Have you been watching Tim Gunn's Guide to Style? It's fabulous. It's great because the fashion victims on the show aren't wearing stone-washed jeans or over sized sweatshirts, they're just sort of average. They shop at the Gap and Banana Republic, but just don't really know how to dress their own body. I can totally relate! I mean, I'm not completely hopeless, but I will admit to practically living in Uggs from October - March. I know, I know, it's tragic, but they're comfortable and warm, so lay off, all right?
The only thing keeping me from sending in my application is the way they raid your underwear drawer. Can you even imagine?? I think Tim Gunn might pass out if he was forced to paw through my stretched out, holey, cotton underwear. It gives me the chills just thinking about it. I bet he secretly would love to use tongs or slip on plastic gloves before touching underwear and the producers just won't let him. Renegotiatate your contract, Tim! America will understand.
Of course, the humiliation of the underwear drawer would be totally outweighed by the amazingness of a Tim Gunn makeover. Last week, the girl on the show had a dress personally made by J. Mendel AND he gave her a pair of the most amazing Louboutain black stilettos that I've ever laid eyes on. She looked like a totally different person. I'm so jealous...
So, if my dreams of being a published author end up collapsing, I'm going to throw myself at Tim Gunn's feet and hope that he'll take pity on me. I mean, if my dreams are dead, I might as well look fabulous, right?
On that note, we've had some more requests come in over the past couple of days, so yay! We still have a ton of queries outstanding, so keep your fingers crossed for us. Sending our manuscript out to agents is SO nerve wracking. I spend about 75% of my day wondering if an agent is reading what we sent...ugh. We'll keep you posted.
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