- 6 Authors
- 6 Mysteries
- 6 Chances to Win an iTouch
The authors are working with The Reading Room (an awesome new reader networking and book review site) and a slew of amazing book bloggers to bring you an exciting new contest that will be running over the next 6 weeks. For each mystery you solve, you get another entry into the contest. The grand prize is an iTouch loaded with 6 AMAZING eBooks from the participating authors.
Here's how it works:
- Starting on April 4th a new author will be featured on the iClue Site each week.
- The author will post their mystery on the site on Monday.
- On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we will post links to The Reading Room and two awesomesauce book bloggers who will be posting a special clue to help you solve the mystery.
- Once you've solved the mystery you send us the correct solution using a form on the website.
- If you enter the correct solution you get one entry into the contest.
- Solve all 6 mysteries you get 6 entries to win the iTouch.
Meanwhile...we want to make sure to get the word out on this exciting 6-week event! And that's where you come in...you, and six autographed books...
Help us spread the word, and you'll be entered for a prize to win six autographed books, one from each of us! There are lots of ways to enter!
You can tweet!
You can blog!
(If you past the html code under the banner into your blog, it will automatically show up, all linked directly to the contest. If you put it into the post, be sure you're on the "edit html" tab of Blogger.)

You can spread the word however you like! And for every way you spread the word, we're going to enter you in a contest for a grand prize pack of all six of our books, signed! And don't forget to come back to the actual event for your chance to solve fun mysteries and win an iPod Touch!! (And yes--before you ask, the contest IS open internationally--both prizes!)
So...the real question is: Will you iClue????
Awesomeness!! Wow. 6 weeks O.O How cool is that? Thanks for sharing the love!! <3 Have a great weekend!!
You people are so creative!
I'm going to be honest: I don't have time for stuff like this, but I do think it's very smart, and I will keep coming by to hear about what's up.
Sounds like a fun contest! Thanks guys :)
Great idea, but seriously I am mystery challenged. I'll tell someone and retweet! @KristineAsselin
But I'm confident I won't be iClue-ing. I'll try!
This is freakin' awesome. You guys come up with the best ideas!! I am going to give it a shot.
What a great idea! This looks like a lot of fun. Can't wait to get started!
Great Idea I look forward to the mystery. I was unable to get the script to work in my blog though I pasted it and it gave me an error. Sorry bout that but I did tweet it (:
Thanks for this!!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/desapd/status/54927637742755840
Posted on FB: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=205509112806713&id=100000350467861
Told my friend: EricaMarts
I tweeted about iClue @pinksmyink.
I blogged about your giveaway here:
I posted to my tumblr (pinksmyink)
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