Tuesday, April 6, 2010

LiLa's Totally Epic 500 Follower Contest

About a year and a half ago we were celebrating our very first blog follower. We even promised poor Sarah an ARC of THE NORTH SHORE (aka the manuscript that was rejected by almost every breathing agent in the business).

Now that we've hit over 500 followers we figured it was high time to offer our fabulous readers something slightly more exciting than an ARC of a manuscript that will never, ever see the light of day.

  • To enter the contest you must be a follower of our blog (duh) and comment on this post. That earns you one entry.
  • You can earn one extra entry by Blogging/Tweeting/Facebooking about the contest.
  • Fill out this form (also attached at the end of this post) to place a bet on Lisa or Laura (or both if you want to hedge your bets and you've earned an extra entry).
  • We are going to hold a live sister writer arm wrestling competition that we will post next Wednesday April 14th at 8 AM.
  • All of the followers who have placed bets on the winning sister (if you bet on Lisa and Laura wins, you are out of luck my friends, so choose your Roecker sister wisely) will be entered into a lottery for these amazing prize packages:
The Reader Package:
  • Two Starbucks Gift Cards (So you can buy Kate's favorite drink: a full-fat Frappacino with extra whipped cream.
  • A fabulous pearl necklace (Um, just don't ask us if it's real okay? If it makes you feel any better, Kate's pearls are fake too.)
  • A DIY Pineapple Pizza Kit (Kate's favorite dinner! All you'll need to do is add cheese. Trust us, it's better this way.)
  • A bike bell (Kate's sole methods of transportation are her trusty 10-speed and the school bus.)
  • A 10 page critique of your manuscript or WIP.
The Grand Prize Roecker Extravaganza Package:
  • Glee Soundtrack Volume 1 and Volume 2
  • A variety pack of every Twizzler known to man, aside from the rainbow kind because those don't count.
  • A bottle of Prosecco (sparkling juice if you're an underage/on-the-wagon winner).
  • A t-shirt that will officially christen you as The Fourth Roecker Sister (or Sibling if one of our three male followers wins).
  • Business Cards or Stationary Designed especially for you by the ultra-talented third Roecker sister, Stacey owner of PoochiePrints.
Not bad, right? Well, at least it's better than giving away a copy of a book that will never exist. So, please enter and tell all of your friends. And get really excited for the big vlog/contest winners announcement next Wednesday. We're taking this VERY seriously.


Unknown said...

You guys rock!!! I love that you've come up with something so creative for 500 followers!!! I hope I win I hope I win *giggles*

Happy fabulous Tuesday!!

Candyland said...

LiLa Interview up on my site to celebrate!!!

DarcyO said...

Congrats on 500 followers and counting and thanks for the great contest.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Way to go, girls. Will do, but have to be tomorrow. Candyland's interview is up on my site for the day!! Got to give writers their due. See you tomorrow though. (But I'm tweeting you now.)

Anonymous said...

Arm wrestling? Not jello wrestling? Cue the epic disappointment. Sheesh!

Okay, I'll make you a deal. Let's call this one The Simon Package. (And no, let's not make any jokes about that, shall we? This is a PG-ish blog, after all.)

- Two Starbucks Gift Cards (so I can buy my favorite drink, a plain latte... I'm trying to keep my girlish figure).
- Lots and lots of chocolate (because it would make my wife happy and I can always use a stash to buy my way out of trouble now and then).
- A bottle of Prosecco (though methinks you meant to say "sparkling grape juice" in your parentheses above... just sayin').
_ The t-shirt christening me as the 4th Roecker sibling ('cause that wouldn't be wierd for me to wear at all... nope).
- Beer. And the collected works of D.H. Lawrence. ('Cause those two things really go together. And Lawrence is totally appropriate for this blog. Totally.)

Right. I'll go tweet or something. Lila FTW! (I'm hedging my bets.)

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

omg so awesome!!!!!! Um, I did eenie meanie miney mo to choose the arm wrestling winner, ha. =)

Matthew MacNish said...

Um, chance to win a Glee soundtrack? I'm in.

Shameless self promotion:

If you have time please stop by, read and comment on my guest post for today over at Justine Dell's blog:


It's an interesting topic that will hopefully spark some discussion.


Unknown said...

AWESOME prizes!! But even if all you were offering was one pack of Twizzlers, I'd still be ecstatic about helping you guys celebrate surpassing 500 followers. (And I'm a die-hard M&Ms fan!) Your blog is fab, one I read every day, and I always look forward to new posts. Keep up the great job!

((hugs)) Nicole

Ann Marie Wraight said...


Are you sure it's only arm wrestling and nothing more aggressive like kick-boxing??...violence between siblings scares me....


Emily J. Griffin said...

I've got this sister thing in the bag, folks. Forfeit now!

Emily J. Griffin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Summer Frey said...

Great contest! Congrats on reaching 500 followers and achieving far beyond the North Shore...(hehe, that sounded kinda poetic).

Unknown said...

It must be contest week. I'm hosting one as well. And I've seen a few others floating around. This one sounds particularly fun! Can't wait to find out who the winner is!

Hardygirl said...

I want to be a Roecker sister.


storyqueen said...

Yep. It's the T-shirt that I want most!!

Great contest.


Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

okay you two were right - awesome contest!!! ;o)

*crossing my fingers*

Visit My Kingdom Anytime

Joanna said...

Oh hells freaking yeah. I wasn't going to enter because I didn't think it'd be fair if I won the books or the critiqe, but I want Prize Numero 3!!!

Come on, Laura--start pumping, slow reps. That's what builds muscle. My money's on you!

Elisa Dane said...

You girls are waaaay cool! And hey, I thought I was the only one to pimp my manuscript out to every breathing agent on the planet and get a steady stream of no, lol.

Sarah Ahiers said...

all right Laura, i'm putting my money on you. You still have time to buff up a bit...

Christine Danek said...

You guys are so awesome! I will be posting aboout this tomorrow. Wow! 500--Congrats! Great prizes too!

Loretta Nyhan said...

Ooooh, I love this!

I so want to win that bike bell. Seriously.

And I wussed out and split my vote, but I think Laura's zen super strength is taking Lisa down. Sorry, Lisa.

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

Haha this is too epic for words!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I love contests! Great one!

Victoria Schwab said...

Congrats on hitting 500!! You two are truly a blast :)

Kaitlin Ward said...

This is an awesome contest! Congrats on 500 followers, too :)

Corey Schwartz said...

You two are hilarious. My sister envy is kicking in again big time!

Heidi Willis said...

Congrats! I'm in, if only for the 4th sister t-shirt. :)

You deserve everyone of those followers!

Amy said...

This is seriously awesome, ladies. Only you two could come up with such a funny/fabulous way to celebrate your 500th follower landmark. :)

Liz Czukas said...

I want to be a part of any contest you guys hold! 500 followers in a year and a half? You're officially my heroes.

- Liz

Anonymous said...

What a great contest! And, my sister's name is Laura, so, ya know...

Heather said...

Congrats on the followers! I have no idea who will win, but I had to make a decision. So I'm hoping Laura can guzzle some protein shakes in preparation for the epic battle. I'm the youngest, too, so I think we developers of the younger sister complex have to stick together.

Team Laura!

Kristin said...

Congrats on the followers! And the 4th Sister T made me giggle!

Mim said...

This is a great contest! Congrats on all of the followers!

Tere Kirkland said...

LOL, I want a fourth sister shirt!

Congrats again!

Ashley NM Higgins said...

This is great! Love hearing your perspectives.

Amy Jo said...

Congratulations! This is the most creative contest I've seen. :) Great idea and fabulous prizes!

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

So exciting! Thanks for the contest!

Stephanie Thornton said...

What a cool contest! My guess was totally random- I don't think I've ever bet on an arm wrestling contest before!

Unknown said...

Ahaha you ladies are too cute. Your 500+ looks glorious compared to my 4 followers. Congrats!

Chantal Kirkland said...

This is awesome. You guys crack me up. Nice twist with the arm-wrestling...

Kerri Cuev said...

What a contest! Better eat your protein to get ready for the arm wrestling contest lol!

Emily J. Griffin said...

I see a lot of Laura's FTW here. Lisa, I doubled down on your mad skills, so I need you to rock it.

Melissa Hurst said...

Congrats on the 500 followers!!!

Yep, that t-shirt would be sweet! I have no idea who is going to win this match, so I'm going to play it safe:)

Janine said...

Love contests!

Christina Lee said...

The t-shirt as the fourth Roecker sister is what sealed it for me ;-)
YAY LiLa!!!!!!!!!xoxo

Cheryl Angst said...

What fun!

Congratulations on 500+ followers.

CKHB said...

Commenting! Tweeting! Yay!

Pam Harris said...

Cool contest! I made sure to both tweet and post it on my blog. I think that warrants an extra entry. :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Wow! Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! And um... well...just WOW! :-)

And Laura, I'm taking a risk here - I put all my eggs in your basket, girl! Don't let me down! Ha ha. :-)

throuthehaze said...

Fun contest!

Anonymous said...

Those are some amazing prizes! And all the candy options hooked me.

Hooray for 500 followers!

eeeschen said...

This looks like great fun. But I'm hedging my bets. :)

Michelle Santiago said...

awesome contest! YAY for 500+ followers and can't wait for the arm wrestling :)

Michelle Santiago said...

wasn't sure if we had to but here's the link to my tweet: http://twitter.com/chelleyreads/status/11704859015

Melissa Dean said...

Congrats on 500 Followers! Can't wait to see who wins! Go Laura (But Lisa: I love you too!!) I also tweeted at @melissaddean

Melissa Dean said...

Congrats on 500 Followers! Can't wait to see who wins! Go Laura (But Lisa: I love you too!!) I also tweeted at @melissaddean

Katie Anderson said...

I wear a size small for the Roecker T :)

Emma Michaels said...

amazing contest and Grats on the followers!!!!!!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

You guys are so funny! I can't wait to see who wins the arm wrestling contest. Congratulations on hitting +530 followers. I'll link to you on my post tonight. :)

Kimberly Job said...

Fun contest! 500 followers is amazing. Share your secret. :)

Conda Douglas said...

Great contest! And great idea to have a wrestling contest. I'm looking forward to watching :0!

lfg said...

500 followers! Wow! I love twizzlers!

Marsha Sigman said...

I can't choose! I was going to say Lisa because Laura is more sensitive but I have feeling she may be supressing sisterly rage...and that could work in her favor.

Oh, hell...I did one for each. I love you both equally. Congrats on 500 followers!

Marsha Sigman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara said...

This is such a cool idea for a giveaway. I've never wanted to win so badly!! A huge congratulations on both the 500 followers and the upcoming book debut!

Sara said...

This is such a cool idea for a giveaway. I've never wanted to win so badly!! A huge congratulations on both the 500 followers and the upcoming book debut!

Tahereh said...

bahahaha LOVE THIS!!!

also: i'm SUCH a chicken, and i don't know how to bet. so i voted for BOTH of you. (i know. i'm a chicken.) (i just said that.) BUT I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH I JUST CAN'T CHOOOSEEEEEE.


commented. CHECK
form filled out: CHECK
tweetered: CHECKKKKKKK


may the best roecker WIN!

Anonymous said...

What a fun contest with fantastic prizes. I voted for my namesake, but good luck to both L's!

-Lisa B.

ChristaCarol Jones said...

Haha! How fun! I'm blogging this on my Good New Thursday post, and about to tweet it. You guys are adorable!

Good luck everyone :)

Dara said...

You better believe I'm entering this!

I Tweeted about it (http://twitter.com/dmarie84/status/11710526448). I'm not so good at the betting thing, but we'll see!

Congrats on all the followers! You'll be hitting 1K in no time!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a fabulous little contest! Congratulations on all the followers. You girls are the best! (Well, two of the best, anyway.) ;o)

Elana Johnson said...

This is awesome. That is all. :)

jeanette8042 said...

Congrats on reaching 500 followers! can't wait to see who wins!

Shannon Messenger said...

Congrats on 500 followers! Dude, I'm 4 away and I've been trying to figure out how to celebrate, but you guys have set the standards IMPOSSIBLY high. *sighs* *realizes theres no way to top you* *decides not to try* :)

Travis said...

Ahh! That reader package is calling my name!


Lori W. said...

Congrats. on 500 followers! These prizes are awesome.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 500 Followers! Amazing accomplishment. I gave 1 bet on each, cuz Im nice. LOL Great prizes!

Here is my tweet; http://twitter.com/kpic724/status/11712711606

Kimberly Franklin said...

Great contest, guys!! And congrats on your 500 followers!! :)

Larissa said...

Whee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Contests are fun! Contests from LiLa are AWESOME!!!!!

I <3 you ladies! :)

Unknown said...

Very fun contest! I had to put a bet on each of you...you're both so scrappy. How can I choose?

Cherry said...

Can't choose!! Can't choose!! which sister....

Jackee said...

LOL! This is awesome, thanks, ladies.

And just so you know... I would never bet against a brunette.


Tara said...

Epic. Can hardly wait to tune in next Wednesday night!

Congrats on your awesome blog ladies! Love you!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Fun! congrats on your epic success.

Sarah Wylie said...

Awesome contest! I will be back to enter. At this rate, it looks like you're going to need a reality show. (Called The Fourth Roecker, of course.) We can all audition and compete in things totally unrelated to fulfilling the role of Fourth Roecker (I'm thinking, like, who can hold the heaviest handbag? Or who can get you on Glee?).
Basically, a way better, morally acceptable version of Par** Hilton's New BFF. And you should have a 4th Roecker for each country, too. One for Dubai, one for Thailand, one for Canada...which I call dibs on. *waves* Pick me, pick me!

<3 you!

Unknown said...

Congrats on 500 followers.
amandarwest at gmaildotcom

Anonymous said...

Since I never win when I gamble this won't be an exception. However, I am more than excited to watch you two duke it out!!! YAY!!!

K. M. Walton said...

Fun - I'm in.

Kelsey said...

CONGRATS! That is so exciting :)

Hannah S. said...

I LOVE how ya'll are having an arm wrestling contest!
May the force be with you! To both of you...

Love, Hannah

Talli Roland said...

Whoa, great contest and congrats on the 500 followers! That's amazing.

Can't wait to see who triumphs in the arm-wrestling!

Unknown said...

You gals are so creative! Love the gift packages! Congratulations!

Spav said...

Great contest! Congrats on your 500 + followers.

Tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparima/status/11722965896

Mariah Irvin said...

Yay for 500 followers! I'm really excited to see the arm-wrestling (is that wrong?)!

Stacey Brucale said...

This is such a fun contest! Here's my tweet:


Stina said...

Yay! I love a great contest! :D

Unknown said...

Haha, love it! The epic battle of good VS evil.

Um, remind me who is who again?


Wow, what a fantabulous contest! You two are way too cool. Plus you're still nerds, which is even better. :)

Robin Mellom said...

Y'all are OFFICIALLY adorable.


Jemi Fraser said...

Wow - totally awesome contest ladies - you 2 are amazing and fun :)

XiXi said...


I want that t-shirt. I will arm-wrestle the other contenders for it. If you go to my blog, you will see the sad story of my sister-less life.

XiXi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara Raasch said...

500!! Congrats girls; you totally deserve this celebration :) You rock!!

kah said...

Congrats! Can't wait to see some wrastlin'! ;)

Lisa_Gibson said...

Great contest! What a huge haul of prizes too. Being a fellow Lisa, I had to vote for her. ;)

Kristin Rae said...

WOW! Congrats! Hilarious contest!

Steena Holmes said...

Stina keeps raving about you guys to me so of course I had to come over and check it out :) Glad I did!

Susan R. Mills said...

Great contest! I love the arm wrestling part.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Love the humor of this contest. As a teacher, I must have the book HOW TO TEACH FILTHY RICH GIRLS. Hey, I'm entitled to moments of shallowness.

Come check out my blog if you have the time : WRITING IN THE CROSSHAIRS : http://rolandyeomans.blogspot.com/

I use a bear cub to talk of keeping sane in an insane world. Roland

erica m. chapman said...

Congrats on 500+ I'm so thrilled for you guys! You deserve all of this you know ;o)

Okay. I feel bad for placing bets on you guys. Seriously. Good luck to both of you! And no I'm not putting who I picked (well at least not in this comment)... LOL

Great giveaway items too. You guys are seriously awesome ;o)

iono said...

Oh my gosh, awesome contest. =]

Also, great blog -- I've been lurking for a while but I don't think I've actually ever commented. Hi!

ally said...

hahahah! you two are hilarious x)!

<3 the contest!

Guinevere said...

Great contest, and I'm so glad to have found your blog! I'm visiting from Shannon's Book Dreaming, but I'm a follower now. :)

Amie McCracken said...

Very fun, glad to have found you guys through Elana Johnson.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I returned as I'd said, did the dirty deed-tweets, facebooked, (even blogged ya') & voted. Yeah, I'm whimpy; said you'd both win. But with a name like Roecker, you both have to Rock... *winking*

Take pictures of that arm-wrestling event. Hah!

MaDonna Maurer said...

What a fun idea! Makes me miss my sisters! Glad to have found you blog!

Charity Bradford said...

Nice to meet you. I followed from Elana's mention of you in her last blog post. She should get an extra point ;)

mountie9 said...

Excellent contest and great blog. Thanks for the great laugh this morning - Off to fill out the form now ; )

mountie9 said...

Oops also forgot to mention I tweeted about the contest and blog at http://twitter.com/mountie9/status/11759112873

misskallie2000 said...

Great contest. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

I tweeted 4-7-10 (@misskallie2000)

Latest: EmilyJGriffin LIAR SOCIETY, Arm Wrestling, and Prize Packages--OH MY. 500 Follower Contest @LandLRoecker Blog-- http://ow.ly/1v4ye Retweeted by you half a minute ago

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Abby Annis said...

Cool contest! My blog post will be up in a little while. :)

Tamika: said...

Another great contest- thanks ladies!

All the packages sound stellar!

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

I am SO IN!!! I will also blog about the contest and FB about this! Does that get me three entries???

And gosh, do I have to choose a winner? Naw, I'm gonna say it will be an arm-wrestling draw. :-)

JEM said...

I wants all of the prizes! Can I have one for each of my personalities? Awesome thing to celebrate, 500 followers, and an arm wrestling competition. Rocky up, ladies, Rocky up. Or my personal Stallone favorite, Over the Top.

Gail said...

OMG, I only have one sister so I definitely could use a couple more....even if I would be the oldest sister!!! And sisters who write??!!!! Be still my heart Prize #3 for me!!!
Luv ya!

Gail said...

Okay, here's the link to my post about your contest
I'm eligible now!!!


Sara B. Larson said...

As the oldest of 5 girls, I can see how this might get... interesting. ;-) I really didn't know who to go for on the arm wrestle, so I took a wild guess. I will also blog about it and FB it.

Anonymous said...

How exciting! And what a great idea for a contest!

I am secretly passing this on to every person I know, and I tweeted about it today!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

fun stuff, congrats on the followers!

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Unknown said...

Yay for contests and huzzah for sisters! My sister and I both live in the blogging world, so much fun.

Oh! If you need a link to my blog post it is:

Congratulations on all the followers. Yay! :D

Unknown said...

You guys are so funny!!! Hmmm...I wonder who has stronger arms??

Amy Lukavics said...

How did I miss this?! I want to win it so bad!! A blanket? A pizza kit? WHERE HAVE YOU GIRLS BEEN ALL MY LIFE!?

Oh, and for the record, I sort of feel like Lisa is going to own.

Persephone said...

All these comments give off a party vibe, yo! Congrats on 500!

donnas said...

What a great and fun way to celebrate reaching 500 followers!!

Tori [Book Faery] said...

Woo congrats on all those followers! The arm wrestling idea is definitely a new and exciting twist hehe

You guys should stop by my blog if you'd like to enter a giveaway :)

Beth (maybe-tomorrow.org) said...

What an awesome way to celebrate 500 followers!

Congrats to you both!

Jennifer Mathis said...

congrats I must say first arm wrestling contest I'm picking the winner for today lol

Rachele Alpine said...

Congrats on the followers!!! I had to place a bet on Lisa, because brunettes always win! :) Go team brunette and Lisa! I mentioned this contest on my blog...let's see if I can get up to 100 followers...so jealous of your fame!

Rachele Alpine said...

Congrats on your followers! I had to put my money on Lisa for the arm wrestling...because us brunettes have to stick together. I mentioned the contest on my blog (which is soon to hit 100...not quite as epic as yours!).

Sherrie Petersen said...

Five hundred followers is just crazy! But you guys have earned it. Congratulations :^)

Shawntelle Madison said...

Congrats on reaching your goal! Here's to the 1K mark!

Aubrey said...

Awesome giveaway! Congrats on 500 followers!

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

Congratulations on your mass following! :)

Vanessa said...

Great contest! Can't wait for the arm wrestle!

Kelly Lyman said...

A chance to win both Glee soundtracks and Twizzlers? Heck yeah! Count me in. Congrats on reaching 500 followers!

Mariah said...

Great Contest! I cannot wait to see who wins!!!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Holy schmokes, you guys are awesome contest holders. If there were a contest for best contest hosts, you'd totally win at least a bronze ;) I'd say a silver or gold, but I think maybe Publisher's Clearing House takes silver. And whatever contest gives you a bucket of Twizzlers and a night with Gerard Butler would definitely have to get gold. Sorry, I just tell it like it is.

But seriously, awesome contest. I plan on winning it. For the arm wrestling, I'm betting on the Roecker girl. She's got some mega muscles.

MannaB said...

Aaaarrrggg!! I don't know who to choose!

Liza said...

Wow. What do you do when you reach 600? That should be any minute now! Congratulations!

Lindsay said...

Congrats on the 500 followers.
And arm wrestling...can we do that to get an agent to sign you? Would be soooo much easier than queries. lol.

Elizabeth Briggs said...

What a crazy cool contest! Love your blog and can't wait to read your book when it comes out.

Aik said...

I’d love to enter this awesome contest! Thanks!

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Myrna Foster said...

I love that you're arm wrestling.

Amber Lynae said...

I just got pointed toward your blog by Elana seems like a happening place I will visit more often.

I don't know Lisa from Laura yet so I just picked a winner.

Laura Pauling said...

You should totally made a video to rocky music showing one or both of you training. Super funny.

Chris Hall said...

Arm wrestling? Sounds epic.

Yat-Yee said...

500 more!

Rebecca T. said...

500 followers is so fantastic! Kudos to you both! What a fun contest too. Glad to have found you :)

Unknown said...

Haha, this contest is really extraordionary, it must be great blogging with your sis (I have 2, but unfortunately neither of them is that crazy about reading as I am)!

I spread the word, tweeted here: http://twitter.com/Stella_ExLibris/status/12046358778

and spread the word on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=wall&story_fbid=108269849213488&id=100000899165880&ref=nf

Thank you and good luck with the armwrestling, go L go! :-)

stella.exlibris (at) gmail DOT com

rae said...

I wish I knew you IRL.

Llehn said...

I love a good smackdown! Good luck!

Sena said...

LOL! So fun! Can't wait to see who wins :)
Twt: http://twitter.com/senaslc/status/12092673940

Anonymous said...

Wow, my first official "following a blog" and "posting a comment on a blog" - this is big time. Congrats on our great writing success Lisa....kick Laura's ass on the arm wrestle ;)

The Blogger Girlz said...

Ooo, pretty, pretty prizes! And I can't wait for the live arm wrestling compitition, BRING IT ON!! :D <3


jellybelly82158 said...

Great contest!! Congats on your membership

Anonymous said...

Congrats on over 600 followers now!

Blogged - sillylittlegame.blogspot.com/2010/02/2010-contests.html

Don't call this a comeback

So it’s been a minute. Or 10. Or truthfully more like 2,102,400. At least we think that’s how many minutes there are in 3 years, but let...