1. It's Valentine's Day party week in the nursery school circuit where "keep it simple" (teacher's advice in the newsletter) turns into "Who can bake the most outrageous gluten-free (a classmate has Celiac disease) Valentine-inspired pastry?" I bought lolipops.
2. We enjoyed a little spring shopping on Sunday and scoffed at all the oxfords claiming we'll never be caught dead in the floppy-looking shoes. This after making fun of ourselves as we tried on skinny jeans last year in NYC. Famous. Last. Words. And what's this about wide-leg, '70s style jeans making a come back? I'll never wear them...never! Mark my words...
3. I'd rather do just about anything than go to the dentist. Especially during preschool. Especially when I think I have a cavity. Especially when I'm due for x-rays and it feels like the plates are made out of broken shards of glass.
4. I hope no one gets this for Valentine's Day. Jane Seymour freaks me out. I think it's all that hair.
5. I thought the Glee Super Bowl episode was kind of meh.
6. We're scared to send out the eVites for our launch party. We've had it ready for weeks, but it's so awkward. Feels like we're selling Girl Scout Cookies only instead of Thin Mints we're hawking copies of our book. Honestly, it would be less awkward selling the Thin Mints.
7. We want to go to BEA. Bad.
8. The Regulator confessed to hitting the "Tell the Publisher! I’d like to read this book on Kindle" button at least once a day. We apologize to both Sourcebooks and Amazon on her behalf.
9. I find the Justin Bieber movie trailer kind of inspiring.
10. I didn't watch one single second of the Super Bowl. Not. One.
What's your truth this Tuesday?
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Don't call this a comeback
So it’s been a minute. Or 10. Or truthfully more like 2,102,400. At least we think that’s how many minutes there are in 3 years, but let...
A couple of months ago something strange happened. The Universe gave us a Kindle . I know it's random, but unfortunately we aren't a...
Since I am the worst tweeter ever, Lisa informed me of the #Speakloudly Twitter campaign that's happening as we speak. It brought b...
What about that other lame heart jewelry designed by that ex ice skater? I suppose the fact that I can't remember her name does not bode well for her jewelry line.
I liked the Thriller moments, but they were way too short and the rest of the show was totally mediocre.
I didn't watch the Super Bowl, either. Ooooh, BEA, exciting! I think I'm going to try to do ALA this summer.
Okay, I love wide leg jeans (I think they serve as camo for my thighs)
and I hate oxfords. I saw a college girl yesterday sporting a pair of metallic oxfords with no laces yesterday with a pair of Nike gym shorts. I kid you not. NEVER.
That Jane Seymour necklace makes me sad.
I don't hate Jane Seymour, but that necklace is kind of hideous. That's why, after we had been dating for at least six months I had "the talk" with my husband in which I explained how much I dislike fancy jewelry from Kay or Zales or any other similar store that advertises during the holidays.
We had our annual Super Bowl party, and just like you...I didn't watch a single second of the game. *shrug*
We don't watch football all season, but the Super Bowl is cause for a party in our house, every year. Love it!
Hey girls, just checked out The Liar Society website. It's AWESOME! Going to sign up for the launch party, then pimp the site on Facebook. Can't WAIT to read the book!!
Happy Tuesday!
I offered to pay my daughter's dentist extra yesterday if he would yank the tooth that's been dangling for too many weeks to say now, even on Tell the Truth Tuesday. He politely declined, so I offered my son the dentist's extra money if he'd stage an 'accident' that would get rid of it. Still waiting.
That necklace looks like a demented swan or an animal claw or something. Eww...
I have a pair of bell bot--um, 70s wide leg jeans. LOVE them. I like to think they make me look like Laurie Partridge.
YES! You must come to BEA! It will be awesome, I promise! I already can't wait.
Any sensible man knows that the most romantic Jane Seymour-inspired gift you can give a woman on Valentine's Day is the Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman DVD Boxed Set.
I said I would never wear jeggings... but they're so comfy! Next think I know, there will some weird jegging overalls and we'll all be jumping into them. Literally... how else will I get them on?
I'm with you on the oxfords and bell bottoms. Let's see who breaks first.
If you come to BEA, I promise to stalk you in the nicest fan-girlish way possible :)
You don't like Jane Seymore? My mom and sisters and I all used to watch Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman religiously every week growing up. He he.
My truth is that even though I'm exercising more than I ever have during a pregnancy, I'm gaining waaaay more weight than I should and I am seriously ticked off about it. SERIOUSLY. I'm going to be huge and fat and that sucks. Especially since my 10 year reunion is this summer. 2 days before I'm due. Yeah. Not going.
I am in charge of bringing the "craft" for the preschool Valentine's party. I am thinking of foam valentines with the phrase "my life would suck without you" as a take home to all parents. Thoughts?
Glee Ep was meh. And that is a bummer because it has been a long time. Although, Puck on the guitar will always be a total fox so I replayed that song on HuLu 657 times.
I didn't know who the Super Bowl winner was until the following morning when I was on Facebook and everyone's status said it :P
Honestly, I agree that the Justin Bieber movie trailer is inspiring. But I'd never let my 14-year old son know that. He'd totally disown me.
I loved the Thriller moments but other than that, I was a little disappointed with the Super Bowl Glee episode.
I used to do the whole class mom thing and the parties (used an Excel spreadsheet-yep, you heard it) for first two kids. So done. So sick of Oriental Trading Co crafts and disgusting over-frosted cookies that just get thrown in the trash. Third son is lucky if I turn up to get him after school. Think the preschooler is a little worried... :)
The oxfords are hideous!!! Wide-leg jeans...hmmm..not sure on those. I think I am too short to pull those off properly!
I loved Glee!!
I didn't even know that Justin Bieber had a movie. How could I have missed this? I need to watch more TV!
I want to go to BEA bad too and mostly because it's in New York.
OMg now I'm going to hit "Tell the Publisher! I’d like to read this book on Kindle"--my favorite thing to do!
1. I was too busy drinking good beer and stuffing my face with wings and dip to notice many of the superbowl commercials. Though I seem to recall people getting hit in the head with soda cans a lot (or pop cans, if Cleveland is one of the weird places that call soda pop).
2. I'm glad my friends' 80lb pit bull mix didn't eat any of my kids while I was busy watching football.
3. I'm glad my friends' 80lb pit bull mix didn't eat *me* while I was busy watching football.
4. I find the Justin Bieber phenomenon inexplicable. I believe this means I'm getting old. In my defense, though, I found the NKotB phenomenon inexplicable too, and I was in high school for that.
5. I'm vaguely traumatized that the New Kids on the Block have reunited for a tour. I anticipate a beast with seven heads rising from the ocean any time now.
6. Burlap is just the wrong material for underpants.
7. Every Tuesday I pat myself on the back for raising my weekly wordcount. But then I realize that most of my words on Tuesday end up in your comment section, so I retract the backpat and weep silently for a while instead.
8. I actually managed to stick to a normal numbering system this week.
*, Nah...I didn't.
Jane Seymour freaks you out? I love her! She looks 20 years younger than she should. How is that possible without looking like Joan Rivers, who CLEARLY has had waaaaay too much work done. I want to look like her when I'm 60. Unfortunately, I won't. It's. Just. Not. Fair.
With that said, her heart necklace looks like it should be sold from Zales, not Kay's. They should really flip the hearts so it's more like a backwards Z.
I didn't watch the superbowl either. I wish I was one of those cool girls who liked the superbowl ... but I don't care. I've gone to sb parties before, totally for the food, but this year I was meh on that part too. My truth is that I turned 30 last week. So far, I'm fine with it. I would like to say this has to do with my newly found 30 prowess. ...but I'm pretty sure it has to do with the bottle of wine I've been nursing since The Day. I'm super excited to finally read your book!
My Truths:
1)I am afraid I will never be able to compete with Simon C. Larter and I should stop trying.
2)I typed his name as Simon L. Carter first and it didn't look right so I had to go back and reread his post and now I know I can't compete.
3)I had braces when I found out I was pregnant with my son and in the same week discovered I had to start wearing glasses too. Went to dentist and told him to yank the braces off 2 months early because I refused to be fat, with four-eyes, and that much metal in my mouth. I have never regretted it.
4)My husband watched the last 10 minutes of Vampire Diaries with me last week and made the comment that Damon wasn't much of an actor. Divorce briefly crossed my mind.
My truth is... that sometimes (okay, most of the time) I wish I lived on the island with Kate, Jack, and Sawyer instead of in this boring place... central jersey.
Oh my gosh I'm so with you!!! The Glee episode pissed me off (yes, I'm overdramatic). I expected more. Stupid Glee.
I missed the Glee episode - guess I didn't miss much!
1. I am technologically challenged. My web design skills are nil. Which is sad, considering I took a grad course on it. Go Purdue.
2. I didn't watch the Superbowl either. Go Colts.
3. I did catch one ad on my way to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal--the one with Joan Rivers looking hot. I was impressed. My goal for retirement now is to be the face of Go Daddy.
4. I am very anti wide leg. Wide leg pants are very hard to stuff into a boot, and I do my very best to always look like an equestrian. Go boots.
5. I got teary eyed watching the trailer for Never Say Never. Go me.
P.S. I don't eat lollipops. They give you cavities, you know. Stick with chocolate (I do because my dental hygienist is evil).
Missed Glee, watch like 5 minutes of Super Bowl and then slinked away to read more of REVOLUTION by Jennifer Donnelly.
Learned of this freaking amazing book from Christina Lee - met her in NYC at SCBWI. We had a ridiculous amount of fun. Ridiculous. It may or may not have included a 10:30 PM cab jaunt for me to stand in front of the Simon & Schuster building ; )
If you didn't watch ONE SECOND of the Superbowl, girlies, then how'd you see the Glee thingy? Unless commercials and half time don't count?
No worries. I REALLY didn't watch ONE. SECOND. of it. Like, NOT EVEN those in between parts.
(And tell the Regulator, I think it's totally cool to click that button as many times as she wants. That's consumerism at work, baby!)
Okay, okay. Now that I'm looking in my DVR I see what you're talking about regarding Glee. So maybe you really didn't watch a single second of it. Sheesh.
How did I miss all your posts this week? Weird.
I will DEF be sporting the wide leg jeans.
And oxfords.
And I can't WAIT for the Biebster's movie. I love him hard. Whoa. That sounded totally perverted. You know what I meant.
Also am getting tired of Glee.
And snow.
My husband thinks the Jane Seymour necklace looks like a scrotum. Well, I guess...two?
And this before I'd read WILL GRAYSON, WILL GRAYSON and was forever traumatized at emoticon hearts. <3
Very subtle, Ms. Seymour.
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