We hope you enjoyed our first three interviews with the fabulous Kirsten Hubbard, Carrie Harris and Leah Clifford. Today we're chatting with fellow Elevensie, YA Rebel and all-around kick-ass writer Victoria Schwab. Before reading any further check out this incredible vlog Victoria did for the YA rebels. It perfectly illustrates her complete kick-assERY.
Okay, now I feel comfortable moving on. Victoria is repped by Amy Tipton and her book THE NEAR WITCH will be released by Disney Hyperion in August 2011. We predict this book is gonna be huge. You heard it here first.

The Near Witch (Disney*Hyperion, August 2011) is about a girl caught between two mysteries: the strange boy who appears one night, and the children who start disappearing right after.
2. Was there ever a time you felt like giving up? Why didn't you?
Heh. Last week? Yesterday? Ten minutes ago? It's a natural feeling, when you're in a process that requires so much of you, of your thoughts and emotions. It's intense. I'm in edits right now, which are very intense because you pick apart all the work you've done, delete, correct, redo, re-examine, etc. It's incredibly rewarding, but also draining. You'd think the time I felt like giving up would be when my first book didn't sell, but that's when I felt most motivated to write a new one.
I didn't give up because the highs are more than worth the lows. Because this is my dream job. Because it feels right, in my bones, even when it's not going well.
3. What has been the hardest part of your road to publication so far?
Waiting. I hate waiting.
And edits. I wrote Near Witch in under two months I'm editing it for eight months. EIGHT. And I'm so incredibly thankful for those eight months and for my insanely awesome editor, who is bringing out the absolute best in the story, but it has definitely been the hardest part.
4. Super secret bonus question: Twizzlers or M&Ms?
M&Ms, but definitely the special dark chocolate ones if I can pick :)
And thank you for having me here on the blog!
So there you have it. Another superstar. Are you feeling the love yet? Be sure to come back tomorrow as we wrap up this week of fabulosity. And don't forget to head over to the blogs below to get inspired!
Elana Johnson
Beth Revis
Leah Clifford
Victoria Schwab
Kirsten Hubbard
Carrie Harris
Kim Harrington
Suzette Saxton/Bethany Wiggins
Amy Holder
Kathy McCullough
Tiffany Schmidt
Susan Adrian
Dawn Metcalf
Gretchen McNeil
P.S. We bow down to you Elana Johnson for being the brains behind this operation. What will you come up with next?
Elana was awesome for this idea!!!
Oooo Oooo Oooo I've been waiting for this book! I'm so excited! I want a copy now! So thank you for sharing!! Woohoo!!
Great interview. Thanks for such an inspirational post.
Another GREAT interview! Thanks Victoria!
First blog I've checked in almost two weeks and now I'm so excited. It's so great to be able to hear about so many awesome books before they come out. This book sounds amazing! Great interview, ladies!
Hey girls, thank you so, so much for the fab opportunity to grace the walls of your blog :)))
ooh, sounds like a great book! Interesting! Another awesome interview!
The waiting is probably the worst part. I'm biting my nails just reading.
This is one of my favorite author vlogs EVER. <3 you, Victoria! You are such a freaking rebel!
Another great interview, and Victoria's vlog post is awesome. I can't wait to read the Near Witch, she's right. Waiting is not fun.
waiting and dark chocolate...yep...I agree!
All this talk of twizzlers and m&m's everyday is making me hungry.
(Peanut BUTTER m&m's, for the record.)
V, you think the waiting is bad for you? Think about poor us having to wait to read THE NEAR WITCH!
BTW, I still love that video. :)
The book sounds great! Very mysterious... And yea for dark chocolate M&Ms!!!
Victoria, I have been in love with NEAR WITCH since I first heard the title. Really, it's love, love, love.
And yes, anything that is not DARK chocolate is faux chocolate.
WOW, my respect for Victoria just increased 100 FOLD!!! This woman is amazing! Already looking forward to reading her book and I wish they would just release it sooner (I too hate waiting!). Fab interview :)
I'm an mnms girl too! Yay Victoria! The book sounds fab! I can't wait to read it. Thanks LiLa =)
"Because it feels right, in my bones, even when it's not going well."
so agreed. another great interview, you three.
I've really enjoyed all the interviews this week!
And I agree- waiting is the pits!
Thanks for doing this, ladies!
I simply can't wait to read this book. I'm so glad that editing makes the book better. I've been terrified of getting edits. Thanks Victoria, for easing some of my fears.
And LiLa - who knows what's coming next? But it's a scary place inside my head.... Ha!
I loved Victoria's vlog the first time I saw it. Glad to get to know her better through this interview!
I am so loving reading these. Thanks for the great interview!
Yay for another awesome interview. I tell ya, my "can't wait to read this book" list is getting SUPER long. I will definitely have no shortage of reading material in 2011. :)
Love this interview! I totally agree that the highs are more than worth the lows... and the hardest part is the waiting. I wish I didn't have to wait so long to read THE NEAR WITCH! :)
Oh, I love the video! :) It totally gives me vlog envy.
That was one crazy awesome vlog!
Another great interview, ladies!
Superb vlog - awesome! :)
Love these vlogs and interviews. :) Keep 'em comin'!
Best Bedtime Story Ever!
Such a great interview, and I loved hearing about her book! I'll definitely be reading that one! :)
This made me all blushy.
Thank you EVERYONE for such nice words, and thank you Lisa and Laura, for rocking my socks.
GREAT interview, thanks, ladies!
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