated you in my blog this morning, but didn't know about the contest yet, so I'll have to update. That's 3 entries, right? Cool! :)

Corey Schwartz said...

What about tweeting? Does that get us any entries? or you afraid to open it up to that universe?

Unknown said...

oooh oooh meeeeee!

Hardygirl said...

I want it!!!!


Keiki Hendrix said...

Please enter me. Thank you for offering it.

Candice said...

I was just telling my husband that I couldn't decide between a Kindle or a Dyson for Christmas (yes, I'm the kind of lame person who wants a new vacuum for Christmas). But...if I win a Kindle the choice will be easy!

Congratulations on your book deal!

CKHB said...

Congrats! (Gettin' my second entry right here...)

rae said...

Found this blog via Suzyhayze. Congrats on the book deal!

Unknown said...

Ooh! Fun! This is uber generous of you guys. And I'm so curious about how you came into possession of said Kindle....

storyqueen said...

Talk about paying it forward!

Awesome idea!!

(And yeah, my magical powers are probably at work's been a big week for the blogs I read...just doing my part...)


Anonymous said...

Awesome generous idea - do I give you my address now, or should I wait to see if I'm

Sara Raasch said...


If you gals get anymore awesome, the blogosphere may start melting.

How was I not a follower of your blog before? Well, I am now. I'll plan on blogging about your SUPER AWESOME PUBLISHING NEWS and your SUPER AWESOME CONTEST tomorrow :D

Valerie Kemp said...

Wow! What a cool prize! Congrats on selling your book! It sounds like a great read.

Lisa Schroeder said...

Wow - what a contest!!

Regina Quentin said...

Congratulations! Thanks for this awesome contest. I posted a link about y'all on my blog today.

By the way, I SUPERLOVE your website. It is amazing.

Artemis Grey said...

Firstly congrats! Secondly, great contest idea. I've always wanted to try Kindle because I go a lot of places where books are likely to get damaged byt something small like Kindle would be easier to protect... I might have to try it even if I don't win...

rae said...

Blogged a bit and posted a link. I HEART KINDLE. And you guys are freakin' awesome for giving one away.

Tere Kirkland said...

LOL, Twizzlers and Prosecco. I knew I loved you two for a reason!

I will definitely blog about the Roecker Sisters' Hot Kindle Giveaway. ;)

I knew this was going to be LEGEND-- wait for it-- DARY!

And can I say congrats again on The Haunting of Pemberley Brown? Can't wait!

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Congrats, Lisa and Laura! It's nice to meet you! And what a great idea!!! Have a great weekend!

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

That'd be awesome! You guys just get cooler and cooler.

Christina Lee said...

I'm greedy!! I already have a kindle app on my iPhone but...heck I can have both right? LOL- it would actually make a great gift for someone. FABULOUS!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the book deal. I love the Universe sending electronic goodness.

andy said...

I can get behind you on the Prosecco habit, but not the Twizzler. I'm fairly certain I'm the only human on earth who doesn't understand how a rubbery red rope is delicious. My apologies. Also, Kindles are sick. Way to go Universe!

Donna Gambale said...

You ladies are so generous! Passing on the good karma, as usual. I'm watching your followers list skyrocket... and the new followers won't be disappointed!

Tere Kirkland said...

Yikes, I mean The Haunting of PemberLY Brown. Don't worry, I spelled it right on my blog:

Christy Raedeke said...

I am so in! Love it. I'll go blog about it now...

Christy Raedeke said...


Spectacular giveaway!

Amanda Bonilla said...

Congrats on your pub contract! I initially heard about it from Suzanne and it's great to see the word is spreading! What an amazing contest too! This is beyond cool.

Tara McClendon said...

Wow! What an amazing gift to give away. I popped over from Tamika's blog and would love to be entered to win. Congrats on your book deal.

confused homemaker said...

Coolness...and even cooler with the Spring sale!!

Elana Johnson said...

Okay, I'm officially entering, although it would be hilarious if I won, because I don't know the first thing about handheld electronics. But hey, I like them. They look shiny and new.

You guys rawk.

Cole Gibsen said...

This is very cool of you guys. Spread the love!

Delayne said...

I enjoyed the rest of the blog so much, that of course I had to blog about it (seriously d-bag-o-meter...awesomeness times 10)

oh yeah, and winning a kindle would be really cool

Jamie D. said...

Wow - what an amazing contest! Who wouldn't want to win a Kindle? :-)

Many, many congrats on your publishing contract!

Jeannie Campbell, LMFT said...

i'm a follower now, and i just have to say...very cool of ya'll! see my post here for proof i blogged about this. I want that kindle! :)

The Character Therapist

PurpleClover said...

Ooh I've wanted one so bad! Count me in. Congrats again! Ms. J sent me an email all about your good news and how it has inspired her even more!

Sherrie Petersen said...

Wow. After all this time reading your blog, I had never become a follower. Can you believe it? I thought I was. But now I am. So glad to be part of your Universe. Dig it :)

PurpleClover said...

I did post a link back on my latest post:

Katie Anderson said...

I'm just having fun checkin' in to see how many comments you gals have :-) It's growing like wildfire!!!!!

Unknown said...

Great idea! Looking forward to reading... on a Kindle!

Mary E Campbell said...

awesome! congrats on your book deal. I became a follower yesterday hope that counts. Would love to win a kindle.

This Mom said...

What a great idea for a contest! I'd love a Kindle, who wouldn't?

Amy Lukavics said...

Okay ladies, here's my linkie:

Heidi Willis said...

Hmmm.. how ironic. I have just been discussing how, after a year of dissing the idea of reading electronically, I would actually LOVE to get a Kindle now.


Okay. I'm a follower. I left a comment. I blogged about this today at my blog:

Do I get extra points if I tweet about it too? :)

Mariah Irvin said...

I just linked your contest in this blog post:

Jeannie said...

I was thrilled to learn of your kindness in thinking of us greedy Kindle wanters, and also so happy about the sale of your new book to Sourcebooks. You two have been such faithful supporters of my daughter Katie in her own pursuit of fame and fortune, that the least I can do is join your growing band of followers. The truth is that I have been to your site more than once in the past, and even have your site bookmarked, so my clicking the follow button is just making it official. Game on! I'm in!

Angela Ackerman said...

I love thast you're paying it forward and not seilling the kindle! I'm a follower!

Jordan said...

Woo hoo! Can my Universe people contact your Universe people? ;)

I'm a follower, I'm commenting, and I mentioned the contest here:

Amna said...

This is an absolutely fabulous contest!

Jennie Englund said...

Wow! You lucky girls!

I've never even seen a Kindle...

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Well, I keep hearing all about your recent, awesome book news everywhere and figured it was time to come share in the joy as well.


Tana said...

Alas, I happen to have this amazing device. SO I will kindly withdraw my name in order to give some Kindle-less spirit a chance to win. But that won't stop me from linking you next week! Great contest. I hope you both already have one! The iphone or ipod touch has the same ap. Enjoy ladies!!!

Emily J. Griffin said...

Saw in the PW announcement and Katie and SF's post about the book. Congrats.

This is an ingenius idea, ps.

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Excellent idea...spreading the love! I'm a firm believer in giving back!! Kuddos to you!

I became a follower!

Joanna said...

Woah. Well, I have a Sony, but I'll enter for one of my interns. They are GODSENDS.

Annette Lyon said...

I'm following now, and I've hereby made a comment. Boo-yah.

Universe, pick me!!!

K. M. Walton said...

I'm a follower.
I commented.
I will definitely link this cool contest to my blog right now.

Yay for the sisters! How cool is it to have this success with your sister?? I've got three younger sisters, and they are my best friends. What a fantastic adventure for sisters to embark on. I'll say it again, yay for the sisters!

malleycc said...

WOW how cool what a fabulous prize. Good Karma heading to Cleveland (and we all know Cleveland needs it lol). I grew up in Cleveland so I know it well. 17 years there!

Thanks for the contest!

Tess said...

holy cow! I'm the 84th comment? sheesh! Well, throwing my hat in the ring all the same. uber generous, ladies!!!

marye.ulrich said...

Congratulations on your new book.

I come via Rachel Gardner's blog, so she should get the credit.

Thanks for spreading the good karma, but oh, how I wish I had a bag of Twizzlers!

marye.ulrich said...

sorry, the link came from Jordan McCollum.

Anonymous said...

Here's to good karma! I love that you Pay it Forward!

Kelly H-Y said...

WOW ... talk about a cool contest!!! You two are so awesome!

Fr Aaron said...


Grey Street Girl said...

Congrats, you two! I'm so excited about the publication of your book. And, if I win the Kindle, I'll definitely be downloading it!!!

Fr Aaron said...

Seriously. Gimme the Kindle. Now, please.

Fr Aaron said...

I looked in the mailbox, and my Kindle hasn't arrived yet. Do I need to contact anyone?

Okay, I'm done screwing around now. But y'all have a great sense of humor in your blog, so I couldn't be entirely serious.

Do hope I get that Kindle though...

Kindle, Kindle, Kindle...

Chantele Sedgwick said...

I don't think I'll win, since there are a million people entered, but I thought I would try anyway!;) Great contest by the way!


Rebecca L Sutton said...

I was expecting a book giveaway. But a Kindle? WOW!!! Count me in. ; ) And here's a link to my post about the contest.

Thank you so much for doing this!

Robin Mellom said...

A KINDLE???? The universe is smiling on you. :-)

Huge congratulations on your book sale. Woohoo!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

A good Karma Kindle, how fun! Congratulations on your book sale. How exciting.

If I happen to be your random winner, I'll continue the good Karma Kindle winner, I'll send it on out into the universe. (Hopefully, it brings me a book deal too.)

Mariah said...

OMG having a kindle would be sooooo nice thanks so much for giving it away!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Some Mad Hope for introducing me to this blog! And who could turn down a chance for a Kinlde?

Mim said...

Awesome! Congrats on your book. It sounds totally fun.

Here is my link to my post:

Just Joany said...

Congratulations on getting published! May you continue to have success. --- Just Joany

Bina said...

Am following...and am now leaving a comment...yea me! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa & Laura
Your book sounds great!
I'm now Following you here & on Twitter.
I blogged about your contest here:
Thanks for the chance to win,

Natalie Murphy said...

Wow, congratulations on the book! It sounds really interesting =]

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

+1 Please count me in.

+1 Follower

+1 Blogged

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

I just went and read the synopsis for your sounds intriguing and full of mystery. Congrats on selling it!!!

And thanks for the contest.
:D Nikki

Jennifer said...

Thanks for offering such a great contest! Love your blog!!!

Teri Hall said...

yay. Kindle!

Stina said...

Congrats Lisa and Laura! Christine B just told me your big news. (PS. We can't use Kindle in Canada, so don't count me even though I follow you and I commented here.)

Ellz said...

This is great. I am desperate for a kindle and I am not above begging. However, that probably won't work so...
+1 I am a new follower!
+1 commenting for an entry-congrats on your upcoming release
+1 blogged here is the link...

Elie (Ellz Readz)

Pinching Abe said...

Wow, what a great prize and awesome contest. I hope to win a Kindle... if I don't win one soon, I'm going to have to start saving up! I just started following.

Pinching Abe said...

I blogged about your contest here:

Jax said...

You guys are awesome. This is the most generous contest I have ever heard of...

WickedLilPixie said...

Following you both, what good karma! Congrats on the good mojo!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! I saw this on Becky's blog and was like oh my! They got a date for their book! Sweet Wine!

I am so excited for you girls! Truly, you're both are so much fun and incrediably awesome for doing a contest for such a COOL prize!

Good Vibes are soo coming your way!
Be sure to check my blog so you use the post and links for more entry points!

What about twittering?

Peggy said...

sisters being real and giving! the universe loves you. all the best on the book. CONGRATULATIONS.

Mitz said...

You ladies are about as sweet as they come. Not many would offer their fans such a wonderful gift. Thanks for having this contest. I'd love a Kindle, matter of convenience. I've passed up so many books because I don't have one already. I'm a floower and I'd love this Kindle.

I'm going to spread the word at

Meri Greenleaf said...

What a great thing to do for good karma!

I'm following your blog now. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I need to get on the list of people to send random Kindles too :) Thanks for giving everyone the chance at this!

Anonymous said...

Clearly this idea is genius. And great publicity for your book- I'll be looking for it! Congratulations!

Linda Henderson said...

What a great thing to do. Count me in.

I am a follower.

brownkj2 said...

Congrats on the book deal!
I read the summary and it sounds like an amazing novel! I can't wait to read it :D

Unknown said...

This is such a great givaway!
I am a follower.

Carolyn R. Parsons said...

I am a follower now! And here is my comment! Great blog and great giveaway!

Congratulations as well!

Natalie said...

That's great that you guys are giving it away instead of selling it! I'm going to be totally jealous of whoever wins this contest!

Natalie @ Mindful Musings

Aimee said...

Congrats on your book!
Got this blogged:

Stormi said...

Way cool, I have been wanting one of these but lack of funds has caused me to not get one. Would be cool to win it!

I am now following you!


Shooting Stars Mag said...

Congrats on selling your book and thanks for having a great contest. I am now following the blog. :)

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

erica m. chapman said...

You guys are seriously sweet and unselfish. What a nice way to thank your blog readers :)

So thrilled for you guys! Can't wait to read more about your journey :o)

S.H. said...

Congrats on the book deal, guys!

donnas said...

Congrats on the book cant wait to read it!

Posted it here:

jeanette8042 said...

Awesome giveaway and congrats on the release!!!

I'm a follower!

Cherry said...

Please count me in! I'm a new follower :)

Cherry said...

Re-posted your contest at

Tabitha Bird said...

Congrats on your books deal! The books sounds AWESOME! I have heard about you gals on a couple of blogs that I haunt and thought I'd come over and say hi. Glad I did, cause here you are giving away kindles!

So PLEASE please enter me. Does being Australian count for extra entry points? No? Damn!

Phyllis said...

I just found your blog by searching for a contest to win a Kindle. :-) Please enter me in your contest!

Cynthia said...

I love that you guys wrote a book together and the pics of the two of you as kids on the other blog are terrific.

Great contest and I want to win and use it to read your book

Niki Smith said...

I've never "followed" a blog before... I usually just use RSS. But I'm doing it for you guys! :)

As has been said, AMAZING contest. You're going to get some awesome kindle karma.

Corey Schwartz said...

Here's my link for my extra entry:

~A said...

Hey Ladies! Just wanted to say congrats! So very proud of you and will start spreading the word in NC!

Stacey Brucale said...

Wow, this is an amazing contest!

Bedazzled Ink said...

The Universe works in mysterious ways. I look forward to reading your book.

brizmus said...

How incredibly awesome of the universe to just give you a kindle like that. That was so nice of Universe. :-)

Evans family said...

Very good Karma. "may the force be with you" :)

sunna said...

Post up. :)

Had some Prosecco last night, btw, and am now addicted, thanks to you ladies.

B.J. Anderson said...

Wow, you ladies are seriously awesome!

Wendy said...

CONGRATS on your book deal!

Thank you for the entry!

Already a follower!

ND_Green said...

This is a great contest and I'm glad it led me to this blog as well. I plan to check out some of your older posts soon.

Valorie said...

What an amazing contest. I would LOVE a Kindle! I am now following.


Rain Maiden said...

Hey Lisa and Laura..I am new here and signed up to be a follower. I must say..there is a lot of love here on this blog. Your give away is FABULOUS!!!

Valorie said...



Shelli (srjohannes) said...

i blogged about your contest karma

PJ Hoover said...

With such an awesome giveaway, how could I not comment?

huge congrats, btw!!!!!

KR said...

new follower


KR said...

Great contest. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

yeah...Im a follwerer.....

Karen Erickson said...

Great contest and congrats on your recent book deal!!! :) I also followed you - and even added your blog to my Google reader. You guys crack me up. :)

XiXi said...

Mahhh, it's so frustrating how it takes SO LONG for a book to be published. 2011?! I mean, COME ON. I'll be legally able to drink by then! That is WAY TOO LONG.

Elaine G said...

Fantastic giveaway,please count me in
I am a new follower

Abigail said...

Thank you for the opportunity!

Carolina said...

I follow and I commented! Great giveaway!

Kim said...

Holy Schmoly! It took me half an hour to scroll down to the comment box. Your new book is going to sell like hotcakes after this contest. Good on you two!

Gaiser3 said...

I'm all for good karma! Here's hoping more good stuff comes your way.

Anonymous said...

I am dying for a Kindle! Awesome contest and congratulations on getting published.


sharon54220 said...

WOW!! What a giveaway!!

Thanks for the chance.

sharon54220 said...

I am a new follower.

Booklover1335 said...

You should definitely get good karma!

I am a follower, plus I commented... and I blogged about your giveaway here:

Rhonda said...

Kindle or not, I'm loving your blog and glad I found my way here! :)

Armenia said...

Here's to spreading the karma. I'm all for good karma and one with the Universe. Congrats on your book

I'm following now.

Alicia0385 said...

Very nice contest
I am a follower

Mitzi H. said...

I believe in good Karma too!!! Great contest.

Michelle Santiago said...

awesome contest! yay for good karma :)

The Blackraven said...

This is a kewl contest! Thanks for your generosity in giving the Kindle away.

The Blackraven said...

I blogged about your contest on my blog at

Thanks again for the contest.

Shannon Messenger said...

It's funny, I actually just came over here because you leave such funny comments on the blogs I read and didn't even realize you were giving anything away. But since you are, I guess it doesn't hurt to enter. :) (But please know I would've followed your blog anyway.) Congrats on the book deal!

Nayuleska said...

Oooh yay! Looking forward to when you're book comes out! It'll be great fun. I'd love to enter please!

Rhonda Martin said...

I can't imagine how cool it would be to own a Kindle and have my entire library with me no matter where I go~! Thanks for Sharing & for Caring~!

Rhonda Martin said...

Congrats on your Publishing :) You must be soooooo excited~!
I blogged about your fantastic giveaway here

Amy M said...

This is really cool! Thanks so much! I am a brand new follower too :)

Amy M

Anonymous said...

wow thanks for the great contests and congrats on the book deal. I am a new follower and look forward to reading your posts.

cfisher1504 said...

How awesome!! New follower.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win! The Haunting of Pemberly Brown sounds great! I posted about the contest on my blog and I am a follower.

Pam said...

How generous! I'm a follower and would certainly love a kindle....and my hubby would love for me to not buy any more bookshelves so this could help...

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great contest!!!Nice to Pay it Foward! I have signed up to become a new follower and I have pimped you out as well!

Liyana said...

To win a Kindle = my greatest wish of 2009. :P

Caroline Starr Rose said...

I'm following and would love to win! Thank Loretta for the link. :)

Rhonda said...

Perhaps the Universe will gift me with a Kindle. I have been wanting one for ages


dor said...

I have ordered one of these from the universe catalog. Wish I could subscribe by email with you.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

Woo hoo - please enter me twice!

Melissa Sarno said...

This is so exciting!

Thanks so much for the give-away. :-)

Park Avenue Princess said...

Congratulations on "The Haunting of Pemberly Brown" which I will be reading and reviewing! I can't wait! I follow and would LOVE to have TWO entries in winning "The Universe's Kindle"! Thank you both SO much for sponsoring such a wonderful giveaway! Amazing! Oh.... and thank the universe for me as well!

Love, Luck and Continued Success,

Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)


Oh and one more thing I'd like to say thanks for during this giving holiday season......TWIZZLERS!!


Lori W. said...

So glad to be a follower of you two fun writers. Cool contest. Kindle me Karma!

Mr. Doodles said...

Wow a Kindle what a fantabulously amazingly vociferous idear. You guys remind me of awesomeness incarnate. I would moonwalk for this contest. Shamoan

Unknown said...

Great contest, good karma will no doubt come your way! You two are cooler than ice cold.

kalynnick said...


I'm also follower of the blog!

kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com

The Prom Queen said...

Hi Lisa and Laura!

I am finally going to post & get the nerve to follow! I would LOVE to be a writer someday and I absolutely adore your blog! Can't wait for "The Haunting of Pemberly Brown"! It's on my wishlist.

I am so happy to be out of 'lurk' mode. I'm really shy and kind of new at blogging. A new Kindle would totally make my year! I need it for college and will not be able to get one myself. Those textbooks are heavy! So, I couldn't resist this post and did it ever gain you a ton of new followers!

I couldn't be more excited for the two of you! Congratulations on your debut novel!

So here are my entries!

I follow (publically)
I am commenting (obviously)
AND I did a post about this on my blog ! (Here's the link) -

Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

It's so sweet of you guys to spread such good energy around.

The Prom Queen said...

Oh no! Do I need to list my email address? I see that some did and some didn't.

Thanks again!


Cathy M said...

Wow, your good karma points should easily see you both through the end of the year, if not longer. Thanks for shaing your good fortune with us.

I am a follower

Jon said...

Awesome idea, great way to build up some new fans, of which I am one!

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Don't call this a comeback

So it’s been a minute. Or 10. Or truthfully more like 2,102,400. At least we think that’s how many minutes there are in 3 years, but let...