And because Joy is so awesome she even agreed to answer a few questions for us about the book.
1. Tell us about your book in 140 characters or less.
Girl meets mysterious handsome guy. Wackiness ensues. Magic, princess, witch, bad guys & kissing. (I might have gone over, but I think I came close.)
2. Where did you get the idea for DREAMING ANASTASIA? (As the official idea whores we have a vested interest here.)
The Anastasia story has fascinated and resonated with me since I was in junior high. And I've been a fan for a long while of kick ass female characters, reverse fairy tales, genre shaking/blending. So, I guess Dreaming Anastasia is a product of all of that. You can probably blame some of it on my hero, Joss Whedon. But mostly, I think it's the story I've been trying to write since I was a teenager, only I just didn't quite know how. Once Anne's voice came to me, the rest of the story followed.
3. Someone has a pair of scissors to your head (oooh, SCARY!) and you have to choose: Awesome title or gorgeous book cover?
Gorgeous book cover. Hands down. I work in a public high school and I see what students check out of the library. Honestly? People DO judge a book by its cover. But a good title doesn't hurt, either.
4. When did you know you had to be a writer?
I've written since I was about seven years old. But I would say that about ten years ago, it occurred to me (well past 2nd grade at that point) that I just wasn't happy if I wasn't writing. So I started taking it seriously and lo and behold, I started getting pieces published - in magazines and newspapers, mostly for about five years. In 2003, I upped the stakes and joined SCBWI. And in 2004, I began what turned into Dreaming Anastasia. The rest of this grand adventure followed. So your question is a good one; I don't think you find success until you realize you MUST write.
5. Twizzlers or M&Ms?
Twizzlers. Sometimes I bite off the ends and use one as a straw to drink Diet Cherry Coke.
Wow! Girl after our own heart, right? That is clearly the best way to enjoy a Twizzler. Although we do find they get a little hard and waxy if you use them as a straw for too long. Just something to keep in mind.
Anyways, we're going to give one lucky reader our copy of DREAMING ANASTASIA. All you have to do to enter is follow our blog and leave a comment. We'll announce the winner tomorrow. Good luck!
Okay, this is going on my to-read list. Of course, my to-read list would populate a freaking LIBRARY right now, but it's totally on there.
Sounds like a winner. Please include me.
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
I must admit that I judge a book on its cover more than on its title and lets face it - you need an awesome cover to grab the reader's attention in the first place.
*holds hands in front of face protectively*
Don't hurt me, but what on earth is a Twizzler? (It does sound yummy, whatever it is!)
:) Great little interview. You've made me super-keen to read Dreaming Anastasia!
You were right about Hush Hush. You were right about The Naughty List. And you were right about Some Girls Are. Yep, this book is so on my to-read list. ;)
Are you two ever wrong?
What a wonderful interview, I am even more excited to read it after reading that!! (If it was possible) I have been wanting to read this for a long time but I cant ever seem to find it anywhere, it's driving me nuts! The synopsis makes it sound awesome and the reviews I have read also sound so good...oh and that cover - it's amazing!
Thank you for the contest...I hope to read it very soon, as soon as I can find it that is :)
Jenn@ book-crazy.com
Yup, you gals know how to pick a book so I'll trust ya! Fun interview!
There are way too many books on my list but I must add this one. I really like the cover. You are right about judging books by the cover--hush,hush comes to mind. Great interview! I love to hear about how authors got started--it is so inspiring. Count me in on the contest :)
Sounds like a great book! Awesome interview! I too have used a twizzler to drink pop out of, and it does get kinda waxy, so you just have to bite harder is all ;o)
Adding this to my reading list - thank you ;o)
Looks good, count me in!
I love the idea behind this book! Gorgeous cover, too.
Following! ;)
Ooh, nice cover! Great interview! Thanks for sharing...will have to try the Twizzler thing, LOL! :)
Oh, pick me! Pick me! That book sounds fabulous! My husband is a history teacher and he loves to tell the kids a ghost story version of Anastasia. We love it. :-)
Oh, great questions and answers ladies! Please count me in, Joy you are a new to me author and I would love to read this!
This book sounds wonderful!
Count me in on the drawing
Yes, yes, yes, YES! I, too, have been fascinated by the Romanov story. Whether or not I win, this is definitely going on my TBR list. Sounds amazing. Thanks L&L, and Joy for your awesome answers. Oh, I miss the days when I'd put a Twizzler in my sprite and use it as a straw. Yes, it does get hard, but mmmmm makes that drink extra special tasting. I'm posting this contest on my blog, since I'm already following, maybe I can get you a few more.
Oooh, I like the Romanovs too! This sounds interesting, and that cover is awesome.
And I only like the wacky-flavored Twizzlers, ie: cherry must die.
That cover is gorgeous! And now I'm going to have to add it to my Goodreads list :)
As if I need another book to read right now, but I've been dying to find out more about this one. Love the period, and the cover is really brilliant.
Thanks for the fun interview, ladies!
Good luck to everyone who enters!
I want it!!! Sounds great and it definitely goes on my ever growing list of must-reads.
I've read this book, and it is simply AMAZING! Great interview gals, and Joy is top notch!
I agree about a good looking cover...I'm reading "Beautiful" right now and love love love the cover.
I always feel sad for books with not-so-awesome covers. I mean, I try not to judge based solely on that, but it IS the cover that prompts me to pick up a book in the first place when I'm just browsing. Sad but true.
The Anastasia story is fascinating! (Probably part of why I loved the animated movie so much.) Guess I'm adding something else to my TBR list.
Thanks for bringing this book to my attention! Also, cute interview questions. :)
Great interview! I've been wanting to read this one for awhile!! Thanks for the contest!!
Great interview! I can't wait to read this book.
As for Twizzlers going waxy after being used as a straw, you speak the truth. I wish someone had warned me.
Ooo I've always been interested in the Romanovs...in fact, I wrote my college senior thesis on them LOL Count me in!
Ok - I'm sold, I'd like to read this. Please enter me! x
Whoop! It's going on my list to read! Excellent questions. (I agree with the book cover thing.)
Sounds like an awesome book, and I love the cover!
What a great interview! And I totally have a copy of Dreaming Anastasia (library) on my desk right now! I had no idea it was funny (bonus!) I just picked it up because friends recommended it.
Now, I can't wait to read it!
And, I've been here a ton and can't believe I wasn't a follower until now. Shame on me.
Yay for another Anastasia story! Count me in!
thatwemightfly AT gmail DOT com!
This book looks so good. I LOVE the cover!
I love anything to do with the Romanovs! Their story is so interesting, and a modern take sounds like a great idea. I'm definitely in. *crosses fingers*
Sounds like a great book. I would love to read it. Thanks for the chance!
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Handsome guy...'nuff said. I must get this book. Great interview ladies!
Please please please let me win this!!!!!! I, too, have long been fascinated by this story! I can't WAIT to read this!
I like the Anastasia folklore too.
This book sounds wonderful, and it does have a gorgeous cover. Count me in, please.
Great interview! I need to pick this book up STAT.
You had me at *sigh* Joss Whedon.
I love the interview...but seriously, fab author girl, Twizzlers? Come on now. lol. Twizzlers taste like red chewy plastic.
Sounds like a great story! I agree on the cover issus - kids won't pick up an ugly book!
JennyMac - Twizzlers are the food of the gods. Okay, unless they soak too long in the Diet Coke.
Thanks, L&L for hosting me! Especially since the fates have decreed that the sequel, Haunted, will come out in 2011, the same year as YOUR book! Cheers to that!
Joy Preble
Poor Romanovs. They never saw it coming.
I really want to read this book! HUGE history nerd right here.
I'm dying to read this book. I've always been obsessed with the Romanov's and It sounds like an awesome version of Anastasia's story. and the interview was awesome it's pretty true people do judge a book by it's cover.
Hey gals!
Ooo, this looks like an amazing book, I can't wait to read it! Also, my critique partner/friend just made the cover for my WIP Devour! Go to my blog and check it out, it is totally made of WIN! :D <3
Awesome interview!
P.S. I'm already following your blog! :)
Sounds like a really interesting story. Count me in!
Oooh sounds awesome! Please include me!
I love the book cover. They say not to judge a book by its cover... but I do... oh I do...
I can't wait to read Dreaming Anastasia. Please count me in. And I love the twit-opsis!
angel28140 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
Sounds like a great book. Glad I found your blog. :)
Sounds like a great book!! I signed up to follow your blog:) My email is bangersis(at)msn(dot)com
Another book on my "to read" list! I'm completely fascinated by the story of the Romanov family. Also, I admit that I totally judge books by their cover...I'm not proud of it but there it is.
If this book can be judged by its cover, it's going to be beautiful!
What a lovely cover!
Wow, this looks great. I'm too late for the giveaway, but I can't wait to get my hands on it.
I'm sad that I'm only seeing this today, but since you didn't announce an official cut off point in the post, I'm throwing my hat in. *Fingers crossed ignoring the odds* That's how I roll.
Ooh! This book sounds right up my alley! I love Russian history, YA fantasy, AND kissing! :D
I absolutely adore the cover for this and this is a great little interview. Twizzlers rock. I don't use them as straws, but I could easily eat an entire package. On my own.
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