Ugh. Are you supposed to make a little page like that? Will all this social networking never end? I'm older than you are. I may not be able to handle it.
Tumblr? You've got to be kidding me. I just recently started to actually use my facebook page. How many places can one person be online every day and still get anything done?
Welcome to Tumblr! It's kind of overwhelming! I held off for a long time, but my sister seemed to be having so much fun with it that I had to join in. :P
I joined tumblr a few months ago, only because of it became the place for my favorite band's fandom. We consider it a place for reblogging mostly internet memes and really stupid things that are incredibly hilarious late at night.
Took a peek. Yeah, I'm with you. I'm feeling older, now. I have no idea how that works. lol
Ugh. Are you supposed to make a little page like that? Will all this social networking never end? I'm older than you are. I may not be able to handle it.
You're effing kidding me. I'm still trying to figure out Twitter, 9 months later.
Tumblr? You've got to be kidding me. I just recently started to actually use my facebook page. How many places can one person be online every day and still get anything done?
I'm with you Mathew just started on twitter and still haven't got it figured out can't handle any more (:
OH man, I've just been trying to pretend it doesn't really exist...
I'm with Sara.
I'm no help either. There's no room in my life right now for any sort of tumbling.
You know if I could, I would just tumble all day and night for the rest of my life. THAT is how awesome it is.
I'm here:
Um...what's Tumblr? Now I feel old!
so does Tumblr like take it all (FB, Blog, Twitter, email) and combine it in one place? like those charging stations w/all the wires...
I would LOVE that. checking out now~
Welcome to Tumblr! It's kind of overwhelming! I held off for a long time, but my sister seemed to be having so much fun with it that I had to join in. :P
I'm at:
I have no idea what you are talking about. I keep forgetting I have a freakin' Twitter account.
I joined tumblr a few months ago, only because of it became the place for my favorite band's fandom. We consider it a place for reblogging mostly internet memes and really stupid things that are incredibly hilarious late at night.
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