We hope you enjoyed our first two interviews with the fabulous Kirsten Hubbard and Carrie Harris! Today we've got fellow Ohioan Leah Clifford. [Insert awkward plea for Leah to come hang out with us at one of our YA Book Clubs HERE]

1. Tell us about your book in 140 characters or less.
Eden, trapped btwn life & death, can kill others like her. The Fallen get wind, and she has to get help from angels that betrayed her before
(PS. I hate you both so hard for that :P )
2. Was there ever a time you felt like giving up? Why didn't you?
Oh god yes. There were a few months in the middle of writing the first draft where I really considered moving on to a different project, but I just couldn't let it go. I also owe quite a few people huge debts for letting me blabber endlessly about the same plotholes for those months and still pushing me to finish. It's not easy being friends with a writer...
3. What has been the hardest part of your road to publication so far?
Losing friends? lol Just kidding. I'd say every part is different, and when you're going through it each part is hardest. Right now I'm working on edits, so today's answer would be edits.
4. Super secret bonus question: Twizzlers or M&Ms?
My nearly empty 56 oz bag of M&Ms wishes it was Twizzlers.
Ok, now you must go to Goodreads and update your little TBR list to include all of these amazing authors, okay? And be sure to hop on over tomorrow for even more author porn. And don't forget to check out the blogs below for even more interviewy (we like adjectives so much that we create new ones!) goodness.
Elana Johnson
Beth Revis
Leah Clifford
Victoria Schwab
Kirsten Hubbard
Carrie Harris
Kim Harrington
Suzette Saxton/Bethany Wiggins
Amy Holder
Kathy McCullough
Tiffany Schmidt
Susan Adrian
Dawn Metcalf
Gretchen McNeil
P.S. MAJOR props again to Elana Johnson for organizing this bad ass event. She STILL rocks! And yes, we might be sort of kissing her ass because we get to be interviewed on her blog this Friday. Yeah, we're shameless. Deal with it.
Elana Johnson
Beth Revis
Leah Clifford
Victoria Schwab
Kirsten Hubbard
Carrie Harris
Kim Harrington
Suzette Saxton/Bethany Wiggins
Amy Holder
Kathy McCullough
Tiffany Schmidt
Susan Adrian
Dawn Metcalf
Gretchen McNeil
P.S. MAJOR props again to Elana Johnson for organizing this bad ass event. She STILL rocks! And yes, we might be sort of kissing her ass because we get to be interviewed on her blog this Friday. Yeah, we're shameless. Deal with it.
Good interview:) I love love love success stories.
Great interview. These success stories are great.
Loving these interviews! I'm so motivated to keep writing when I read everyone's answer to question #2.
Awesome! Adding this to my TBR right now. And hoping you'll still let me be a part of the Kewl Ohio Writers Club even if we moved to Michigan. I'm still an Ohioan at heart, right?
Hey, your tweet-description was great! I'll buy your book when it comes out, just on the basis of that tweet. :)
Love this!! :) Great interviews.
Awesome interview!!! I'm interested in this book and as always love meeting new writers!!!
I love the shameless plugs for Elana! You can't help that she rocks!
Love these interviews! They are so great.
They make 56oz bags of M&M's? Mine is only 42oz -- I've got to keep looking!
Great interview - congrats, Leah!
Cheers to her success! Love how interviewy you are AND that you make up new words (in a cool way and not like GWBush.
Congrats Leah!!!!
Great interview! ;)
Hey LiLa! Hey Leah!
Wow so many amazing authors to add to my list!
yeah- another Ohioan. The book sounds GREAT! See you at the YA book club? *grins*
I love the way this one sounds! Definitely a must read.
I love reading these interviews! Excellent job LiLa! Good luck Leah!!!=)
I'm still on vacation and unplugged, so this comment is a figment of your imagination. ;)
Great interview! Definitely want to read this book. But describing it in 140 characters. That was sooo mean of you two. :D
Lovely pic, Leah! Great interview. I seriously cannot wait for 2011. I'm beginning to think this was a bad idea. Getting me all excited for books I can't even read yet!!! Oh well. It's so fun to read the process too, right? Right.
And Friday is going to be EPIC.
Great interviews this week! Can't wait to read all these fantastic books. :)
Yay for Ohio writers!!
Another awesome interview! This week is so inspiring. All these blog posts are like reassuring hugs!
Congrats Leah! Another great interview!
yay :D :D
I have an award for you at my blog! Ya'll rock!
I'm kind of envious of all those great jobs Leah's had. They all seem like great fodder for future novels! :)
Awesome. I'm really looking forward to reading all these books!
That is one interesting list of jobs! Another great interview :)
go YA rebels!
I'm loving this event! Great interview.
Thank you for introducing me to Leah! Great job girls. =)
Great interview! The "It's not easy being friends with a writer" line cracked me up. Hee! Thanks for sharing!
Great interview! A TOUCH MORTAL sounds like a captivating read!!
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