And the weirdest part?
I love covers that other people openly despise. And I hate covers that some people adore. As our fellow Elevensies start to share their book covers we're getting more and more excited to see what the cover of our book is going to look like.
And to be perfectly honest, we're a little scared too. I mean, we all know that people who say they don't judge a book by their cover are either a) lying or b) an author that got stuck with a really unfortunate cover themselves.
Ok, so I love the big sunglasses. I love how there's a painting in the reflection. I love that the girl looks super fashionable. Bottom line: This just looks like a book I'd really enjoy.
Ok, I've been waiting over a year to read this book, so I might be a little bit biased here, but I love the color. I love that it somehow manages to evoke creepiness without being obviously creepy. I love how the title sort of speaks for itself. Just an amazing cover.
I love the red umbrella and the overall look and feel of the cover is just compelling and slightly mysterious. I want to know more.

So, I thought it would be interesting to post a some book covers that are so amazing that I'd be forced to pick them up if I were browsing at the bookstore.

I think this cover is just gorgeous. The colors are so exotic and her eyes are just amazing. I can't wait to see this one in person.
And I'm going to let you guys in on a little secret. I really did not care for the covers in THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy, especially the forthcoming MOCKINGJAY. Honestly, I think it took me forever to actually read THE HUNGER GAMES because it just didn't look like a book I would enjoy. Um, yeah, needless to say I was completely wrong. But those books are a great example of covers that people rave about that I just don't like. Weird.
So, now it's your turn. Favorite cover? Least favorite? Feel like ripping me a new one for hating the cover of THE HUNGER GAMES? I want to hear all about it in the comments.
OH I love your picks I saw the body finder in the store yesterday - OMG It's amazing in person even more so than online - LOVE LOVE and the story makes it all the better I think. :)
Great pics! I agree with you on the Hunger Games. I have the book and still have to read it. I am not sure if the cover is keeping me away. My favorite cover right now is hush,hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. I love that cover.
Oooh, I like the Audrey Hepburn-esque Heist Society. I also agree with Christine--Hush, Hush had an amazing cover.
I like the playfulness of The Lonely Hearts Club (no big surprise, right?). And, no matter how you feel about the books, the Twilight covers really set the tone.
I'm guilty of loving a good cover! But I have to many that I like to list.
I agree with all your picks, both good and bad. Heist Society has an AWESOME cover. I totally want to read it. And although THE HUNGER GAMES books are AMAZING, the covers are kind of lame.
HA! I forced my sweetie to make our Friday night date a trip to B&N where I pulled out book after book and scrutinized the cover.
why? I'm insane. Ever since I realized we would be getting our covers THIS YEAR (most likely) I have turned into a cover lunatic....looking, judging, thinking, praying.
And, my taste is really different than most. So, we shall see, eh girls?
These are really good covers. You've got a good eye for what catches someone's attention! Have you ever thought about working in publishing?
Anyway, I must admit that I, too, disliked the Hunger Games covers. Now I like them, but that's only because I attribute them to the books (which are amazing). But at first, they looked like middle grade science fiction to me. I like middle grade sci-fi, but I don't LOVE it, so I wouldn't have picked them up right away on my own.
As for me, I'm a minimalist by nature, so I tend to like covers like PURE by Terra Elan McVoy, and I even think that the Twilight covers are brilliant. Although, in opposite of the Hunger Games I feel that they have great covers but the books are just "pretty good."
Books like the new Happyface by Stephen Emond totally catch my attention in stores, and the Pretty Little Liars series. Stuff like that. But I'm also drawn to color, even if it's bright, when it's used smart. Like the cover of Evermore, or how the color just touches up the cover on Laini Taylor's Lips Touch.
And of course, who's not a sucker for beautiful, intricate design like on Leviathan, or The Luxe series, or haunting images like on Forest of Hands and Teeth, or Ruined by Paula Morris or even Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott.
Wow. Long response. I guess this means I judge books by their covers too? But that's the whole thing of it. Everyone in publishing knows that the cover of the book is often the book's strongest advertisement. Most authors don't get a lot of backing from publicity departments because there is simply not enough help to go around--publicists are working with hundreds of authors and they have to put the most time where the money is. This is why us publishing professionals really value authors (like yourselves) who self promote. And it's also why the cover of the book is so, so important.
Okay. Epic comment done.
I love it when a cover gives hints as to what's in the book--like Libba Bray's Going Bovine. LUV IT!
I agree that the Twilight series covers are brilliant, but I guess I'm lost as to what they're referencing. *blushes at the thought it's probably something REALLY obvious, LOL!*
Anyway, yes, I do pick up a book based on its cover. Otherwise, what's the point of bookjackets and marketing, LOL!
Great post, Lisa. :)
Shhhhh, I didn't like the Hunger Games covers, either. Still don't.
I love your picks and also that lipgloss one from a few posts ago. I really liked the last one (before the dorked out Mockingjay one) that had those big sunlight dots in it. It looks wet or something.
so fun!
I agree with you on the Hunger Games covers. Not the best in my opinion. But The Body Finders cover is beautiful! That blue is ... just... wow. I totally buy books cor their covers an Hush Hush's cover.... mmmm.... it's a goodie!
I love the top 3 you listed, I think they are fantastic! I also happen to own the top 2, so I might be biased, and I am looking to own deadly little lies!
I love the Hex Hall cover, and before I fall, the leave something to the imagination, your curiousity is peaked and you must find out whats behind the cover!
I love looking at covers too. It's funny how everybody's tastes are so different. I like the new Shannon Hale covers better than the older ones, love the Twilight covers, Princess Ben, the 100 cupboards series covers, and the Fablehaven covers. :)
I'm glad you've admitted it, because I judge a book by its cover, too. I love going into bookstores and studying all the covers, running my fingers over them... ahem. Anyway, my favourite covers are those with strong colours and contrasts. I like the selection you feature in your post.
I'm a sucker for covers with pretty girls. Like Before I fall, The Mark...but then there are books like Bleeding Violet, still a pretty girl, but not the center of attention. Or Sing Me to Sleep, which is just pinky holding...but I dunno, I guess artsy covers are my weakness, because that's what it boils down to: amazing photography. And I wasn't much a fan of the Hunger Games, etc. book covers, either.
I actually love the Hunger Games covers, the ink on foil, vibrant colors, bold titles...but I don't like the Mockingjay cover. The first two books used dark, passionate colors, and the cerulean just kills it for me.
I used to work at a book publisher, so I learned a lot about printing technology. And by "learned" I mean I geeked out over it hardcore. In fact, you make me want to write a blog post about the deckle edge. You're so clever like that, L&L!
great choices! you know what covers come to mind for me? j-pod with the lego men. love it. and she's come undone. i picked that book solely because of its cover...little did i know it would become quite the legend...and finally, devil wears prada. though i think the title is more the hook than the cover...
great topic!
not too serious i hope
p.s. thanks for stopping by my site. I love our visits!
I pick up books by their covers too. I don't have a favorite and I can't tell you my least favorite (because it's one of my friends *gasp*). =)
The Body Finder cover looks absolutely wicked. Seriously.
Two covers I particularly like are My Most Excellent Year, because it's so cute, and Eyes Like Stars, because I just think it's a great visual.
I love Heist Society's cover too--so Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
I also liked the cover to Hush, Hush (though I didn't like the book).
I agree. I don't care for the Hunger Games book covers. Especially, Mocking Jay. It looks very boring. But at this point, it probably won't hurt the sale of the book. You can't keep a good book down.
Definitely loved the Body Finder cover the first time I saw it and I wanted to read Hush Hush before I even knew what it was about.
I admit to the same weakness. I love to look at covers, and the ones you chose are gorgeous. I will say that I picked one book for a fabulous cover and then hated the book, and, no, I won't name it.
Some covers I loved and the insides, too! Lips Touch, Graceling, Skin Hunger, Sacred Scars, What I Saw and How I Lied.
I didn't like any of the Hunger Games covers either, but the books ROCK! I've been ignoring Leviathan because the cover did not appeal, but a recent review made me want to read it now. From the moment I saw the butterfly cover of The Adoration of Jenna Fox I wanted to read the book and it did not disappoint. But the actual story didn't really match my perception of what the story would be based on the cover.
Dude, I have The Body Finder in my possession. It's an ARC someone sent me. Want me to send it to you when I finish? I totally will. And PS, I don't think the cover of TBF is that cool in person.
But I LOVE that last one! How come I haven't heard of this book before?? I'm dying, I want to read it so bad.
And yeah, THG and CF and MJ aren't my favorite covers.
And I'm a complete cover whore myself. Sometimes I just stroke them. No, really.
I used to work in a bookstore and covers where 80% of selling books--but like everything else in this creative world--so subjective.
Hello, my name is Marsha and I too am a cover whore.
Do NOT like the Hunger Games cover or the the ones since. I like the covers that are a little stark and more art than pictures.
Hush, Hush
Beautiful Creatures
I love the covers of:
and have to agree about the Hunger Games covers :P.
I can't WAIT to see your cover, ladies!
Love that second cover. I am SO a cover whore. And honestly? It carries the book awhile for me. Can't wait to see yours!!! Go 11's!!
I love The Heist Society cover. It just looks perfect.
I can't wait to see you guys' cover!
I've gotten really into my Nook, and reading and acquiring books on them. Then I walked into a bookstore last weekend, and saw the book covers, and got a huge ache in my chest! I miss book covers!!
That said,the things I like don't usually appeal to others, and the ones others love I usually don't. But I like the ones you picked out. :)
I'm a little ashamed, but I am absolutely one of those people who judge a book by its cover. There have been multiple instances where I started to read a book simply because its cover was awesome.
The Heist Society one looks FANTASTIC. Mainly because I want those sunglasses, haha. They're hot.
*Raises hand* Guilty. I love looking at covers, and always gravitate to the ones who strikes my interest. I admit I love Heist Society (even though the one here in Australia is different) and Hush Hush.
I loved all the covers you showed. I adore the cover for A Great and Terrible Beauty, and Hush Hush, and if I'm honest, I'd have to say I'm not a fan of most of Shannon Hale's new covers. I love the books. And I love the old covers. But the new ones are kinda lame. Just some kids with some vague backgrounds and honestly, not even a whole lot of attention to composition and framing. I miss the old covers, even if the new ones have Stephenie Meyer blurbs on them.
I LOVE Hunger Games, but I only thought the cover was all right. It was part of what kept me from buying it for so long, despite all the raves. Hunger Games and Graceling came out at the same time, and Graceling had a really pretty cover so that's what I picked up!
And I also love the cover for Heist Society! I have it and it's even better up close. It's so crazy how the film rights were sold for SEVEN FIGURES before the book was even released. I heard they're also upping the ages of the characters so they're twenty-somethings in the movie instead of teens. That's a little disappointing.
The Heist Society cover looks very Audrey Hepburn Sabrina-esque.... Great post!
I'm a cover whore too. I can think of so many books I've bought just for the cover. Typically, I'm not into face covers but the one you posted here is so pretty. I also like the cover for 'Before I Fall' by Lauren Oliver. Some of my favorites are the covers for The Mysterious Benedict Society, The Monsters of Templeton, and I Was Told There'd Be Cake. I could swoon over pretty covers all day long. I don't think Hunger Games covers match the story very well either. The covers are almost cartoonish, which made me think (for a long time) the story would be that way. I wonder if they picked those because they were trying to be gender neutral? I wish they'd gone a different direction with those. Anyway! I'm so excited to see the cover for Kate #1! :) Sourcebooks does such beee-autiful work, I know it will be awesome.
Great cover choices. I have always loved the cover for Eighth Grade Bites by Heather Brewer. Simple and powerful. The Going Bovine cover by Libba Bray is pretty cool as well.
I always judge a book by its cover. Now I guess I don't feel so guilty! :p
I don't have a favorite cover. But the first "new" one in my life (purchased last fall) that I thought of was Kathleen Popa's "To Dance in the Desert". It is stunning.
I'm the same way! I always judge books by their covers, unless they've been specially recommended to me. I'm also shamelessly influenced by the back cover. Even though I'm not a huge fan of the series, I've fallen madly in love with the covers of the Twilight books. My favorite book as an eighth grader was SongQuest by Katherine Roberts, and to my thirtee year old self, that cover was amazing. :)
Ditoo, ditto, ditto!!!
That's why waiting to see what your publisher is going to do for your cover is NERVE WRACKING!
I can't wait for my copies of HEIST SOCIETY and THE BODY FINDER get here already!
I would never have bought the original Hunger Games based on that cover -- would have walked right past it in the store. BUT, I was already a fan of Suzanne Collins. I LOVED the Gregor the Overlander series -- and so do my students. Reluctant readers drag their mothers to the bookstore to buy the whole series after I introduce them to the first one!
And so I bought HG in spite of the cover. After the first one, I didn't care what was on the front of the book. Had to have the second. Will get the third.
I remember reading the LUXE books just for their covers! Now that I think of it, I think I bought THE HUNGER GAMES without anybody telling me it was a good book. Definitely didn't buy it for it's cover, though!
I wouldn't have picked up Hunger Games based on the cover - and I loved it. I'm finally reading Catching Fire - awesome too.
One cover I really like is Hush, Hush - and Leviathan - both intrigue me :)
I LOVE the cover for Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce! It's amazing, plus, I SO cannot WAIT to read the book itself! Oh and I have a cover too! My friend/critique partner made a cover for my WIP Devour! It's gorgeous! Go to my blog to check it out!! :D <3
I'm totally with you on the first three covers, but ya lost me on the last two. I am dying to read the second and third ones and, of course, Mockingjay! :-)
I love the Heist Society cover!!
THE TURNING is gorgeous.
I've never been crazy about THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy's covers either. They're fine. Non-offensive. But nothing exciting. You're not alone!
Hush, Hush, how I love thee ...
I love Ellen Hopkins' covers, too. I tend toward the darker, black/red/white color contrast with books. Anything simple and striking.
I'm not crazy about the Hunger Games trilogy covers, either. I'm not a big fan of the Ally Carter cover, but I like your other choices.
I agree about the Hunger Games trilogy covers. I love black/white photography and very simple covers. Make it mysterious and I'm in.
I too am a cover whore. I have purchased more books than I care to admit just because I liked the cover. Many of those books are still waiting to be read.
Wow, you guys are popular!! Can I sit at your table? Ha!
That cover of Ally Carter's is just the best, isn't it?
Can't wait to see YOUR cover!!
Holy crap - the covers you picked as your favs are AMAZING! Now I'm going to have to read them.
One of the books I bought recently almost solely based on the cover is GETTING REVENGE ON LAUREN WOOD by Eileen Cook. I just love that cover - it's so funny and the colors pop.
And I totally agree with you about the Hunger Games covers - they're misleadingly boring! I had no interest in reading this trilogy at first because of the covers.
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