Sunday, April 15, 2012

Jellicoe Road

Sometimes life is very sad. So sad that you can't really let yourself process how sad it is. Like if you really think about it, the sadness might eat you alive.

So you avoid it. And you focus on other stuff. Like how unfair life is. Or how angry certain people make you. Sometimes it's easier that way. Easier to be a little numb.

It's been ages since a book has made me cry, but tonight I finished Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta and I just can't seem to stop. The real magic of books is that sometimes the right one finds you at the moment you need it the most. I feel that way about Jellicoe Road. I needed to read Taylor's story. To experience her journey from numbness to hope. 

Thank you Melina Marchetta for writing a book that reminded me that out of the deepest sadness can come hope and wonder.  I will be forever grateful.


Amber Clites said...

That has been one of my favorite reads this year. It touched me so much! Loved Saving Francesca too!

Loretta Nyhan said...

Okay, this post made me cry.

lisa and laura said...

Amazing! Saving Francesca is next on my list!

lisa and laura said...

Laura reminded me that you recommended this book ages ago. Can't believe it took me this long too read it. One of the best books I've ever read

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