Monday, May 25, 2009

Summer Reading List

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

Now that we're all allowed to wear white without fear of being pulled over by the fashion police, we figured it was time to share our summer reading list.

It's sort of like Oprah's Favorite Things, only with books and minus all of the free stuff. Ok, fine, it's not like Oprah's Favorite Things at all, but you have to admit that made a good hook, right?

Ok, moving right along, here's a little preview of books we can't wait to get our little hands on this summer:

1. South of Broad by Pat Conroy

(August 11, 2009) Beach Music is one of our favorite books of all time (seriously, don't get turned off by the cheesy cover, it's AMAZING), so we're eagerly anticipating Conroy's latest effort. According to Booklist, "Conroy fleshes out the almost impossibly dramatic details of each of the friends’ lives in this vast, intricate story, and he reveals truths about love, lust, classism, racism, religion, and what it means to be shaped by a particular place." Yes, please!

2. Catching Fire (The Second Book of the Hunger Games) by Suzanne Collins.

(September 1, 2009) If you haven't read The Hunger Games, (*ahem* Laura!) do yourself a favor and READ IT. It was one of the best books I've read so far this year and I can't wait to see what happens to Katniss and Peeta next.

3. The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal by Ben Mezrich.

(July 14, 2009), money, genius, betrayal and Facebook!? Yeah, we're in. Plus this comes to us from the guy that wrote Bringing Down the House. This one is a no-brainer.

4. Just After Sunset by Stephen King.

He's the master. I've been saving his newest collection of short stories for summer reading and I can't wait to pick it up. I'm sure I'll read it and then weep for all the things my writing will never be, but it will be worth it. It always is.

5. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick.

Ok, so we're totally biased because Becca is a friend and agent-mate, but how amazing does this book look? I mean, seriously. The book doesn't technically come out until October 13, 2009, BUT Becca is going to do an ARC giveaway for people who register for her newsletter, which may or may not be rigged to ensure we win. We're still trying to convince Becca that it's in her best interest, but she keeps throwing out phrases like "being fair to other readers" and "restraining order."

So, what's on your reading list this summer?


Sara Raasch said...

Ooo Hush, Hush's cover looks AWESOME!

My summer reading list: Hunger Games, Silver Phoenix, and Bird by Bird. And though I know it isn't technically reading, I also have big plans to attack my own books, because I haven't gotten to write much these past two quarters. Bring on the vacation!

Danyelle L. said...

I'm excited for part 2 of The Hunger Games to come out!

PurpleClover said...

Oh my! My reading list is all over the place. But I'd be happy just to finish Middlemarch. It's a toughie!

Corey Schwartz said...

Oh, never read Beach Music, but LOVED Prince to Tides, so maybe I'll get Beach Music for myself this summer.

Anonymous said...

Restraining order. Ha! You guys never fail to make me laugh :D

Katie Anderson said...

Hunger Games, Baby! Hunger Games!!! And if the South is about The South, then bring it on too!

Hardygirl said...

Purple--I love George Eliot! LOVE her!

And, yes, Lila--I loved Beach Music. The writing was gorgeous.

Right now, I'm reading Anne Tyler's The Amateur Marriage which is great. EVERYONE should read The Help by Kathryn Stockett (I don't think I'm biased bc she's a friend). I also am dying to read the Graveyard Book.

Also, I just finished an amazing arc by Neil White called In the Sanctuary of Outcasts. He was a federal prisoner in a leprosorium in Louisiana. Yes. He served his year in prison with hundreds of other convicts and leprosy patients. Amazing story of redemption. It comes out next week, and Katie and I will be doing an interview on Plot This.


lisa and laura said...

SF-I just happened to check out The Help from the library! She's your friend???

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome cover for Hush, Hush. Thanks for the head's up. I can't wait for part 2 of the Hunger Games. Great book! I couldn't even start with my reading list, it's too long. And now with more on it.

Kimberly Derting said...

I thought Becca was a Tenner, I had no idea that her book came out so soon...I will definitely be picking it up!!! (the cover is gor-ge-ous!)

Thanks for adding to my growing pile, I'll never getting any "real" work done.

Hardygirl said...

Hi Lila!

Yep! Kathryn and I graduated from high school together. I grew up in Jackson where the book takes place, and there's a scene towards the end of the book that takes place in my grandfather's drugstore (Brent's).

Here's our post about her Oxford visit--


Sherrie Petersen said...

I'm reading The Emerald Tablet by PJ Hoover right now. Then I'm digging into The Hunger Games. I was at the book store the other day and the owner GAVE me her ARC. I was so stoked! Love my local book store!

XiXi said...

I'm reading Hunger Games for sure, since I keep hearing wonderful things about it on people's blogs. This is kind of shameful, but I've never read Stephen King, so maybe I should get on that.

I love your blog (de-lurking)! :-)

Suzanne Casamento said...

Great list! Thanks for the "Favorite Things."

As for my summer reading list, it's other people's mannies all the way! : )

lisa and laura said...

Yay for de-lurkers and new readers! Welcome Icy and Suzanne! Hope our randomness doesn't scare you off...

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