Friday, November 13, 2009

Karmic Kindle - Who's Gonna Get Ya?

Before we get around to announcing the winner of our fabulous Karmic Kindle giveaway, some major congratulations are in order. One of the most important things we've learned over the past year is that good vibes are contagious and we've got proof:

See what I mean? Good things are happening!

Thanks for playing along with us over the past week. We've had a lot of fun getting to know some of you better and meeting so many new friends. We hope you'll continue to check-in with us because we've got all sorts of interesting things planned including our first ever Vlog. Oy.

And now, without further ado, the winner of the Karmic Kindle is:

Congratulations, Friday the 13th is your lucky day! Please e-mail us at lisa-laura(at) to claim your prize!


Kim said...

Cool! I'm the first commenter. That oughtta get me a some kind of consolation prize, right?

Congrats to all of your talented friends!

And, congrats to Tamika! *flashes fake didn't win the Oscar smile*

Tamika: said...


The heavenly places are laughing at me dance.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Sara Raasch said...

Congrats Tamika!!

Yay for good news!

Katie Anderson said...

YAY Tamika!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!

Elana Johnson said...

Congrats Tamika! And thanks Lisa and Laura for sharing my good news -- and pointing me to yet another awesome YA author and blog. Love that! Congrats to Sarah and Stephanie and Christine too! Woot! What a week!

Mrs. Mootz said...

Congrats Tamika!

Good to hear there is so much good news on Friday the 13th :)

Donna Gambale said...

Wooo! Congrats Tamika and I love all this happy news!

Christina Lee said...

Seriously LOTS of good things!!! Congrats to everyone!!

Caroline Starr Rose said...

Well deserved. She's the sweetest gal around. :)

Anissa said...

So cool! Congratulations Tamika!

Cindy R. Wilson said...

There have been some amazing things happening this year with writer's, so fun to hear all the news.

Congratulations, Tamika!

Loretta Nyhan said...

Oooh, Tamika! Congrats!

And congrats to all with good news!

Tana said...

I heart Tamika I'm so glad she won!

BTW, ladies I've been having my own personal good vibes week inspired by y'all. Things are going just swimmingly ;)

ALso, I thought about that whole giving birth in the homecoming tiara thing a bit too long. So funny, even if it wasn't true . It wasn't right?

Jill Kemerer said...

Wow!! There's a lot of good stuff happening over here! Congrats to all your friends. It's great to hear good things!

Carolyn V. said...

Congrats Tamika!!! And yes, good things are happening. Yay! =)

Tess said...

Hooray for Tamika!! I like it when it is someone I "know" who wins...much fun!

And, yes...lots of good news floating around. I'm hoping some of it lands my way :D :D :D

Tere Kirkland said...

Yay, Tamika! Congratulations on winning the Karmic Kindle!

Doreen said...

Congrats Tamika!

sunna said...

W00t!! Congrats to Tamika and all the newly agented and bestseller peeps!

So much positive energy here. This deserves a classic /bootay shake.

~Jamie said...

Congrats Tamika!~

I wish I had something cool to boost the karmas... I should think on that. :)

Mariah Irvin said...

Wow, the universe is being awesome!

Congrats, Tamika!

Sarah Wylie said...

Congrats, Tamika!! So happy for you!

LiLa, in case we haven't said it enough, you girls rule! Thanks for putting on such a fun and fantastic contest. *raises Twizzler straw* Here's to more amazing news!

Tara McClendon said...

Congrats to Tamika. And thanks for hosting the competition. I'm thrilled to have found your blog through it, and I'm looking forward to following you on your adventures. :]

Nayuleska said...

Yay Tamika! Enjoy your kindle :)

Kim said...

Just want to clarify that I was just kidding in my original comment.

Tamika...I really do want to say Congratulations to you, and to everyone who's talent is being recognized!

Shannon Messenger said...

Wow, thanks for all the good news. Sometimes we don't get enough positivity these days. Congrats to everyone who had good things happen and to Tamika for winning!

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

congrads tamika!

Travis Erwin said...

Congrats to both of y'all.

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

Yay for good things!!

Congratulations Tamika :D

Heidi Willis said...

Congrats to Tamika!!

Also, since I moved our relationship from awkwardly avoiding each other in the comment section to follow and friend, I'd consider myself the winner, too. :)

Sherrie Petersen said...

Congratulations, Tamika. Yay for you!

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Wow! Congrats, Tamika! That's pretty cool!!!

Tabitha Bird said...

YAH Tamika. Could not have happened to a nicer gal! Enjoy!

Little Ms J said...

I love all the happiness and sunshine bouncing off the blogosphere these days!

Congrats Tamika! Let me know if LiLa has figured out a way to download the first edition of their book to your Kindle. They're little marketing divas, so I would not be surprised!

Hardygirl said...

Aw, thanks for spreading the word!!

And, congrats Tamika!!!!


Hailey Miller said...

Congrats Tamika! I hope your kindle lives a long and book filled life!

Gail said...

Wow Tamika, good for you! Would you blow some of that lucky dust my way???!

Christine Fonseca said...


Park Avenue Princess said...

Congratulations Tamika!! To Lisa & Laura, Congratulations to Becca and all of your talented friends as well! :)

Lots of Love,
Park-Avenue Princess

JennyMac said...

What a great list of good vibes! Love your attitudes and your feeling of comraderie.


The best giveaway...ever. Seriously.

Rain Maiden said...

Congrats Tamika, you lucky Kindle owner.

Anonymous said...

Adding to the choir here...CONGRATS!

erica m. chapman said...

Some great stuff happening. Congrats Tamika! That's wonderful.

I loved Hush, Hush, so glad it's doing so well :) I love reading about people getting agents and their books doing well! Yay :o)

Natalie said...

Wow, that is quite a list of awesome stuff! Good karma is in the air :) Congrats to Tamika!

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