We hope you enjoyed yesterday's interview with the fabulous Kirsten Hubbard! Today, the hilarious and Richard Simmons obsessed Carrie Harris is joining us. She's repped by Kate Schafer Testerman and her debut novel NO PAIN, NO BRAIN is going to be published by Delacorte in 2011.

NO PAIN NO BRAIN explores a matter of grave importance: A battle of science geek versus zombies. (It's wise to put your money on the geek.)
2. Was there ever a time you felt like giving up? Why didn't you?
Oh yeah. I remember getting so close to selling my first book so many times, and you’d THINK it would get easier each time, but of course it didn’t. But I think it helps for every writer to follow the zen of zombie, or zen of serial killer… heck, zen of assorted-movie-creature will do. Every time you think those suckers are dead, they rise up again. And the writers who manage to do that again and again are the ones you see on the shelves.
Of course, following the zen of zombie might get you sent to therapy too, but it’s a small price to pay for publication.
3. What has been the hardest part of your road to publication so far?
Well, the therapy bills are pretty hefty…
But seriously. In this business, there are very few cut and dried answers, and I had a tough time coming to terms with NOT KNOWING. If someone comes out with a book just like my fabulous WIP, should I scrap it? Should I write in present or past tense? Am I wasting my time!?! As much as you might try to reason things out, sometimes you just have to go with your gut and get the words down. How many other professions make business decisions based on their Magic 8 Ball? Not many. It’s both supremely cool and uber scary at the same time.
4. Super secret bonus question: Twizzlers or M&Ms?
I’m editing right now, so the answer is YES. The answer is also Hostess cupcakes and Cool Whip straight from the container.
Fun, right!?! Be sure to hop on over tomorrow for even more author porn. And don't forget to check out the blogs below!
Elana Johnson
Beth Revis
Leah Clifford
Victoria Schwab
Kirsten Hubbard
Carrie Harris
Kim Harrington
Suzette Saxton/Bethany Wiggins
Amy Holder
Kathy McCullough
Tiffany Schmidt
Susan Adrian
Dawn Metcalf
Gretchen McNeil
P.S. MAJOR props again to Elana Johnson for organizing this bad ass event. She still ROCKS!
P.P.S. Check out our guest blog in fellow Elevensie Julia Karr's neck of the woods!
P.P.P.S Tahereh, our brand new best friend, is hosting a Query Poetry Writing Contest on her blog that was MADE for me. Head over and enter or just head over!
I dig the pay it forward concept :) My post today is all about it!
Awww. You called me hilarious. I think I'll let you win when we arm wrestle. (At least, that's my story.)
Thanks for the interview, girls!
Good interview!!!
Yeah Carrie!!!
The zen of zombie....ah yes....never forget the zen of zombie (Carrie, that would be a kewl title for another book...just sayin')
Great interview Carrie and ladies....and man, your revision process sounds like mine...cool whip and all!
Great interview! These are great.
I love cool whip straight from the container. :)
The Zen of zombies or serial killers (or, even better, the Zen of Zombie Serial Killers - you know those things are NEVER gonna die!) I LOVE it! Seriously...I think it may be my new side religion. :)
The Zen of Zombies has a nice ring to it, and would make a great guide to the publishing world. Another great interview!
Carrie is just about the funniest person I know. Great interview, guys!
LiLa - thanks for interviewing such an awesomely funny writer. Also, Cool Whip straight out of the container is magically delicious! :)
Love Carrie's answer to number 3! Great interview. Alissa is right; The Zen of Zombies sounds like it would make a great title for a book on publishing.
Carrie~ LOVED your answers! Thanks for sharing, and I look forward to reading your book!
Hi Lisa and Laura! I'm enjoying this series -- rock on!
Awesome questions and answers. Loved the humor Carrie. Off to practice my zombie zen...
The therapy bills...ha, ha! Love Carrie!
Great interview, but no surprise there -- Carrie writes the funniest blog on the web -- you can quote me! I'm a little disappointed at the implication that the zombies lose in her book though. I'm a geek myself, but zombies are so much fun. Well, perhaps they will rise again...
When you say author porn, ladies, it doesn't bring to mind interviews, per se. Just saying.
Oh, damn. Where'd I leave my filter? I had it a minute ago...
YEAH Carrie!
I. LOOOOOOVE. CARRIE. HARRIS!! Love her! Great interview. I'm dying to read No Pain No Brain. :-)
Elana rocks!!! I'm loving the title No Pain No Brain and the description is enough to want me to buy it now!! I want it now!
Loved this interview, so fresh and fun! I could see how many writers therapy bills are astronomically high, you have to tell someone all of your secrets!
Carrie is made of zombie awesome, and I can't wait to read this book!!! I love how she didn't pick the sweet, she just said yes. A girl after my own heart. Good luck editing, Carrie!
Awesome interview, LiLa.
i LOVE these interviews. i'm loving every single one.
you guys are made entirely from amazingness.
thank you!!
I love that you all are doing this! It makes me want to run to my laptop instead of crawl!
Great interview.
Great interview! Not sure if I can hang with Zombie Zen, but I can try just plain Zen.
Ahhh yes...the Zen of Zombie. I get that.
Zombie Zen, all right!!!!!!
Can whip cream is yummo!
Zen of zombies--love it! Great interview, and I can already tell the voice in her book will be full of win! :D
Thanks for sharing! (and I need a Magic 8 ball, srsly!)
Great interview! As always, Carrie is HILARIOUS! Love the zen of zombie theory. And I can totally relate to the frustrations of not knowing...
I love reading these interviews! Thank you so much for sharing--especially right now as I tackle the editorial email of doom. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my struggles.
*runs off to find m&ms and Twizzlers*
I heart Carrie, big time. :)
I adore Carrie. And I ALWAYS put my money on the geek!
Carrie = Funny
Just like you two!
I really look forward to reading her book.
Oh, I have this fantasy that one day I'll be interviewed by my blog friends...
Squee!!! Three of my favorite online people in one place! YAYAYAYAYAY! (uh, that'd be Lisa, Laura, and Carrie, in case I wasn't clear)
Carrie rocks! And so do these interviews!
This is such a cool idea - really encouraging to not yet published authors (like me!) and very amusing. I love the zombie analogy, by the way.
Dude, I'm so gonna follow the zen of zombies. And count me in for the Twizzlers, too.
(P.S. Paying if forward? Another crazy cool concept)
Hi, Carrie! Cool whip right from the container? Sounds delicious!
and here i thought it was mere coincidence that i was hopping through blogs and reading about great authors! Nice interview. and thanks for sharing and inspiring!
not too serious i hope
I LOVE the title of your book, Carrie! Also: Cool Whip is better FROZEN. Think about it.
Great job! Best wishes with the book Carrie. :)
Sweet interview. I also must agree that Cool Whip is better frozen. Especially when there are cut up pieces of green apple and bite size Snicker chunks in it.
Ahh, yes the not knowing! I hear ya sista!
It's just so... UGH!
Very cool! Love this interview Zombie vs. Geek - sign me up ;o)
Fabulous job on both ends. Sounds like a great book!!
This is a great series. I need to get to more of them ;o) Thanks for sharing!
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