Drum roll please...
TA DA!!!!
Okay, okay, we know what you're thinking...PINK HAIR!?! We were completely shocked too (more on that Monday), but we've officially fallen in love. I mean, how many pink-haired, pearl-rocking, bad ass detectives do YOU know? Yeah, that's what we thought.
And now, it's time to announce the winner of The Liar Society (Under)Cover Contest including:
(Um, if you want it signed that is? We still feel sort of weird about defacing books!)
Second round of drum rolls please.........
Rachele, thanks to the random number generator number 278 is now your lucky number. CONGRATULATIONS!
We had over 300 entries (holy crap, right?) and we wanted to give something to ALL of you guys for participating.
SO...if you're interested in getting an e-mail from Kate's dead bestie that will unlock a super-secret, super-exciting clue hidden in The Liar Society website CLICK HERE. Trust us...you're going to want to see this. Besides, when's the last time you got an e-mail from a dead girl?*
Thanks everyone for helping us make this contest and cover reveal such a HUGE success. And stay tuned for some so-amazing-you're-not-even-gonna-believe-what-we've-got-planned contests coming in February and March.
*Sometimes dead girls' emails end up in SPAM too, so don't forget to check!
*Sometimes dead girls' emails end up in SPAM too, so don't forget to check!
Looking forward to hearing the story behind the pink hair, but over all the cover rocks!
That is ONE AWESOME COVER! Congrats!
WAAAAAAAAAAA! I'm so excited! Like Jessie Spano so excited (without the crash and breakdown after!). Woo hoo! And I LOVE the cover...the pink hair and pearls are so sassy!
Congrats! Very striking!
Congrats Rachele!
And LiLa, I'm not trying to say anything bad at all about the old cover, but this one is way cooler. I love the uniform, I love the tie, I love the hair, but I ESPECIALLY love the attitude that model is rockin. She would probably be hawt if she wasn't, you know, jail bait.
Have a great weekend!
I love the hair! The cover is very sassy!
Ahhh... What a relief to finally be able to love on your cover! Can't wait to hear about the pink hair. Did you have to go back and write about it in the book? That would be really cool. Do that.
Love seeing it on the side of your blog too!
Congrats Rachel!!!!!!
OMG! I am in LOVE with the cover!!!! LiLa this is amazing!!! Reading the book this matches perfectly! Love the pearls! Oh how I love the pearls! I'll be wearing them on release day!!!!!
I'm with Matthew, nothing bad on the old cover but I think this cover adds so much funk and flair to it!!! Girls will be dying to have a copy and all will describe it as "LOOK FOR THE PINK HAIR" wow!!! Just Wow!
Congrats, ladies! That's a pretty kick-ass cover.
Just so you know: in my head, Scarlett Johansson's playing the role of Kate in the movie adaptation. *grin*
(Boy, you can always count on me to smut up your comment section, can't you? What kind of author brand am I creating here...?)
YEAH Rachele! I am SO glad it's that cover, I REALLY REALLY love it!!!!
YAY! Congrats!
It wasn't the cover I had originally picked. But then later I decided it was way better. There was something about (maybe the pink hair) that said 'read me'. The other one didn't do that. If I saw both books on the table at Chapters. I would have picked up this one. It rocks!
Now that you and Janet G have kick ass covers, I can't wait to read the books. Spring can't come soon enough. :D
WAITTTTTTTTT...is that Emma Watson? If it's not it really looks like her and if I wasn't intrigued before I am now!
Ooooh, congrats!! Love it!
awesome cover! I know that will stand out on the shelves :-)
Have a great weekend
Love the covuh!!!!
This is so exciting!
Your cover is so cute! Yay!!
Great cover! She looks cute! Srsly, can't wait. :)
Yay! Congrats Lila!!! This is awesome!
That cover rocks hard. Congratulations, ladies. =o)
Oooh!! Great colors, great hairstyle and haircolor on the model--perfect! Congrats on an awesome cover!
Love the pearls...AND the pink hair!
Yeah, so, um, does she have pink hair in the book?
Whatever, she's totally cute. Even her nails are gorgeous. :)
I love it! I actually think the pink hair makes it way cooler. She has major attitude.
I love it--the model on the cover has a Selma Blair meets chic rock thing going on. Also a big fan of the website (especially the lightsaber noise when you change pages).
What a super cool cover! I totally didn't expect the pink hair, but she totally rocks it, with the pearls and the uniform...dang, that's awesome and full of spunk. Congrats on such a fabulous cover, ladies!
Congrats to Rachele as well, lucky duck!
I loved the simple yellow cover....but I love this more.
I bet you kissed the cover when you first saw it, didn't you?
Love it! Especially the way they did the title. That just makes it POP. :)
I can't wait to pimp the cover on my blog today, since I will obvi write of my epic contest win.
Congrats -- it looks awesome.
Love that cover! *LOVE IT*! That just screams attitude & grabbed me by the throat and insisted I take it home.
So where is it? ;-)
Wow! Fantastic cover. Congrats.
It is punky gorgeous and I love it! Congrats! Eat the rest of your twizzlers in celebration!
Wow, that cover ROCKS!
Love it!!! Congrats ;o) I love the pink hair!! So thrilled for you guys. So cool ;o)
Congratulations, Laura and Lisa!!! The cover looks AWESOME! I like the pink hair!
I went to Catholic school and had to wear a uniform like that. I didn't look so super cool like your cover girl though. Boo. (But my skirt may or may not have been that short... heehee!)
SO SO exciting!! Woohoo!!! It's awesome. :D
OOH wowness! Me likey.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, you guys!!!!!! CAN'T. WAIT. TO. GET. MY. COPY. AND. ONE. FOR. EVERY. NIECE!!! Yay a thousand times!!!!!!!!!
Love it. So excited for you both. :)
I love it! And I want her skirt and pearls.
Love the quote by Mandy, too!
I can't wait to read it!
Love the cover!! Pink hair, pearls, plaid skirt, and the font...it's amazing :D
It is bad-ass wicked awesome!lol
I love that tag line too.
LOVE the cover! That girl is too cute, and I can't wait to read her story. Congrats to you both!
I remember liking the pre-cover with this pink-haired girl; I just wasn't sure if that sort of obvious punkiness was Kate-like (granted I only know Kate through this blog).
BUT I do LOVE your cover! It's cute and spunky, and it fits the fun impression I have of the book. And ditto what someone already said: great tagline! Congrats!!!
Loooooooove it!!!!
Ladies!!!! Love it. ;)
Go, you two.
Yay, fabulous cover!
i love this cover! so much personality! covers with a picture of the MC's neck or back gets old. i might even be tempted to buy this book. ;)
ooh I love it. It really is different from other covers...I feel like so many coming out now have similar ones. Yours, however, is a bit more unique and it really POPS!
WOW that cover is awesome. Like people before me have said, I think it will stand out on bookshelves more than the other stuff around it. I'm so excited! YEAH PINK HAIR!
PINK HAIR?!?!? Who doesn't LOVE PINK HAIR?!?!? :)
PINK HAIR?!?!? Who doesn't LOVE PINK HAIR?!?!? :)
LOVE this. And I'm partial to pink hair and pearls. ;)
Glad you like it. This was one crazy cover design story. Besides the fact that I did probably in the area of 30+ concepts, we actually did a photoshoot with a model as well and out of 400 pictures of the poor girl, none were chosen. In the end, the publisher went back to an old comp I had done with this pink haired girl. While I did not get it, looking at it now and seeing everyone's positive feedback, it has grown on me too and I am rather pleased. Hope it's a success for you and I hope we can continue the series with this particular look and model... Happy trails ladies!
Ian Shimkoviak www.bookdesigners.com
Congrats! I absolutely love the cover.
THIS IS KILLER! Congrats on getting to reveal it. Can't wait to give it some love on my blog!
I LOVE the cover!!!!!
Love the pink hair!
#1. I just about died when I saw your query letter was spotlighted over at Guide to Literary Agents - so dang awesome!!!!!
#2. Your cover is FANTASTIC! I love, love, love it - pink hair and all! :-)
Yay--I love it! FINALLY the great cover reveal has occurred! :)
The cover is beautiful! Congrats! Can't wait to read it.
GORGEOUS! I love it!
That's freakin' awesome! You must be thrilled and relieved.
And I'm so glad they didn't cut off the top of her head.
So. Freaking. Awesome!!!!
Saw this on your very cool website last night. LOVE it! You mean her hair isn't pink in the book?! Can't wait to read it!
Omg! It's amazing and I am so happy for both of you. Can't wait to read It!!!!!
I want to know the story behind the pink hair too. The cover rocks though!
Can I just say WaaaaHOOOO! That cover really does rock.
Sweet cover! That pink hair rocks! I wonder if I could rock pink hair. Hmmm. congrats! I love the contrast between the black and pink. So sweet!
I can not wait to see this staring back at me from a display shelf at Borders!!! Whooo-Hooo!
Okay, yes! I am in cover love. This is fabulous - all cute and snarky and sexy rolled into one. love, love love it! This book is going to fly off the shelves, ladies!! Woot!
LOVE it! Congrats, you guys!
So fun! How wonderful you both must feel right now - this probably makes it so "real", right? CONGRATS!! Love the pink hair! :)
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