- There are still days where I feel like giving up.
- But then I remember that I don't have any other dreams aside from being an uber successful writer who can tell all my frenemies to suck it. Well, unless you count my dream of eventually catching up on laundry, but that's just sad.
- Bunk beds for a 3-year-old and a 5-year-old are a TERRIBLE idea.
- I just added a season pass to The Bachelorette to my DVR. Go ahead fellow writers, judge me for watching non-Bravo reality TV. People watching Real Housewives of New Jersey
should NOT throw stones.
- I am SO OVER kiddie birthday parties. Does anyone remember when birthday parties meant keg stands and bad decisions? Yeah, me neither.
- I hate everyone who is at BEA. SO jealous.
- We've been living off of leftovers for a week. And it was a really gross-looking casserole. My husband asked if I would ever serve it to guests and I got mad. But he's SO right. Hell no, I wouldn't serve it to guests.
- I'm 99% sure I was supposed to report to jury duty yesterday, but I lost the summons. Yeah. Fingers crossed that bailiffs don't google jurors.
- Sometimes I feel like writers who we used to be friendly with are purposely ignoring us. And yes, I'm aware that this makes me both crazy AND hypersensitive. And just for the record, said writer was never a blog reader, so no one reading this has anything to worry about.
Yowsers. I told you we had a lot to get off our collective chests this week. Now it's your turn! What's your truth this Tuesday? Is it as whiney as any of ours?
Ooh! First! Unless someone manages to type a comment faster than me, in which case I'll just look like a dork. This, as my longtime readers know, will be nothing new.
1. I was thinking of building bunk beds for my 3 and 4 year old, but now I'm not so sure. THANKS, LILA! *grumbles*
2. My 3 and 4 year old woke up a full hour earlier than usual and are totally cutting into my writing/blogging/emailing/tweeting time right now.
3. Aren't all casseroles gross-looking? Kinda by definition? (Maybe that's just mine. Looks have never been high on the list of Qualities I Desire a Casserole to Have.)
4. My day job is slowly sucking my soul through a pinhole perforation in my lower abdomen, but this is probably okay since my soul had nothing better to do anyway and I think I can get along just fine without one. Does this mean I'll turn into a vampire and sparkle now? I think I could handle sparkling if immortality was a side-effect. Why am I craving a rare steak?
5. I don't have a five right now. I've been typing long enough that someone else has probably taken the first comment spot and now I look like a dork. Which, of course, is nothing new.
6. ...
Lisa and Laura, you two crack me up! If it's any consolation, your truths have put a smile on my face.
My truths this Tuesday? Dinner last night resembled a cafteria lunch. Tater tots and dinosaur chicken nuggets anyone?
I majorly need to get my butt in the chair and get writing. I'm stalling and feeling guilty!
And finally, my day job TOTALLY gets in the way of the fabulous writing lifestyle I wish I was living :)
Dido on the bunkbeds. Done that. Just WRONG, especially when the younger one climbs into the older child's top bunk, pukes, and the older child rolls in it. Yeah, great wake-up call at 3 in the morning.
My truth for today is that I DESPERATELY need to do groceries but refuse. Why? The four kids devour it in less than a day, leave a major mess for me to clean, and then crab the food is gone.
Ordering take-out eliminates two of those. Cheese!
Yup - I've had days/weeks like that!
Just to make you feel a bit better - we've got a forecast of 36 degrees Celsius (97 F) with a humidity factor of over 40 and we don't have air conditioning in our schools - it's Northern Ontario. Tomorrow doesn't look any better. *sigh* With 35 bodies in the room with one working window it should be a LOT of fun.
Ha! Simon is so funny, almost as funny as you LiLa! It does feel pretty cool to get first post on your blog, BTW. Now that you switched to scheduling your posts for 6AM I accomplish it more and more often.
Ditto number 4 from Simon's comment.
Don't you hate it when work gets in the way of life/art/writing?
Truth tuesday- hmn. I know what needs to be done now with my first ms but I'm too lazy to do it and am waiting for the agent who has my partial to 'reject' me so I'll finally get my arse in gear.
Great Post!
My truth Tuesday? We have 2.5 days left of school (I also teach second grade) and the kids are done! So the name of the game until Thursday is survival!
Also ditto on the bunkbeds and my family vetos casseroles no matter how much easier they make my life!
Happy Tuesday everyone!
VENTING SESSION!!! I love Truth Tuesdays... it's a good way to get it all out, though I save mine for Thursday (so I don't take away the lime light for you!!)
I'm equally as ridiculous for DVRing The Bachelorette, and I'm a bravo whore so you name it, I've seen it. Shame on me but I still can't get enough of all that ridiculous drama!!
I pray that the baliffs aren't reading this post right now, it could be used for evidence... just remember to watch your back.
Crazy or hypersensitive or maybe your right? Let's hope it's not that last one!
Umm my truth... I'm addicted to the bachelorette, and can't wait home to watch New Jersey Housewives...
Oh Roecker sisters...thanks for bein' you :)
Um, The Real Housewives of New Jersey is freaking Hamlet next to The Bachelorette. Have some standards, my friend.
I made two pans of lasagna on Saturday and guess what we've been eating ever since. (And I'm so tired I don't even know if I spelled "lasagna" right and I don't want to look it up.)
I have to meet with a bunch of moms to plan the 4th grade end of year party. I'm dreaming up my excuse to get out of it early as I type this...
And you brought the funny today, big time! Thanks for the laugh!
I am uber jealous of anyone at BEA! Tomorrow...Im going into the BEA lobby...to meet my agent but I wont be going inside BEA for real and being that close...it's gonna hurt!
OMG, your #2 made me lol.
I love you ladies. :)
Yor blahs are better than my blahs...
You CAN'T be serious?!?! Why on earth would you even consider giving up writing? You two are a major snowball picking up speed daily. You're going to crash into bookstores with major success!
Here's my pathetic confession. Last night I got SOOOO excited, rushed the kids to bed, plopped down on the couch, turned on FOX and freakin' realized it was MONDAY! No American Idol finale. I'm now stuck in another season of the Bachelorette right along with you.
I'm in love with my post man's mother.
Oh, you mean actual truth that isn't life shattering? Um, I feel like giving up, too.
Catching up on the laundry isn't a problem for me. It's matching the darn socks that's driving me nuts. Not to mention, I keep ending up with my 10 yo son's socks . . . and they fit me!
I know what you mean about the writer friend. I have one of those. She "disappeared" after the break up of my former crit group. At least now I know why she wanted to be my friend. I was the access to the group (not that she'd ever admit to that). Talk about feeling used. :(
No judgements from me. I can't FREAKIN wait for Big Brother...or Drop Dead Diva...or... well, nevermind.
Okay, here's my confession...waiting for a check really sucks. Especially when you know it's coming, it really is, and soon as soon as it gets here, you will stop living on peanut butter. But it's not here, yet......aaarrgggghhhh
Thanks for the venting! :0)
Wow, yeah, fighting the urge to give up comes frequently...that's what "e-hugs" are for! *hugs!*
Um, so yeah, I'm so out of the loop, I don't know what "BEA" stands for...
And, there is no shame in DVRing. ;)
Catching up on laundry is just a pipe dream for me - I've accepted it just ain't gonna happen in this lifetime.
I love the jury duty thing - I've always wondered what happens if you skip it, so let us know! :)
OMG, I thought I was the only one who felt like writers who used to be friendly are now ignoring me. What's up with that?
My Tuesday truth? I'm at that point in the year where I really miss football. I need to see a group of men killing each other over a weirdly shaped ball. I crave the spectacle of it all. I miss screaming 'get him, get him' at the TV. And since it doesn't start until August, this pining will only get worse from here. (Lame, I know, but it's the best truth I have at the moment.)
My truths?
My DVR is my best friend. No really.
I'm secretly terrified my writing will never get any better and I'll never go anywhere with it.
I can't remember the last time I cooked an actual meal from scratch. Yeah, I suck these days, lol!
Ha, ha! Glad I stopped by. I needed a good laugh before cleaning my entire house so that the cleaning lady can clean today.
My parents are coming to visit in a week and I am freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, is the end of the school year only hyping up my kids. Please, oh please can I have some of their energy.
Angry because all my shows are ending, grrrr. At least I can look forward to my date with Eric on June 13th, hello True Blood! Yea, I'm not crazy...ok maybe a tad bit lol!
I need another pot of coffee.
I watched an episode of new york housewives (or whatever it's called) just to see cool places in NYC. That's sad.
But seriously, don't those snazzy restaurants make you want to bop the ladies on their heads and scream, "you're lucky you can go out and eat lunch with your friends at a place where a waiter serves you and there aren't screaming children!!"
Sorry, had to let that out. Not envious at all...
Oh, and I made a weird egg casserole last night. It tasted okay, but it looked nasty.
Truths, huh? Truths I learned this week?
I'm terrified of the idea of going to university. Excited, I guess, but absolutely terrified.
I miss my old church more than anything else in the world.
Tuna fish tastes SO much better in France.
Strawberry cake (By which I mean basically a sponge-ish cake filled with halves of strawberries) is delicious.
And...I think way too much about food.
I hate kid's birthday parties too. They are probably the most stressful thing in the world to me (except maybe kindergarten art projects.)
And why are bunk beds a terrible idea? We've been thinking about getting bunk beds for our kids. Not a good plan?
Dude...I need to say ditto to your entire list! Seriously, were you IN my head when you wrote this???
Love your tell the truth tuesdays. My truth is that I check my e-mail approximately 5,000times a day since query-ing agents. And when I am not checking it, I am determining when an acceptable amount of time has passed before I check it again. Actually, it's been too long. brb.
Let's see. My truth is I don't eat casseroles no matter what they look like. My mom murdered a perfectly good can of vegetarian chili at Christmas by turning it into a casserole, and then was hurt when I decided to make my own lunch.
First of all I love this--"But then I remember that I don't have any other dreams aside from being an uber successful writer who can tell all my frenemies to suck it. Well, unless you count my dream of eventually catching up on laundry, but that's just sad."
I so agree.
I'm hating my car because no matter how many times I take it to get fixed the check engine light keeps glowing. It looks weird when it does go off for a few seconds.
I finally cleaned my house yesterday thinking it may help my creative juices flow-- to help me get some revising done. It didn't help.
If I hear one more song from my daughter's Pet Shop Wii game, I may have to check myself into the psych ward.
Great post!
Truth: I badly need to do the dishes at my house, but instead I've been writing something new. New projects are always worth letting the dishes slide, right?
I am SO with you about the bunkbeds! Ours are 3 and 6, but man. Bad idea. What was I thinking?!
And yeah, I'm jealous too.
I am totally procrastinating when I have 5 critiques to do today. The sheer weight of those critiques which much be done is keeping my arms wrapped in a death hug on twitter and blogger.
My sink is clogged. I'm pretty sure it was all the leftover salsa I dumped down it after my kid's birthday party, but I am totally not owning up to it. Hubby nioticed, and I thought about suggesting the kids might have had something to do with it. I didn't though (and so I then patted myself on the back for my restraint).
I'm going to go pour some boiling water down the drain in hopes that the clog will clear. I know, you are probably in awe of my mad plumbing skillz. Sadly I don't have the low rider jeans and unsightly crack to really make a living at it.
And now I really should get to those critiques...
Why are bunkbeds bad? We've thought about that (for down the road, right now the younger one is only 16 months old and still in a crib).
I have to admit, I was tempted to watch the Bachelorette (this is a major confession for me, because I pretty much hate the bachelor. Watching women demean themselves before one guy. Ew. But watching men fight over one woman? Kind of fun. he he...) But I resisted. ;-)
Also, I am totally jealous of everyone going to BEA too. Maybe I'll get to go someday...
Aren't you ALSO watching RH of NJ? So maybe people watching RH of NJ shouldn't be telling OTHER people watching RH of NJ not to throw stones.
My truth is that I have a vlog to film this morning, and I'm actually filming BEFORE I take a shower and do my hair and look human.
This is going to be bad. Very bad. I blame you, Lisa. ;)
Before I realized the whole "you don't get paid but your bills are still due" thing about jury duty, I wanted to be on a jury. Still kind of do. But a big awesome one, like crazy murder hijinks (yes, I just said hijinks in reference to murder, I'm sick). If it were jaywalking or something, no thanks.
1) If I can make dinner in one pan I call that a success no matter what it looks like.
2) My husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday in a few weeks and I said 'nothing', and actually meant it. I want nothing except to be a uber successful writer and be able to tell all my frenemies to suck it...wait where have I heard that before?
That when telling my son yet another idea I have for a novel, I got a little upset when he said, "Again Mom, don't you think you should write one book at a time". I didn't let him see that I was upset, I just thought, "you don't understand me". :)
Maybe said writer is stuck on a project and can't talk to you about it because her or his agent won't allow said writer to talk to anyone about it...
What I don't get is people who sign up as a follower on your blog and never comment, never ever ever commment...I don't read everyone's blogs every day, but if I sign up as a follower I feel like I should read it once and a while...but maybe I'm wierd???
I had chicken soup for breakfast this morning and I liked it.
Wow, and I thought my blog was a downer today. :) Just kidding. You crack me up.
I didn't know The Bachelorette was starting last night! Dang it. Although maybe this is a good thing. Maybe I can resist being sucked in again and losing twenty precious hours of life that I can never get back.
I should be writing right now. Bad Lisa, bad. See? I get sucked in SO easily.
OMG Birthday parties... I SO hate kid birthday parites. They took up my entire freakin' day because I have to go buy a present that I forgot I needed until the last minute, and then my kid is in a horrible mood after because she just ate a big 'ol hunk of cake...
plus... just sitting there hanging out with people you don't know... ARGH... HATE
LOL. You guys are hilarious. And it's funny that you mention jury summons, because I just got my first one yesterday. And even though I live literally around the corner from the city courthouse, they assigned me to the county courthouse 45 min away. When I called to try to switch it I spent 10 minutes going through the online directory only to have it disconnect me. So yeah, not so in love with the court system right now.
My truth? I'm looking at that little line on the summons that says I'm excused if I've recently been convicted of a crime, and contemplating a minor offense. Seems like a slap on the wrist and a small fine might be a MUCH better way to go. *runs off to go litter in front of a police officer*
My truth: I think the Mommy gene is kicking in because I've constantly been thinking about babies. Babies and kids used to terrify me (they still do somewhat) but I got to hold our neighbors' 4 month old little girl and I suddenly wanted my own baby :)
It could also be a residial effect of watching nearly everyone I know expecting a kid in the next four to six months :P And I think my husband would go into convulsions if he knew, LOL.
My Tuesday Troof is that DAMMIT! Sometimes I just don't *feel* like it. Whatever it happens to be that day. And today, I just don't *feel* like doing much of anything. So I won't :D
My truth - this is my one week (possibly of the entire year) where my weekday commitments are done and I'm on "summer break", but my kids are still in school, so I have the whole week to write, and instead all I want to do is nap and read Wake. Seriously, I can't put that book down. Not good for the writing progress but so much fun!
"Bunk beds for a 3-year-old and a 5-year-old are a TERRIBLE idea."
good to know... I have an 8 and 3 year old, and I was considering getting them bunk beds ;)
Okay, here's my grump. Why after 20 yrs on public transit do I still feel like every ride on a subway is my very, very first? I am always the one who can't swipe my metro card, I am always the one confusedly squeaking: "oooh what stop is this?" as if the train is derailing us off to Hogwarts, and I am always in a flop sweat when the automated voice says we are experiencing delays. I am tired of being the Biggest Subway Chicken in NYC! I want to be jaded and read magazines and even nap through my stop. But guess what, It is Never Happening. I go right from this stage to being the mugged old lady, do not pass Go, do not collect the Lou Reed Stamp of Authenticity. Feh. --AG
I love you guys for the first one alone. I feel like quitting sometimes too. And then I think, "Freak, what were you thinking? Writing a book is basically an open call for people to JUDGE YOU."
And I like The Bachelorette. Is that a problem?
And I get the ignoring thing. I feel that way sometimes too.
My truth today? I'm not sure I should voice it out loud...
I'm feeling sorry for myself. Despite that, I did the "guy" thing and went to Home Depot for a shop broom, a couple flowers to redo last year's hanging pots and looked at the garden mulch, but decided it wasn't a good day to calculate mulch and left...baked choc chip cookies instead for a scout picnic. Our bunkbeds fell apart, now one twin is on the floor...for several months now. Bunkbeds are highly over-rated.
My Truth today ....
1) I sometimes wonder if anything I write is of the quality to intice an agent
2) I never watch reality shows,,,,except Amazing Race and does Dancing With the Stars count as reality TV????
3) I DVR'd Dancing With the Stars last night so I could watch the series finale of 24 (it was marginal, I thought).
4) I've needed to post on my blog for 2 weeks and just couldn't think of anything to write about!
Oh... I just got an idea, gotta go write it before I forget.
LOL, your truths are classic.
1. I really should be preparing for school today, but instead I'm reading blogs... naughty me.
2. I haven't had a day off in over three weeks and the next one who tells me that I'll be able to handle it because "I'm young enough", I'll scream at.
Yeah I second or third... on the feel like quitting thing. Love the honesty in your truths. I had jury duty last year and literally three weeks after they "found" my husband and he had it too. Coincidence? I think not.
Let's see...
I'm bored with my #dayjob.
I haven't written anything new in months, revising is kind of getting to me, but I know my book won't be complete without it. I realize most of the book is going to be brand new... hmmm
I had a chocolate shake from McDonalds and I'm beginning to regret it.
I'm starting the South Beach diet on June 7.
Wow that was a lot. Thanks for letting me share. Did I mention how much you guys rock? No. Well ya do. Like Immensely ;o)
Man, something's off about today because I'm feeling the whiney too. I should just go back to bed and hope my attitude changes.
And I wanna tell my frenemies to suck it too--especially those from High School. (And yes, it does deserve caps.)
Thanks for sharing, girls!
I'm having a whiney day. Lack of sleep and headache to blame.
My truth: I should be attempting some edits, but I'm blogging instead.
I hate everyone at BEA too. It's just not fair that they are there and I am not.
I get oversensitive about blog followers and writer friends too. I think it's part of the process.
Happy Tuesday!
I'm actually feeling better this week, but I'll join the whining crowd for my first truth:
- I am dying to have a dress in any color other than black
- I'm attending my first writing conference Saturday, it's local, and my expectations are low.
- I'm trying to face that fact that both of my recent novels need complete rewrites, while the third book is lining up perfectly in my sights.
- Third book is looking like the one most prepared for publication, with three chapters in.
Thank god the conference is on revising.... I'll need it.
Oh, I love Tell the Truth Tuesday!! And I'm with you on BEA. It's like a slap in the face to see it all over Twitter and blogs and, ugh, even in my e-mail. I mean, fine, go and be happy people, but do you have to make us all feel so bitter we're not there?
Ok, my truth is that I went to the store with every intention of buying some good supportive sports bras so that I could, eh hmm, take up running. But I ended up buying some cute little unsupportive lacy things instead. And a bag of Twizzlers.
kick arse truths ladies!
I'm hopping on the hate wagon too - BEA should be in Ontario next year.
Hmmm ... I got so upset last week at something the judge did that I got all teary and almost started crying in the middle of a hearing. Okay ... so maybe I did cry just a couple of tears, and had to kind of choke out a response to a question he asked me after that, but it was really sad. So sue me.
-I think my third best friend is such a moron I may want to punch her(really bad)- And just so people know no I am not rating my friends based on who I like more, it's in order of acquaintance, I have more than one bestie. Sue me.
-I really want to slap a certain *cough*bitch*cough* at my school for what she said to my prom date. Like really bad. But I have self restraint.
-I got my prom date to slow dance with me(after his new girlfriend left, I didn't want any new drama, and he was my date I'm obligated to at least 1 slow dance at my prom!) and maybe I want them to break up, just a little bit.
-I may have had a minor freak out in math today, minor.
-I was happy when Dr. Reid died on Grey's last week, it kind of made my night I've been rooting for her murder since she stole Georges locker in her first episode.
-I was sad that I was happy when she died when her best friend slipped on her blood and that's when her body was discovered, and then again when the guy who'd had a crush on her for years died too and asked Bailey to tell her he'd loved her. But only a little bit.
That was a lot of honesty for me, lengthy too. Sorry. I posted some great pics!
65 comments! At least your blog fans aren't ignoring you. The casserole truth was especially appreciated.
My truth is I'm in this "30K by end of May" writing challenge, but I decided to start the MS over last week. I'm wondering if my crit. partner will notice if I insert the word "snarf" 20,000 times. Sigh.
Your truths have made me feel better. ;-) The giving up part--yeah. The funk hanging over my head this week!
oh, and the kiddie parties--SO VERY DONE. LOL
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