2. I know I'm a little obsessed with Bravo. It's no secret. But with the crazy ass Rachel Zoe ("I die!") and Jeff Lewis (he would weep man tears if he saw my sadly decorated home) coming back, I'm in trashy TV heaven. Do you think Andy Cohen would be my gay boyfriend? Yeah, I'm guessing he doesn't go for gals in torn yoga pants, but still. I think they need to create a show where average women like me can compete to be Andy's new girlfriend. They could have competitions like "Best live catty commentary on Bravo Programming" and "Who can write the funniest blog about NYC Prep" I'd kick some serious ass.
3. Mad Men is BACK. Oh, this show makes me want to be a better writer. Hell, it makes me want to be Matthew Weiner. And Joan. She's sheer perfection. Smart, catty, and bitchy with an hourglass figure and the most amazing wardrobe on the planet. Love. Her.
4. I think I've finally figured out the key to this whole Stay-at-Home-Mom thing. We go to the gym in the morning, followed by some exhausting activity (who wants to run laps around the house?) and then lunch, Noggin and nap. With a little luck the kids don't wake up until 4:30 or 5 and we're ready to play the wait-for-daddy game. Easy peasy.
5. 10 Things I Hate About You (yes, the television show...) is growing on me. I think there should be some kind of law that if you're going to attempt to write YA you have to sit through at least one hour of ABC Family a week. It qualifies as research in my book.
hahahaha...you make me laugh. I love your stay at home mom routine. I remember those days and they go by too fast (though I never understood that at the time). Now I'm at the part time job/kids in school phase and it's a pretty cool place to be. I like my alone time.
I'm with you on 10 Things, except I'm waning a little, because I did something ill-advised ...
Yep. I watched the *real* 10 Things this weekend and remembered every little thing I loved about it, and do you know how many of those more-than-10-things-I-absolutely-adored-about-the-movie are in the t.v. series?
Um, none. Yeah. The nada kind of none. Kat, Patrick, Cameron, Bianca, the other 2 people ... all different in the less-good way. Sigh.
This saddened me. Greatly. And now, when I think about this week's recording, I have this overwhelming urge to flip on my Netflix box and watch the real thing again instead.
It reminds me of when the networks went completely mindless and turned Clueless into a t.v. show. (Yep. Watched that again this weekend, too. The real thing, I mean. So you *see* how productive I was?)
I keep reminding myself to watch Secret Life of The American Teenager, mainly because a bunch of my friends watch it. It's supposedly so bad it's funny. So I think I can deal with that. Also, I would like to add the original reason none of us wanted to watch it was that the girl PLAYED FRENCH HORN and got pregnant in BAND CAMP. For the record, french horns don't march, and you would be way too tired for sexual activity during band camp. You would also be way too gross for anyone to want to get within a two feet vicinity of you. Finally, my band director (and most, I'd imagine) would probably castrate you if he found out hanky panky were going on at band camp. And bandies know that band directors are like God: they know everything. So in conclusion: unrealistic to the billionth degree.
Anyway, I was going to notify you of your award, but you already saw it so instead I treated you to a rant about Secret Life.
OMG, I am gonna have to stop reading your blog. You are just too cool and too aware of cool shows (haha - I just wrote, you are too aware of cool SHOES)
I think I have the shoe thing covered :-) Actually SF is better, but, I digress...
SF and I sound gay, don't we?
Oh lawsy, my comment fits your post title...Better come back another day *sigh...
10 things can never compare to the movie! I'm a big fan of Mad Men, though. And Bravo.
I am the odd duck out. We have no TV reception, so I've never heard of any of these. But they sound fascinating. :D
Alright. I have nothing to add. I don't get to watch TV. I sit on the couch with my MacBook while Mr. J flips channel to channel until 11 when I scream "Chelsea!" and then we go to bed.
The end.
I keep seeing your comments at other blogs and had to check you out. Boy, I'm glad I did!
Jeff Lewis is hilarious! Seriously--who demands their fountain soda be 85% Sprite, 15% pink lemonade?? (I don't remember the exact combination, but you know what I'm talking about!)
And let me fill you in on another little gem: DIY's "Renovation Realities."
Oh, yeah.
Think women piping grout with a pastry bag, a countertop falling off a mom's truck en route to her son's kitchen reno, window's smashing, wrong tools, you name it. It's a beaut!
As the mom of teenage girls, I can tell you that they loooooove 10 Things. (They loved the movie, too, but are willing to accept this less than perfect version, mostly due to the actor who plays Patrick....Gregory Peck's grandson? They looooove him.
And, although my lovely, dorky children do not watch Secret Life, they are strangely excited for the series GLEE. Because they are that cool.
you jsut names two shows I keep trying to catch! oh and the mom routine- yeah. Isn't Noggin fab? but I msut admit that since littel man turned the big 5-0 he "prefers" spongebob now, like his friends....
Ok, I have to brag because I'm really proud of her. My absolutely amazing best friend plays the exotic dancer in Mad Men (episode 6 season 2) and her leg is in the preview of the new season & probably more of her will be seen again;)
And I wish I was at #1 right now, in a few months I'll be there. So looking forward to it.
Bravo may be the best channel ever invented. And no show in particular, just *everything*. I don't watch any of it in order, but I just love those bat-shit crazy bitches from Housewives (yes, any city will do) and the over-the-top kids at NYC Prep and even Kathy Griffin. Oh, and the best part? Bravo is right next door to E!, which rounds out my viewing with The Soup and all of my entertainment show gossip.
Did I mention I should be writing instead of watching TV??? But it's Bravo...
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They are strangely excited for the series GLEE. Because they are that cool.
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