How was RAK born?RAK is actually the brainchild of Vanessa. You see, we're always buying books or little knick-knacks for each other because we really are best friends. Sometimes we'll be out shopping and we'd think "Ooh, Vanessa would love this!" or "This is so Isalys!" and then we'd get it, just because. Then Vanessa (she's the creative genius) got to thinking about how we could apply this to the book blogging community. If WE love gifting so much, just because, well then maybe the rest of the world does too.
We launched RAK with high hopes, but these last couple of months have surpassed those hopes. We really learned how kind-hearted and appreciative book bloggers are. And then, because all that isn't cool enough, the FABULOUS Lisa & Laura decided to join us. How insanely cool is it that authors, real live AUTHORS wanted to share a little book love too!!

RAK is open to anyone and everyone. It is a simple way of sharing the love of books and reading with others who love it as much as we do. We know that times are tough and the downturn in the economy has affected everyone differently. RAK has allowed those who are not able to shop for books right now to still get some of their favorite titles. We've also had many international participants who don't have access to the same titles as we do, here in the States. RAK has changed that for them too.
We can both attest to the simple joy of getting home after a long day of work to find a package on our front porch with something from our wishlist inside. What a simple way to bring a smile to someone's face. Amazon and Book Depository have made it so easy to do just that.
We highly encourage ALL lovers of books, readers and authors alike, to participate. There is NO OBLIGATION to give...you give when you can. However, you MUST be open to receiving =D
To get involved, just click on the button above to be re-directed to our April Sign-Up Form. Just supply your info and voila! On the post itself, you'll also find the link for the April Sign-Up Google Doc. You can browse through the wishlists of some of your favorite bloggers and decide who you would like to send a Random Act of Kindness to.
We've had an amazing blog journey these past two years, but next to creating Book ♥ Soulmates in the first place, we are most proud of the success of "RAK”. It has been a testament to what big hearts book bloggers really have!!
Thank you again and a big bear {HUG} from us to Lisa & Laura for having us on here! We really hope that everyone’s book wishes come true!
♥ Vanessa & Isalys ♥P.S.
Beth Revis is being featured on iClue this week and holy cannoli, wait until you read the mystery she's cooked up for you. If you loved Across the Universe
be sure to check out Beth's companion mystery and a chance to win an iTouch!
Wow. What a great idea! Thanks for telling us all about it.
Fantastic idea. I'll for sure check them out!
Thank you both again for having us here and for helping spread the word about RAK!!
You ladies are ROCKSTARS!!
Book ♥ Soulmates
Found out about RAK last month and I've been having so much fun sending books out to other bloggers! Thanks for helping to spread the word about it! :)
LOVE this! I'm in!
Wow, what an awesome idea. Thanks for sharing!
What a great idea!
That is SUCH a fantastic idea. Thanks, ladies!
What an uber cool idea!
This is one of the greatest ideas EVER! :) I love sending books out to people and surprising them!!
So cool! Thank you for sharing this with us all!
- Liz
That is totally awesome!
LiLa, thank you so much for the introduction! This. Is. AWESOME!!!!
I've had such a fun time with R.A.K and have found that giving is addicting! I have a hard time NOT buying books for every person on the list! But you know~ not having the money kind of gets in the way of buying for everyone ;)
That's so awesome you got to share R.A.K on Lisa and Laura's blog!
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