I am in a weird place right now.
Baby #3 is due (literally) any second. We're thisclose to having ARCs for THE LIAR SOCIETY
. And we have some crazy new ideas for our WIP.
But right now, at this very moment, we're waiting. It's strange because I feel like I can see all of this amazing stuff on the horizon, but it's all a little hazy. A little out of reach.
There's uncertainty in the air. A lot of exciting, scary, once-in-a-lifetime-type things are just lurking out there. And I'm left feeling...unsettled.
You know that weird feeling when you're sure you should be worrying about something, but you can't remember what you're so worried about? It's like that. Only 24/7.
So what's a total Type-A control freak like yours truly to do?
Why freak out, of course. Anyone care to join me?
Check out the WriteOnCon site for a transcript of our chat last night (it was AWESOME) and a list of all the contest winners (including THE LIAR SOCIETY
ARC and major secret about the next book in the series!).
AND the winner of the 50 page manuscript critique is Rachael Harrie! Racheal e-mail us the first 50 pages of your manuscript. We can't wait to read!
Check out the WriteOnCon site for a transcript of our chat last night (it was AWESOME) and a list of all the contest winners (including THE LIAR SOCIETY
AND the winner of the 50 page manuscript critique is Rachael Harrie! Racheal e-mail us the first 50 pages of your manuscript. We can't wait to read!
Sorry I missed the chat last night, I'm sure it was amazing. I don't really worry much, but if I was in your position I might freak out just a teensy bit.
Congrats Rachael!
So much excitement is going on for you, I can't imagine not freaking out. Enjoy the quiet moments is my advice, because soon things will be crazy busy, fufilling and awesome in ways that you can only begin to imagine. :)
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
I'm checking out the transcript, my Internest was having issues...as usual.
I'm with you on the control thing. Tends to freak me out a little when I don't have control. Congrats on all the exciting things coming your way though!
Yea,I hear that. The baby will be keeping you busy soon so take advantage of sleep while you can...well as much as any mom can lol.
Dude!!!! You just described the place I'm in PERFECTLY!!!
So happy for you and the awesome things headed your way.
Totally understandable--but first things first? Pop out that kid! Fingers crossed for you!
Good luck on everything! Doesn't it always seem like a waiting game?
Take a deep breath and realize that though time seems like it is going slowly now, six months will pass in a blip...and you will be an old hand in your new place and things will have come together.
Squeeeee! Rach! You lucky pygmy! I'm so happy for you!
Wow, I have anxiety now just from reading that and thinking about all the things that freak me out. Oh boy. The good things is that you know all those things ARE coming, and very quickly. Soon the limbo will be over. Yay!
Ack, I had to grade essays last night so missed the chat. Off to read transcripts!
And *yay* for all the awesome things coming your way soon!
Ohhh! It's all so exciting. Good luck with the baby!!! =D
Woohooo!! Go Rach!! :D
I freak out too when things are like that and I drag my husband down with me :P
Congrats ahead of time on the new baby--he or she will be here before you know it!
I hear you on the control issues. I'm waiting to close on a house and sending out submissions and have a bunch of other changes. None so lovely as a new baby though. Congrats! I love some Tension Tamer herbal tea when it all seems a bit much.
Read the transcript of the chat last night after it was over. Very interesting info.
I'm feeling the same, except not pregnant, LOL. Playing the waiting game while my ms is on sub to editors, and Friday's flu shot threw me for a loop, too. Been feeling run-down ever since. Definitely didn't want to come to work today, to tell the truth. Blech.
Hope that baby comes soon, leaving you both healthy and happy. Are you betting on which arrives first, baby or ARCs? ;)
Well, this is pretty much how I feel every day...minus the pregnancy.lol
Awesome chat last night, and how freakin cute is Jessica Sinsheimer? Really great and surprising answers on a few things!
I have no secrets to impart today except...is it weird that my new fav movie is Madagascar-Escape to Africa? I don't care. There it is.
a BABY? How did I miss that? Holy Cow...congrats and good luck with it all :D Someday we'll look back and it will all make perfect sense. I swear. I really do.
it's me I'm trying to convince here ;)
That feeling means there are lots of good things around the corner! Thinking of you! :)
SQUEEEE!!! Thanks so much Lisa and Laura, I'm so excited to win the prize (*races to grab manuscript and email pages through*) :)
Oh my goodness ... congrats on baby!!! So much exciting stuff going on!
Lisa, you'll going to love having three kids. It's way more fun that two. :D
My father is so type-A, he freaks out if he isn't stressed. Hopefully you're not as bad (for your family's sake.) ;)
I'll freak out with you. I don't really have any reason to freak, but I haven't had a good anxiety attack in a while . . . so I'm due. Why not??
Wow--a baby AND and arc. Amazing!!
Dude, I'm so living this plastic-wrap life right now. Like things are there, but you can't quite see them clearly. Right there with ya.
Congrats on the soon-to-arrive baby! And ARC!
Yes, I'm also Type-A. I totally get it.
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