So, I don't get it. Yesterday, I was driving to the store and I could have sworn that between my daughter's screams, I could hear, "Step by Step" in the background. When I turned up the radio, sure enough, the New Kids were playing. So, this might be a Cleveland thing--the next song that came on was by Nirvana, so that should indicate the quality of Cleveland radio (again, sorry to any Nirvana fans)--but I have a sinking suspicion that the New Kids are trying to make a come back.
Just check out this picture. Those are some sad-looking fans. And I really hope that that big dude is a body guard. Do the New Kids even need body guards?

I get that hearing/seeing the New Kids again brings you back to your glorious teenage years, but they aren't even any good (again, sorry to fans). When I was looking for pictures to add to this post, women were leaving comments like, "Can't wait to see NKOTB in October, hubba hubba," and "Love you guys, *drool*." I mean, that's just embarrassing.
This is Lisa and you should know that I not only had dozens of New Kids posters hanging in my room, but I also had a pillow cast and a splatter painted shirt. I was sure that Jordan and I would evenutally be married. I went to a sum total of 3 concerts and screamed and cried my tween heart out the entire time.
Personally, I think Laura should change her locks after this post because she might have some rather large women with big hair attacking her. Good times.
Who says "hubba, hubba"? The NKOTB were *from* the nineties, their fans shouldn't *be* ninety!
This makes me very sad. Very.
There is no need to revisit every nostalgic moment of your life. Let's try to be a little choosey and use the eye-opening benefits of hindsight.
Of course, I downloaded "Rock Lobster" for my children this morning and made them watch a video of the B-52s . . . .
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh... Hangin' Tough!
Man, I loved those balloon pants and bad haircuts and tucked in baggy shirts ... What does that say about me??
I must admit: Single, off of their latest CD, is kind of catchy. But watching them try to dance in the video? Pricelessly bad. (I'm fairly certain pricelessly isn't a word, but I'm going with it.)
not a fan then, still not a fan now. ;)
Where's Marky Mark and his funky bunch??? That's what I want to know. I need some Good Vibrations.
Wait, that sounds dirty...
I never understood the whole "boy band" fascination. Nirvana, I love. NKOTB, not so much.
But, I have to say that I like Donnie. He and his wife and kids lived across the street from my parents for about five years and they were really nice people. So it's weird to see him on tv with his band, almost like it's another person.
Um, Lisa, I'm really sorry about that high school phase... :^)
My sister was a big New Kids fan. Me...not so much! ;-)
I totally saw them singing on the Today show the other day! They are totally coming back, Baby!
It was a tad peculiar...
I think I heard that recently too ... scary!
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