February 1981: Laura and I met for the first time. I was really excited about my little sister until I found out she was living with us. Forever.

We got bigger...

And less cute....

1984: Lisa went to Kindergarten and discovered her love for reading and being a know-it-all...

We got bigger...

And less cute....

1984: Lisa went to Kindergarten and discovered her love for reading and being a know-it-all...

1986: Laura went to Kindergarten and discovered her love for reading and being really, really sensitive (she got made fun of all day for that teal-colored tie)...

The late 80's were mostly about questionable fashion choices...

The 90's were solely focused on how cool we were...

Laura won homecoming queen....


Starting in 2001 we graduated from college, got married, had some babies, and then we were left with our biggest challenge of all: Figuring out what the hell to do with our lives.
We had a limited, but intriguing set of qualifications:
- We loved to read;
- We watched a LOT of MTV; and
- We liked to pretend we were still 17-year-olds.
And that's when we knew we had to write a young adult book.
September 2008: We finished the book, and started a blog.
December 2008: We figured out that the book sucked.
March 2009: We signed with the amazing Major (to be said in your best Victoria Beckham accent) Agent, Catherine Drayton.
Because we got an offer on The Haunting of Pemberly Brown from the amazing Dan Ehrenhaft at Sourcebooks.
November 2, 2009: We are finally able to tell the world (and most importantly all of Laura's friends at her impending high school reunion) that we are going to be published authors.
From Publisher's Marketplace: Lisa Roecker and Laura Roecker's A Kate Lowry Mystery: THE HAUNTING OF PEMBERLY BROWN, a quick-witted mystery starring a private-school sleuth with attitude and pearls, who receives an email from her dead best friend, to Daniel Ehrenhaft at Sourcebooks, for publication in Spring 2011, by Catherine Drayton at Inkwell Management (NA).
We are beyond excited about taking this next step in the process and we owe our families, friends, and especially our readers a huge thank you for all of your support over the past year or so. We could never have done this without you.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Congrats!!! I've been waiting for this post! I just saw the announcement from my pub email and was about to come on here and be like WHY didn't you tell us! But you did, because your awesome! Congrats, congrats, congrats!!! Sooooo cannot wait to buy your book and read it!!! Yay!!!!
Congratulations!!!! That is SO awesome!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This is fabulous! I knew you ladies could do it!
AMAZING!! Congratulations, ladies! Can't wait to hear more about it!
Congratulations! You've both worked so hard, and I love the blog and can't wait to be able to read the book.
Definitely keep us updated on the editing/publishing process.
And I definitely think we need more details about how you reacted when you got the news, and how you've been freaking out since then.
Congrats again!!!!!!
Congrats! That's an awesome next step! Can't wait to get the book!
(and you did not stop being cute)
(and hey, that teal-colored tie was cute)
AND OMG OMG! Congratulations!!!
*throws Twizzlers and dabs at eyes*
I don't feel as though I have the right congratulatory remarks for you. After telling everyone I know and eating at CPK in your honor, I sat down to write a little something to make this extra-special.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You're legit
And your words are too
Love you girls!
This is amazing news!
(Now I'll throw in some more exclamation points for good measure)
I think the good vibes week helped!
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier for you both!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This is so exciting! Can't wait to hear everything about it.
Oh this makes me sosososososososo happy! It couldn't have happened to two nicer girls! I am so excited for you! OMG! YAAY!!!
Whooooo-Hooooo! Best. Post. Ever!
WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!! And I LOVE how you laid this all out. Awesome, ladies, very, very awesome! So happy for you!!!!
We need a few more...
Yay!!! Awesome news! Love the photos too. Can't wait to read The Haunting. :)
Wee! I had a feeling something was going on:)
You keep on celebrating! SQUEE!
Congrats! I just saw the annoucement on PM and I was like, "I know that book!"
All the best with it!
From made up bedtime stories to this - how far you both have come. We couldn't be more proud and excited for you both. We love you.
Wow, I'm sorry I'm late to the party, BIG CONGRATS!!!!!!! What an amazing gift that the two of you get to share. Loved the narative too ;)
Best blog post ever! :)
So happy for you ladies!
Can't wait to see you in print!
WOOOOOO! SO excited for you!@!!
I knew you guys would get it! Wheeee!!!
And Spring 11! Wow! So soon! Oh my gosh, I'm so pumped for you gals!!
Wha??? You totally held out on us! I'm impressed. Laura, how did you convince Lisa not to say anything??
This calls for a SERIOUSLY big congratulations. So seriously, big congratulations!! Please remember that we all knew you when.
And since you girls are hot now, maybe you can bring those 90s scrunchies back into style? :)
Well, it's about dang time!!! Sooooo happy for you both!!!!! I'm breaking out the twizzlers and proseco.
Wow! a most excellent beginning to a week.
Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you two beautiful girls : )
Congratulations! :D
Congratulations! I was enjoying the ride, having fun with your timeline there and then . . . TA DA!!! BIG NEWS!!!
Great way to make the big announcement girls and CONGRATS again!
Can't wait to read what your brilliant minds have put to paper.
YAY!!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!! That is absolutely AMAZING news!! Can't wait to read your book!!!
OMG, THAT'S SO EXCITING! I can't wait to buy your published book, dears. And when I saw the title to this post, I knew exactly what it was going to end with.
Congratulations. Pop that champagne!
Wha...OMG!!! This is so awesome! Congratulations!
You sneaky minxes, I knew it was just a matter of time. Major congrats and virtual champagne all round!!!
Ohh I'm sooo glad I checked my blog list tonight! I think everyone else has said what I want to say, but what the hell...
You were one of the first writers blogs I started following this past year and I knew from that day this post would arrive. I can't wait for the rest of the world to discover the awesomeness that is Lila! You girls seriously rock. Best of luck on the final leg of the journey, I cannot wait to buy a copy for myself!
Congratulations to both of you! I'm so happy for you. :D
*celebratory cookies*
I cannot wait to read it. I am so so psyched for you!!
Amazing! Can't wait to read! ARC's? huh, huh?
Huge congrats!! Can't wait to see your book on the shelves!
I just saw the listing on Publishers Marketplace and had to come say congratulations!!! YAY for you! That is fantastic!
I'm so excited for you!!! Great pics, too!
Whee! You know what this means? We can do Midwest book signings together!!!! Because we are KEWL!
So happy for you!
I am literally crying. Bawling here. Without words. So proud of you.
OMG!!! That's so wonderful. I'm so so happy for both of you!!!
OH. MY. GAWD!!! Congratulations, you two! I'm so freaking excited for you I can hardly stand it!!!!!!!!!
I am so proud of you both!!!! CONGRATS!!!!
**** dong the happy dance for you both****
okay.... I can not type...
Congratulations! That is so awesome! Woo-hoo!!!
Congratulations! Wonderful news and I loved all the pictures! Can't wait to read it.
AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I am SO late for this party!!!!! LiLa I was so hoping that was the secret you were keeping.
I will eat twizzlers and drink Porsecco in your honor!!!!
I'm so proud of, impressed by, and ecstatic for you both. You truly, truly deserve this. Love you guys.
This is just the bestest news ever. I'm so proud of you two. Congrats!!!! I can't wait to buy the book!
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ROCK SEVERELY! I'm so happy for you, congratulations! I'm obviously buying it the moment it comes out. You know, so I can be like, 'Yeah I know these foxy ladies. Well, sort of...'
<3 Congrats again LiLa!
YAAAAAAAAAAAY! I CANNOT wait till this book hits shelves! Congrats!!!!!!!! :D <3
Thank you all so much! We've been trying to respond to individual comments via e-mail if you have your address listed in your account. You guys are just amazing. We feel so lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives!
Congrats!! I mean, I LOVE your blog so I cannot wait to read the book. So excited!
You see?! Nothing can come between you and your goals.
No matter how teal that tie is!
(honestly, though.... who picked that one out? Ouch. ;D)
Congratulations! The book sounds great, and you must be so excited!
Congratulations Ladies!! OMG that is such great news. *cheers*
Woo Hoo! Gotta love 80's/90's fashion!
Oh, WOW! That is amazing! And the book sounds AWESOME!!!!
Again, a huge congratulations to you both. Can't wait to read it in print.
Happy sobs!!!
I am so excited for you guys!What an incredible accomplishment! I love bragging to people that my friends are going to be published offers :) And seriously, those old pictures of you guys had me CRYING!
My first comment on your blog and I totally had a type-o!! Published AUTHORS, not offers!
I cannot scream loud enough: CONGRATS!!!!
You guys are awesome.
You two are amazing. I had absolutely no doubt that y'all could do it and I was waiting for the day we would hear about it, and that day has come.
I applaud you for your ability to do this together, and I can't wait to see that brilliant talent of yours to shine off bookshelves.
Keep it up, ladies!
WOOHOO!!!!! *\o/* You both ROCK!
Congratulations! I love your blog and I especially loved your timeline. Absolutely cannot wait to read the book!
I'm de-lurking just for this: CONGRATS!!!1!!11!!!1! That's so exciting, and I can't wait to be able to read your book!
P.S. Your blog is amazing and funny! I'm so glad I link-hopped my way over here. Congrats again!!! (I'm going to stop abusing exclamation marks now!!! Really!)
Such fantastic news! So happy for both of you. And even happier you'll have more excuses to come to NYC!!! I think the author photo on the IBC should be from homecoming. Too funny!
Congratulations! That's awesome!
Ohh, I love this post! How cute you guys are! Congradulations!
What fantastic news! I can't wait to read it! If it's anything like this post it will be a best seller.
OH MY GOODNESS ... THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!! i am so excited for you (as indicated by the ALL CAPS above!!!). That is just so, so cool!!!!! Congrats to you both!
SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot wait to read it. I am so going to be the first one in line. You two are such great bloggers. YEAH!
Sorry I didn't get here to cheer sooner.
Congratulations! You two are a dynamic pair. Cheers!
Yayyyyy!! Congratulations!!! Love this post, except makes me wish I had a sister! :)
SO happy for you two!!
Fantastic news! Girl sleuths rock.
Congratulations! That is fabulous news :D
Congratulations! Wow . . . what an accomplishment! And I do remember your entry from that Secret Agent (I entered that month, too) . . . love the storyline of the book! :)
I've been out of town and am catching up on blogs . . .
So glad I didn't miss this INCREDIBLE, WONDERFUL, AMAZING AND DELICIOUS NEWS!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS you two! So exciting! And the storyline sounds fabulous!!!
Love your publication story! I too find Twizzlers help sustain creativity during revisions!
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