We give you...the top five things we've learned this week...
1. Social Networking works. We've got some AMAZING guest blogs coming up from some incredible authors we've connected with over the interwebs. Get excited!
2. Sourcebooks' editor Dan Ehrenhaft (ahem, our editor) is one smart dude. Dan participated in a fantastic Q&A on #yalitchat last night answering tons of questions about Sourcebooks' new Fire imprint. Check it out here and here.
3. If you're joking around that your next book should be titled TIFFANY CHARMS AND FIREARMS, it's probably not a book you should be writing.
4. Laura has taken over as the true Idea Whore. That's right, she's kicking my ass in the Idea Whore department lately. Not only did she think of an awesome new title for one of our books, she also had the BEST IDEA EVER for Book 2 in the series. I officially think the second book is going to be even better than the first, which is a major step up from where we started (see #3 on this list).
5. The Glee Soundtrack rocks. Our parents got us the Glee soundtracks for Christmas and I've been dancing my way through carpool ever since. The kids are loving it too. Their fave song is Goldigger. $10 says Jack is singing it at school which pretty much cements my #1 spot in the Worst Mom Ever Race. I like to console myself with the fact that they edited out all the f-bombs.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!
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Love it! Read your blog while listening to Gold Digger, perfect backup! And love #3. That is one so awesome title!!
And yes, I am so excited about #1 and about blogging with an IW.
Wait a minute . . . that "May 19" date on the video doesn't mean that we have to wait until May for the next episode. Does it??!!?
Must go and investigate.
How exciting! I love guest blogs and isn't it always exciting to come up with a GREAT book idea. In my opinion, there's nothing better!
Good luck with book two!
oooooo fun! can't wait to read your guest blogs :-) That's one of my favorite things about social networking in the blogosphere!
The guest blog should be fun!
Oh I adore Glee!!! Total Gleek here:)
Have a great weekend idea whores
Oh, maybe I'll buy that for myself for my birthday today! :)
Listened to Gold Digger three times in the car yesterday with Cali! She loves it (and I Bust the Windows Out Your Car).
I would read a book called Tiffany Charms and Firearms.
Looks like it's been a very educational week for you!
Idea whore...this I would love to be.
My Jack loves Goldigger, too! My husband gave me the oddest look when I put it on in the car and my little guy started singing along!
And...Long Live the Idea Whore! Whoo-Hooo for book #2!
I love "Glee!" It has (almost) made me comfortable enough to admit my big secret to others....that in high school I used to put on a sparkly blue sequin dress and dance to such greats as "Turn the Beat Around" and "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" in show choir!
I'm almost ready....shhhh!
Guest blogs? I love guest blogs.
Ahhh I'm bloody in LOVE with Glee! Haha colour me a gleek! I'm excited for your guest blogs! :)
I love the Glee music. Awesome.
I'm excited for your guest blogs!
Guest blogs are definitely fun. I'm looking forward to it!
Sweet! I'm going to check out the #yalitchat reviews! Thanks for the link. =)
Is it bad that I've never heard of Glee? Or that I like the title Tiffany Charms and Firearms? :-)
Aw, I kind of like Tiffany Charms and firearms!
Haha--Glee! Goldigger is my husband's favorite too, although he also likes when Mercedes sings about making a peach pie in Hate On Me. Food on brain. :)
LOL. well...at least you've resisted the urge to send your son to school in clown make-up every day. I'm pretty sure I'd be doing that to tick off that psycho mom. :)
Congrats on the guest blogs and the awesome Ideas. You're that much closer to world domination. :)
I have nothing to add. Just wanted to wish everyone a good weekend and
GO RAVENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiffany Charms and Firearms. Oh my word, that rocks!!!
I actually like the title Tiffany Charms and Firearms. Even without any f-bombs :)
Go, Laura! And, add me to the list of those who like "Tiffany Charms and Firearms". Can't wait to read the guest blogs.
Oh man, we suck at titles so bad that the one we thought was horribly hilarious is actually good! Back to the drawing board...ha ha.
I would totally buy that book, too ;). HA!
Congrats to Laura on being the rising Idea Whore!
Also, now I *must* have that soundtrack. I love I Bust the Windows Out Your Car...
I'm still struggling to come up with a title for my WIP. Glad to hear you two came up with a good one for yours though!
Guest blogs are always fun. Looking forward to those.
I love the term, "Idea Whore". That's awesome! LOL
Ok me too I like Tiffany Charms and Firearms b/c it sounds hysterical! I so want the Glee soundtrack too!!!
I listen to glee all the time!
I would totally read a book called Tiffany Charms and Firearms...pppssshhh! Anyway excited for the guest blogs:-)
I did my run on the treadmill this morning listening to the Glee soundtrack, and it made it so much more enjoyable.
"Tiffany Charms And Firearms" - love it! LOL!
I'm so glad to hear your excitement about Book #2! Getting better is the ultimate goal! Your resolutions are already ringing true.
Look out 2010!
sounds like you guys are on FIRE with new ideas and possibilities!
I love the Glee music too! I can't wait to read book two!
I would buy/read/recommend a book with that title in a HOT MINUTE.
I love Glee!! I don't have the soundtracks yet but I get my fix by listening to the songs on YouTube :) At least until I get the soundtracks.
love Glee. can you tell us your guest bloggers?? or is it a secret.
I love Glee!! I admit I love the episode where Mr Schuester sings the thong song! That boy can move!
May all your ideas flourish into books! You go idea whore's!
Look forward to your guest blogger's post!
Great blog, good stuff to know and for the record, if I found a book on the shelf titled Tiffany Charms and Firearms, I'd snatch it up and run for the checkout. I'm not sure what that says about me... :)
Go LAURA. I am so proud of you!
The Glee Soundtrack does, indeed, rock. Or I assume it does from the songs I've bought off iTunes.
I can't wait to read these awesome guest posts. Have a fabulous weekend! :D
Yay for #4, and #5 because Glee is so darn awesome. And the guest blogs sound so exciting, I can't wait!
I'm kinda late with the commenting today. Should I try to bring teh funny? I dunno. On the one hand, a whole boatload of people would get my comment via e-mail, perhaps further cementing my reputation as a witty dude well worth following on my blog and buying every novel I write ever even the experimental one about the and and the aircraft carrier. On the other hand, it's a lot of pressure bringing up the rear like this. What if I'm not funny? What if I try for a joke and it falls flat? Then that's a whole boatload of people whose attitude toward me could change from mild indulgence to outright hatred. I don't want that.
Maybe I'll just say something like, "Nice post, as always, good ladies." There you go. Safe, dependable. Non-confrontational. Not funny, but then, you can't have everything.
The yalitchat was awesome - it's amazing how much we can learn in less than 140 characters per comment :)
Sounds like the charms are working! Congrats on the Big Idea, guests and rockin' good times.
What the hell is an interweb? I feel like it was the word Al Gore must have started to use when he invented it and only people in Cleveland heard about it for some reason. Well, Elana J says she uses interwebs too, but I don't understand how only two people in the universe heard Al's speech.
Ok, so I must know. Does ANYONE else in your world use interwebs. Be honest. I feel like I'm friends with the girl in school who refers to herself as a governess as opposed to a babysitter.
Tiffany Charms and Firearms ... Well, it certainly has a zing to it!
And can I say that I'm suffering serious Glee withdrawal right now? It's not even funny. Not. At. All.
Love that song.... thanks!
Now if only I could figure out that Twitter stuff...
Everytime I try to look at it I can't tell who's saying what to who, and my eyes glaze over, and I end up navigating away before my brain realizes the depth of my technological idiocy and self-destructs to save the rest of the world from me.
My teenager is pretty much horrified that I "need" Flo Rida to write the YA I'm working on. I didn't realize, I bought his second CD and conviscated his first "ROOTS' from her. I'll have to ask her about Gold Digger.
Those Glee soundtracks are so much fun! We love ours!!!
Just another person who would totally buy Tiffany Charms and Firearms.
Happy weekend my funny friends!
man, I hear ya on the Glee soundtrack.
Of course my daughter's fave new song starts like this:
I wake up in the morning feelin' like P. Diddy...
awesome sauce.
Awww...I kind of like the sound of Tiffany Charms and Firearms. The title alone screams "read me!".
Gleeeeeee!!! I'm sorry, what were you saying? Oh yeah, guest bloggers...yeah! And exactly what does an Idea Whore wear?
Well, YAY you two!!! And if you published a book that was called Tiffany Charms and Firearms I would totally buy it and give it away for Christmas presents!
(Word verification: inketh. That's like a word I could really use in my personal life. I'm off to inketh, girls . . . )
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