Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tuesday's Truth Continued

She broke me down. Lisa has that effect sometimes.

LiLa's knocked up. Again. What does this mean?
  • I have prego brain and as a result am the most worthless writing partner on the face of the planet.
  • I sleep a lot.
  • This commercial makes me cry. Every time. It also compels me to place large boxes of Pampers diapers into my cart every trip to Target. Well played, Pampers. Well played.
  • One second I feel November can't come fast enough. The next, I'm freaking about the pace at which November is approaching.
  • I get to make lots of excuses all in the vein of, "But I'm pregnant!"
Can't wait to introduce the newest member of our family in a few months...all of the above will still hold true with a newborn. Ahh, the beauty of the cycle of life.


Jill Hathaway said...

Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! Preggo twins!

Jill Hathaway said...

Errrr... I'm due in December. I think you knew that.

Dianne K. Salerni said...


Kylie1403 said...

Congratulations!!! May your child be blessed with a long happy healthy life

Laura Pauling said...

I had a feeling. Congratulations! That's wonderful. :)

Christina Lee said...

YAY Laura!!! Congrats! Milk it for all it's worth!

Stina said...

Congrats on the big news, Laura!!! You know my birthday's in November. You wanna wait out until the end of the month? :D

Katie Anderson said...

YAY CONGRATS!!! For some reason this post made me picture that hysterically precious photo of Ben in the basket Lisa was pushing him in after that nightmare day. He was all smiley and scrunched up in there with no pants on. OMG. Just the thought cracks me up. So I look forward to more Lila baby stories to come :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! I just had a baby last week. It seems like every other writer is pregnant and due this year!

storyqueen said...

I totally thought I saw a baby bump in the write-on-con video!!


Might I recommend November 8th as a good birthday? It is my daughter's and she's grown up to be a pretty great person.

Lydia Sharp said...

I saw the baby bump in the WriteOnCon video, too. ;)

Big CONGRATS! My sister's first baby is due in October. It's a great year for new babies!

B.E. Sanderson said...


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! CONGRATS!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wooo-hoooo!!!! Cannot WAIT to hear about more baby hijinks, but in the meantime, you look AMAZING! Clearly, you're one of those adorably pregnant people, who looks like she's just wearing a basketball under her dress while the rest of you continues to be tiny and stylish.

It's a good thing you're so nice, is what I'm saying. Congrats again!

Matthew MacNish said...

It feels weird, showing up here this late, but I've been THAT busy.

Looks like you've been gettin' busy too. Are you really going to name him LiLa? I think you should name him Tim.

Nicole Zoltack said...

Yay, congrats! November is so much closer than February, I'm jealous. lol

And I didn't click on the link to see the commercial. I cry enough as it is.

Miriam Forster said...

Congratulations! Such a great secret!

Also, I think pregnant ladies should be able to play the but-I'm-pregnant! card whenever they want. :)

Stephanie said...


And yes, you should be able to use the excuse as often as only get it for 9 months...depending when you find out you're pregnant. And then you should get a solid 3 months after using the "But I just had a baby" excuse. It's only right.

Good luck! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay for being stuffed! (Sorry, ever since my Aussie friends told me that one when I announced my pregnancy, I try to work it in whenever I can.) ;)

Congrats!! You look precious!!

Caroline Starr Rose said...

Congrats, you! Thanks for introducing me to that precious commercial.

Christa Desir said...

Congratulations! Awesome news. (And can I say gratefully I'm so glad it isn't me???)

Elana Johnson said...

Congrats on the baby! Can't wait to see pics.

Marsha Sigman said...

Wait. I'm still getting used to Ben.

Oh, well the more the merrier. And being sticky all the time isn't so bad.

I found something stuck on my pants this morning I couldn't quite identify. I know you can relate.

Corey Schwartz said...

Oh, yay! About time! :)

Corey Schwartz said...

Oh, and now I am friggin' crying too!

LTM said...

very cute! Best to you guys~ :o) <3

The Blogger Girlz said...

Awww!!! SO happy for you! You look radiant!!! Congrats! :D <3

P.S. Where did you guys get the new background for you blog? It's so cute and colorful!


Krispy said...

I'm a bit late to the party, but congratulations!!! :D

Little Ms J said...

God, you are a pretty pregnant girl. I am jealous, but just starting to sleep more, so I think I win. Kidding!

Love you and your bump and your procreating sisterhood. Congrats!


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