2. I spent almost my entire weekend reading. SO many good books to share with you guys over the next few months. In fact, we've even come up with an exciting new way to get the word out. Check back on Thursday for all the deets.
3. I'm down to like 3 hours of must-see TV a week. Summer TV is simply not what it was cracked up to be. I've even (gasp) removed shows from my Season Pass list. And those of you familiar with my TV viewing habits are well aware of how bad a show has to be to actually get permanently deleted from my DVR.
4. My dreams are full of book-related craziness. I had a dream last night where I was loitering around a book store informing customers that THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE
5. When I go to the gym without any reading material, crazy things happen. Crazy as in we may or may not be starting our very own LiLa Reality Vlog Show...stay tuned this week for an epic announcement.
6. Scott Tracey has a better, smarter, more productive truth than us today. Read and discuss, my friends. We happen to agree with him 100%.
So, what's your truth on this steamy Tuesday?
I hate hot humid days. Why do I live in Atlanta then you ask? Good question.
Vlog show... Vaudeville and the Disney Channel popped into my head. What's that saying??
The truth: The weather is stinkin' HOT here!! Makes me want to do absolutely nothing.
Oh yeah, the heat. Moving sloooow around here. Off to check out Scott ;-)
Summer TV isn't at it's best and yet I find myself overloaded with things such as The Bachelorette and the poison sucks me in every time... I can't help but watch the trainwreck happen.
Love your truths as always.
I'm scared to death because tonight I will be on a plane for 8 hours with (2) kids ages 2 and 4. I think there is something mentally wrong with me. Bring on the wine and the Benedryl. :)
I actually had a halfway decent writing session last night. Instead of packing I wrote. Nothing wrong with that, right?
Have a great day gals!
Always keeping it real, girls! Can't wait to hear your big development related to books. I keep hearing about The Sky is Everywhere and I'm going to request it from the library after I post this comment. My truths include definitely reading Incarceron much of the weekend- loving it. A few days ago, I was listening to J. Lo's "Love Don't Cost a Thing" and I thought of Tell the Truth Tuesdays! I realized I am a major geek because I still love J. Lo like she came out with her music only yesterday. And despite Bennifer, etc., J. Lo has a special place in my heart <3
Happy Tuesday girls!
Spent the whole weekend reading? Where were your kids? BTW, 99 degrees herein NJ today!
I have a sad truth. I have written nothing except 1 flash fiction piece for a contest (and blog posts OF COURSE) for like 2 months. It's very depressing. But I have been reading uber lots. I can't seem to do both, it's either one or the other.
and I REALLY need to get The Sky Is Everywhere. Really, really.
Join the hot weather club. Mississippi temps have been in the 90
's for weeks.
My truth: I lost a pound this week without exercising (much). I only took one walk, the whole week.
1. I spent some of my weekend installing insulation in the attic.
2. I spent some of my weekend drinking beer.
43. I spent some of my weekend grilling.
82. It was a manly weekend.
6. Strangely, I didn't blow anything up.
9. Is that a manfail?
0. Nah.
-. I'm only watching a LiLa Reality Vlog show if there are pillow fights.
*, I'm lying (again). I'd also watch jello wrestling.
(. Er... I may have misplaced my filter again. Anyone seen it?
A LiLa Reality Vlog Show was bound to happen.
Seriously, we knew it was coming. :D
My truth: I'm excited to take my baby back to daycare.
Another truth: I'm terrified, yet ecstatic, to start OP revisions.
Thanks for sharing the list guys. I agree with Scott too!
So what are the tv shows that made your cut? My inner nerd loves Warehouse 13 and Eureka on ScyFy, both starting their summer seasons this week!
Keep cool. :)
Thanks for sharin' your Truths ;o)
Hmm. Well it's 90 something here too, I'm not too far north of you, well a few hours I think.
1. I read BEAUTIFUL CREATURES in like a few hours. Loved it.
2. I just discovered John Green. Late to the party? Um. Yeah.
3. Summer t.v. does pretty much blow. I'm eagerly awaiting Mad Men and Weeds.
4. I haven't blogged in over 2 weeks!
Whew. Okay, glad I got that all out ;o) Yes, would love to see a LiLa Vlog show. Bring.It.On.
Have a great day, ladies!
My truth: It's creeping towards 103today in New York City. I was so delirious that I suggested my boyfriend put a bowl of ice in front of the fan because that will 'definitely cool things off.' Yeah...ok...
Thanks for the link to Scott Tracey's post, He put into words some things I've been thinking about in terms of using the blog to vent.
Spending a weekend reading sounds like heaven (despite the heat).
Thanks so much for the link to Scott's post. That was a pleasure to read and totally without whine!
My truth is I whined today when I had to call my credit card company about a missing card and I hadn't even finished my morning coffee. Then an online contest thing had a broken vote button and my printer jammed. BUT I am over the whining and ready to take 'em on, whoever they are! Happy Tuesday to you.
The weather is no better down here in Dayton and I miss the 70 degree temps we had last week.
My other truth: I spent hours watching the series Avatar: The Last Airbender. I honestly don't remember the last time I watched a series for that many consecutive hours at a time. I ended up going through the last three of the first season of 20 eps, then finished the ENTIRE 2nd season of 18 and got through the first 8 of the third. Yeah our holiday weekend wasn't very busy but I'm OK with that. Sometimes you just need to be a lazy bum.
I also think I may have left a permanent indentation in the couch.
I would actually LOVE that 90 degree weather! I'm in Southern California, for goodness sake! It's like 70 degrees and overcast here. I want sun. I want to go to the beach!
I am seriously dreaming of snow. Shhh, I know! Dare to say that to me in the middle of January.
OMG a Vlog show? I can't WAIT for that. :)
I can't believe it's 90 degrees over there! It's like a gloomy, dreary, randomly sprinkling 60-something over here, and by southern California in JULY standards, that's UNHEARD OF. Seriously. This is like winter weather. I'm looking out the window wondering where the heck the sun is.
Anyway, this reality v-log series sounds exciting!
We have a humidity of about 35 degrees Celsius today - total yuck. The Internet tells me that's about 95 Fahrenheit. Thankfully this is not our normal summer - I'd be hiding in my basement for the whole season!
I'm always a bit surprised when the hot weather hits, despite the fact that I live in the South.
And I've been dreaming about ice cream lately (specifically, Moon Pie flavored ice cream), which should tell you a little how much I want my cool weather back!
The heat is killing me. It is wayyy hotter in Houston than Ohio.
Our office AC went out for a few hours this morning...I believe in protest over the heat but meanwhile we all seriously thought we would die.
Ooh, I can't wait for the LiLa Reality Vlog Show. I already spilled all my truths today. :)
A reality Vlog show???? Sweet! =D
i have no truth and I tell no lies ;)
Love the sound of a LiLa Reality Vlog Show!!! Hope you're staying cool in the heat and humidity!
I just realized your angle. You are so vying to be the next Oprah. Smart, ladies. Really very smart. Where shall I send the package of Twizzlers, Prosecco and ballet flats? I need to be on this train.
Oooh, a reality vlog show. Cool.
It's not steamy here. Pleasantly cool. Maybe even a little chilly in the morning for my two young soccer campers. (Fortunately they don't complain)
I'm looking forward to the book recommendations and the vlog possibilities. :o)
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