We had our second book club meeting last night and we had a blast. We all read Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen and then went to see the movie. So there were mixed reviews on the book. Laura absolutely loved it. I liked it but found Julie Powell to be a little whiney. Others in the book club couldn't even finish it. Proof that books really are subjective. But everyone loved the movie. If you haven't seen it yet, we highly recommend it. Especially if you're an aspiring writer. It's got a few elements of writer porn in there...book deals, literary agents and editors calling bloggers, authors holding their books in their hands for the first time, you know the stuff.
But here's the one thing that I was really struck by in the book and the movie: the whole concept of using writing to discover yourself. I could really relate to both Julie and Julia. They both had these moments where they found their current lives lacking. Not that they were unhappy or depressed, but they just had a desire for something different, something more. And so they set out on journeys that would change their lives.
Laura and I did the same thing just over a year ago. While we're not sure we'll ever achieve the levels of success that Julie and Julia achieved when they followed their dreams, we're sure as hell going to try.
I agree, try or die trying lol. I think I'm more interested in reading the book. Thanks for the review.
I watched the movie last week, and I mean to read the book. Probably.
There are a lot of books I mean to read and don't.
After I watched the movie, I went to Julie Powell's actual Salon.com blog (because I was curious), and she is quite funny. I would probably follow it if it the project weren't over.
I think a lot of people said they didn't like Julie Powell's part, but I did. Although, I have a bit of a fascination with Amy Adams, so I like her no matter what.
OK, you talked me into it, I'll go check out the movie.
I loved Julie Powell's book, probably for the reasons you articulate so nicely.
And, now you really need to pick up My Life in France, if you haven't done so already, for the inside scoop on Julia & Paul!
I'm going to see this with a friend tomorrow. Every writer I know who has seen it loves it so I'm very much looking forward to it.
And I'm glad the book club thing is working out for you =)
I haven't read the book or watched the movie, but I did hear there is a lot of butter involved. Never a bad thing.
I still have to go and check out the movie. I've been on Julie Powell's blog and am fascinated by the fact that she still blogs.
Julia is still an inspiration, not just for her cooking, but her attitude. And she use to be a spy, that's pretty freakin' cool.
Wouldn't it be cool to have a Lisa and Laura movie someday??? All about your writing journey... why not, eh?
And, glad you are loving your book club. Nothing beats a night out w/ like minded friends :)
A Lisa and Laura movie would be so fun!
I have read the book AND seen the movie and writer porn is an understatement. SF and I were bawling and rushed out at the end in search of butter and cheese. Or that drippy gloppy bruschetta they ate.
Oh man, I'm hungry.
Yes exactly! I loved the movie, and the books in my TBR pile-I loved the whole finding your self through writing and the idea that just by writing and not stopping you could change your entire life:-)
You better try! Heck, you better try harder than she did. ;)
I still really want to see the movie -- I have a feeling I'm going to love it, no matter what.
P.S. There's an award for you two at the end of this post.
Okay, first off, I've neither seen the movie nor read the book, but I am now completely HUNGRY!
Second, who is going to play L and L in the movie?
The movie and the book both sound wonderful! I didn't know it came in book form. Shall have to visit the library. :D
Found you through another friends blog. :)
I've heard great things about the movie. Especially the "agents calling" scene.
Can't wait to see what all the buzz is about. :)
I'm hearing about this book left and right! I really want to see the movie and made a comment to my hubby how it's a chick flick and I'll find a girlfriend to go with me. To my surprise, he said he was interested in it. He's a big foodie too. And who can resist writer wish fulfillment?
I was struck by that too!! I am almost to the end of the book- I am having a hard time getting through it for reasons I can't put my fingers on- but I am dying to go see the movie now!
I am so jealous. I love Julia Child. I love that she is big and awkward and beautiful and talented. Something we don't see enough of in our too skinny too beautiful generation. And what a perfect person to portray her, such a successful talent.
Got to read the book now.
Love to talk read food!
My sister recommended the book to me. She got me hooked on Julia Child's memoir "My Life in France," a few years back. I haven't read or watched Julie and Julia, but it's on my list!
I am halfway through this book..Love it. And loving it on my new Kindle since I know you are loving your Kindle too.
Cant wait to see the movie. Have heard the movie version of Julie is not nearly as sassy as the book. Rats.
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