Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tell the Truth Tuesday...

1. I'm totally reading the copy of Gentlemen Prefer Succubi that we're giving away. Sorry Simply Stacie! Hope you don't mind very gently used books. Send us an e-mail with your address and we'll mail the books in a week or so because there's no way I'm sending them without finishing. I haven't read anything this steamy since, um, ever.

2. We have another Vlog in the works wherein I'm going to kick LMJ's ass in Pop Culture Trivial Pursuit. Yeah, this isn't exactly a deep dark secret, but I'm really, really good at Pop Culture Trivial Pursuit. My family refuses to even play with me.

3. I've officially added The Buried Life and My Life as Liz to my already bloated TiVo. The Buried Life is good TV. What's not to like about cute teenage boys in driving around in an RV checking things off their bucket list? Think Jackass meets Pay it Forward. And My Life as Liz is an entertaining look at the high school caste system. Required viewing for all wannabe YA writers.

4. We're going in...Again. That's right. It's time for us to start a new project. Pemberly Brown #2 here we come.

5. I'm on the lazy girl's diet. Our kitchen refrigerator broke a couple of weeks ago and the replacement is finally being delivered today. We have this really old , crappy refrigerator in the storage room in our basement, but I'm terrified of going in there. As a result we've been living off of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and popcorn. My kids probably have scurvy.

Now it's your turn. What's your truth this Tuesday?


Shelby said...

truth is.. I'm already almost late for work and here I am reading and blogging.

gotta go :)

Carrie Harris said...

Nooo! No more tv shows! I'll have to give up sleeping!

Um... when's that Liz show on? ;)

Christina Lee said...

Oh I'd totally read those books if I had them in front of me LOL!

Ian said...

Truth is that I still cannot believe I have 60 followers. Thought I'd never surpass 10. That's the g-d's honest truth.

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

I need those books! I like steamy!

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with PB&J! Good stuff indeed:)
So the truth is I have been doing the sneeze-pee ever since I had my baby! Does this go away, or what?

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with PB&J! Good stuff indeed:)
So the truth is I have been doing the sneeze-pee ever since I had my baby! Does this go away, or what?

Little Ms J said...

I never realized I like the word scurvy. Look at you! Bringing about awareness.

I think it is HI.Larious that you think you're going to beat me. I almost had Mr. J convinced to play the winner, but he doesn't want to be on camera. He said that he is the King of All Things Trivial Pursuit.

Donna Gambale said...

I have sooooo many unread books on my bookshelf... but I still want to go to the library and get more, just because the library has ones I don't have.

And along the lines of Ian's confession -- the FNC has over 400 followers as of this week, and I couldn't be more excited!

Artemis Grey said...

The truth is, I'm reading Rampant by Diana Peterfund, and although Astrid sort of annoys me, I LOVE it so far.

I have queries out again and I'm dying slowly of anxiety. And it's actually worse because the agents who have passed on me said good things, so now my hopes are up...

I'd rather be writing on either my Fantasy YA and Urban Fantasy YA... one ivolves bad tempered dwarves and the other ass-kicking faeries...

But all I have to look forward to today is poop, and sick ponies that keep pulling their catheters out...


Kerri Cuev said...

Truth is I have Spring fever with snow still on the ground. It is a toasty 37 outside and I feel like pulling out my lawn chair, soaking in the rays, while sipping a drink!

I have also bought books for friends and read them first hahaha!

Natalie said...

I saw The Buried Life this weekend and I was so surprised! The episode I watched was the one where they dressed up like oompa loompas to sneak inside the Playboy mansion. I thought it would just be funny ... but it was surprisingly moving! I'm hooked now :)

My truth is that I just spent ten minutes looking for my glasses only to realize they were already on my face. It's going to be a good day ...

Stina said...

I'm a Diet Coke addict. And I cry at every--including Kleenex commercials. How lame is that? ;)

Unknown said...

I could live solely on popcorn. It would be *such* a sacrifice, but I'm sure I could manage somehow.

Truth is, I'm so SICK of being sick. I just want to feel good again. *sigh*

Lisa Desrochers said...

I regularly live off PB&J and popcorn. Especially if I'm in the middle of speed revisions for my editor. (O_O)

Heidi Willis said...

Too funny!! Can't wait to hear how Pemberly 2 goes!

Truth is...I'm wondering how women manage full time writing careers with children during the cold and flu season. I saw my computer for about 30 minutes yesterday... and none of that was writing or marketing. :(

Stephanie Thornton said...

The scurvy comment made me giggle- thanks!

Good luck with Pemberly #2- have fun with it!

Tere Kirkland said...

Truth is I've started four books in the past two weeks, and haven't finished any of them yet. I just keep getting distracted by books and my own writing. (Though I'd probably breeze through Gentlemen Prefer Succubi if I had it in front of me right now)

Artemis Grey said...

Oh I thought of another truth: I finally saw Avatar this passed weekend, and I liked it. It was a good movie. It wasn't GREAT and it wasn't BAD. I don't get the hype...

Unknown said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!Let wip ensue!

Carolyn V. said...

Hee hee hee, not the scurvy!

My daughter and I are both home sick today. I think we need to break out the chic flicks and some ice cream. Yes, I think it must be done.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I think they'll be fine...You've got the protein group (PB), the fruit group (jam), the grain group (bread and popcorn)...I doubt they'll get scurvy. :)

Elana Johnson said...

Can't wait for the blog or #2! I get to read, right? Right.

Me? Meh. I wish I'd taken a mental health day off work. Maybe tomorrow.

Unknown said...

My truth is . . . sometimes the truth hurts, and I hate to be the one to deliver it. Despite that others think I *love* every book I read, I had to give a big, fat negative review of an e-book on my blog. I feel sorta guilty. :-(

Annette Lyon said...

The truth is, I'm in my PJs. No bra, no shower. Yet. Just reading. But that's part of the work of being a writer, right? RIGHT?

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Truth: I'm feeling the need to strangle my 2nd period H.S. class. I don't think the administration or the school board would approve, though. :-)

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

hahahaha great truths...my truth today is that I'm desperate to get out of Utah, and I might be considering something foolish just to do so. Well, foolish is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose :)

Unknown said...

I'm a medical transcriptionist by day and work on one of my accounts has been really slow, so instead of doing what work I can on that account, or writing, I've been watching Desperate Housewives episodes on Hulu and reading blogs. My husband would kill me if he found out so this is just our little secret so sshhh!

Dara said...

Truth is...I'm being lazy here at work, even though there's things that need done. But work is pissing me off lately so I'm procrastinating. At least for a few minutes.

Kimberly Franklin said...

I'll take your PB&J and raise you a package of Ramen? My kind of diet there. LOL. : )

Mariah Irvin said...

That sounds like the college student diet. Well, it's what I eat anyways.

Sarah Wylie said...

The truth is...I am having breakfast as I type. You can probably guess what I'm eating. It starts with "t".

I am totally behind on TV. I don't watch Jersey Shore (I know, right?!) and I just heard about My Life as Liz last night.

YAY for Pemberly Brown #2!! Good luck!

Lou said...

Truth is... I have absolutely nothing to do at work today, so I've been writing all day instead. Don't tell my boss.

Anonymous said...

My Tuesday truths? Um... bagels from Aldi occasionally taste like cardboard to me. I worry that coffee is staining my teeth but I'm not vain enough to stop drinking it. I seem incapable of getting more than 5 hours of sleep a night recently. Dr. Horrible and the Sing Along Blog is pee-your-pants funny, and I can't believe I missed it when it came out a couple of years ago.

Marsha Sigman said...

Truths? Let's see....
1) I have a secret pervy crush on the bad brother in the Vampire Diaries.
2) I never clean under my couch cushions...I am afraid too.
3) I could live on onion rings...and dr. pepper.

Unknown said...

Truth is I've got so many books to read... reading 5 at the moment plus dozens more on my bookshelf, but new (shiny) ones keep catching my eye. I think I'll ban myself from borders.

Lisa Schroeder said...

I'm going in too. Starting a new book tomorrow!!! Equally excited and terrified, as always. :)

Rebecca Knight said...

Cure for scurvy? Switch to marmalade! You're welcome :).

EEK! I'm so excited to read Pemberly #1, I don't think I can handle knowing that Pem 2 is already in the works. Too much anticipation, ladies!

Also, I'm thinking about vlogging because of you guys but am too chicken so far :). We'll see if I recover and go for it.

Shannon Messenger said...

1) I've missed reading your blog SO much these last few days

2) I'm BACK! Sorta. Conference is Friday so not totally back, but.....


4) That doesn't mean I'm done.

5) I emailed it to my CP's

6) And I'm now dreading emails full of further revisions needed

7) I'm also SUPPOSED to be working on a one page synopsis

8) Which I will probably need to have for Friday

9) But instead I've wasted the entire day doing...

10) Nothing. I can't think of a SINGLE thing I've done. I haven't even watched TV. The hours are just...gone.

Ooo--I read your blog. Does that count? :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Have fun with the new fridge! New, shiny appliances are sooooo much fun. :)

I actually didn't try peanut butter until I got married. My folks had emigrated from Scotland & had never heard of the stuff. Never knew what I was missing!

Gail said...

My truth is.....bubble wrap. See my blog post today to understand.

Kelly H-Y said...

PB&J ... protein, good fat, carbos, and fruit! Sounds perfect! :-)

Kim said...

love it! I'm on the lazy girl diet too, and I don't even have a broken fridge for an excuse. At least you have an excuse!

I did just cook a Giada recipe for dinner, though. I'm good for feeding the ballerinas cereal for dinner for the next 2 weeks now.

K. M. Walton said...

Truth is, I felt zero guilt holing myself in my room watching two seasons of True Blood on DVD. Not all in one sitting mind you, I do have to work and feed my children. But, if we're telling the truth, well, I did watch five shows in a row on a Sunday. That's five hours of television perfection. Zero guilt.

Eva said...

The sad truth is that I forgot to pack a sweater on my trip to SLC and I have the heater in my hotel room set to 80. It's warm and snuggly! Global warming is happening right in my room!


Are those reality shows, or is MTV attempting scripted (gasp!) tv again?

lexcade said...

i'd love to see you go against my mom in trivial pursuit pop culture. she destroys my sister and me both.

...hey...any query advice i can steal from you? ;)

Christina Farley said...

Oh! No refrigerator? That is terrible. I think I'd die. Good luck on your new book.

Keri Mikulski said...

Want to see MY LIFE AS LIZ. :)

Truth - I'm spending way too much time lately googling Brad and Angelina's impending break-up. :)

Natalie said...

"My kids probably have scurvy." Oh my gosh, I laughed so hard.

Well, the truth is, it's Wednesday, but I'll tell the truth anyway.

My baby played in the dogfood on Friday and spread it all over the laundry room floor and... I still haven't cleaned it up. :)

Anonymous said...

The truth? I think I just got my friend in middle school involved in a singing competition against her mother's wishes, but neither of them know yet. What can I say? She's good!

Don't call this a comeback

So it’s been a minute. Or 10. Or truthfully more like 2,102,400. At least we think that’s how many minutes there are in 3 years, but let...