Please go read her four part publishing mantra: Work Hard, Don't Give Up, Finish Strong, Pay It Forward.
And if your finger is hovering over the send button on a query to your dream agent and you haven't read her eBook, From the Query to The Call. Stop. Buy the book. Absorb the information. Revise your query and then let Elana hack into it. They don't call her the Query Ninja for nothing.
Elana is brilliant. And I happened to notice that book references some famous sisters as well. Great advice in there :)
YEP, check, check and check!! Have a good weekend!
I love the picture and the motto.
Thanks for the brilliant advice! :)
I'm on it!
Elana's blog is definitely a must see for writers. She's awesome :)
Oohh--have to check it out! Thanks!
LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elana is great and I'm so happy she found an agent. Happy weekend!
I'm going to make that picture my desktop until I finish this WIP.
I think Elana is a genius of writing. I love her blog. =)
That picture caught my eye... that picutre is great. His book was pretty good but I like this picture it sums up what the book was about.
Aw, thanks girls!
Woo Hoo!!!!!!!
I love that mantra. Love it!!
I love Elana. She's the best, and so is her e-book From the Query to the Call. Her blog is quite nice, too. All around terrific.
Elana I'll be headed your way soon! Thanks ladies for pointing us in the right direction.
P.S. I'm reading Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet- thanks to your recommendation and Kindle. Love the book!
It's been said before, but it is worth saying again and again and again - loudly!!!
Query letters are very important!!! Writing a good, solid, strong one is crucial.
You spend months (or years) writing the book, so invest time in learning how to query. It's foolish not to...
Thanks for the reminder,
"Blood and Groom" is now in stores!
Could agree with you guys more. Elana and you two are simply AMAZING!
Yes!! Elana is IT!!!
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