Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Kate+The Hilfigers+Polyvore = Time Suck

What have we been hard at work on, you might ask? Our newest WIP? Nah. We've been perusing the Internet for the perfect picture of Kate. Turns out, old school Minka Kelly is an exact replica. Who knew?

Satisfied with our Kate, we moved on to watching this commercial over and over and wishing we could hop right in and join the Hilfiger family. (For the record, this commercial nailed our private school Pemberly Brown.) But, let's be honest, at this point we covet the lives of just about anyone who doesn't have to wake up with a crying baby at 3 AM and has a wardrobe that consists of more than just ratty yoga pants and paint-splattered t-shirts.

Finally, we've been asked to create a Polyvore set of clothes that Kate might wear. If you've never been to Polyvore, it is the mother of all time sucks (translation: it's completely fabulous). As you're lounging around in your paint-splattered t-shirt, you can go "shopping" for someone much skinnier, younger and far cooler than you. Score! Here's what we came up with for Kate Lowry:

So...that's last night in a nut shell.

But everything will change today. Today is December 1st. *cue ominous music here*

Did you hear that sound? It's Lisa weeping.


S.A. Larsenッ said...

OMGosh, you are so on about Polyvore sucking time. I tried it and still haven't finished. I so sooooo sucked in. Bah....

Matthew MacNish said...

I love how Tommy thinks everyone still wants to wear cravats and use napkin rings at a picnic. There is no way that many people could be that preppy in one place at one time.

Unless, like you point out, they're attending boarding school and they have to dress like that (been there, done that, BTW).

Stina said...

Wow, Kate's a lot hotter than I was expecting. I was thinking she was going to be geekish. Can't wait to see your version of the guys. (Yes, that is a not so subtle hint!!!)

Katie Anderson said...

Yes, this is just what I thought Kate looked like and that commercial reminded me of my youth. I could have totally gone to Pemberly Brown.

Now, off to Polyvore!

Katie Anderson said...

Yes, this is just what I thought Kate looked like and that commercial reminded me of my youth. I could have totally gone to Pemberly Brown.

Now, off to Polyvore!

Kelly Polark said...

Love Kate and her wardrobe! That sounds like a blast!
Hmmm, when my dog walked on the table, no one was smiling at our holiday dinner...

Kerri Cuev said...

I am so jealous of Kate's wardrobe! *looks at my mom clothes and weeps*

Yat-Yee said...

Polyvore: too fabulous.
I: hate you for introducing me to it.

Sara B. Larson said...

I love it, all of it! She's gorgeous and I love her wardrobe. Can I have it? ;)

Nicole Zoltack said...

Must resist temptation and not go to Polyvore. Too much to do, must avoid time suck...

Too late.

Krispy said...

I messed around once on Polyvore and then I had to stop for fear of never coming back out. It is fun though.

I LOVE Kate's style, btw, and I totally have her bag. She's a classy young lady. :)

Angela Ackerman said...

Oh my. I have never heard of Polyvore. I guess I know what I'll be doing now.

And as for the ratty yoga pants and no sleep...erm, well, there is that new baby smell. That makes it all worth it, right? :)

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

Melissa Sarno said...

Your Kate is so purty! I love Minka Kelly! I just went to Polyvore. This is very dangerous and considering I'm at work, I really should close it out right now. And yet...

Marsha Sigman said...

Good Lord, I love those boots.

Elana Johnson said...

AWESOME! So glad someone else is sucked into things and not writing. Um, yeah. That would be me.

Jemi Fraser said...

Love it - love the look :)

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

You guys have been having way too much fun. AWEsome. Makes me anxious to read your book.

By the way, that video is like a carbon copy of one of my many family videos.

I'm sorry, I mean, the station wagon driving off with the table while everyone was eating--that part.

Don't call this a comeback

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