2. We've spent approximately 12 of the past 24 hours working on our book trailer for The Liar Society
3. Everyone in my house wore their pajamas all day. What? It was a snow day! Getting dressed is totally optional.
4. Tell the Truth Tuesday is my favorite blog post of the week because Simon always writes something completely inappropriate in the comments that makes me laugh my ass off.
5. I'm reading TIGHTER by Adele Griffin
I'll be refreshing the comments all day long. I'm dying to hear what your truths are this Tuesday.
1) Pajamas are de rigueur in my house.
2) I wear them to drop and pick-up Monster Baby at school.
3) I wore two pair this morning. 14 degrees in NC.
4) I am not digging Santa Claus this year.
I'm a GLEEK! There...I said it. Anybody want to make something of it?!?!?!
1) I'm someone who would wear their pajamas all day every day if I could... but when I 'go out' I'm all Gucci shoes and Ralph Lauren clothing...
2) My mother is exactly like my twin sister... and neither one of them gets the writing part of me... which often leads to fights, that lead to more fights about those fights when I try to talk about the original fight with the opposite of whoever I fought with.
3) If you understand what I wrote above, call me, we need to date...
4) I'm going to be coming back to check this blog throughout the day, because I want to see if Simon can make me laugh my ass off... I could use the amusement...
I scream four-and-five letter words at my kittens.
I wear my version of PJs most days...snow or not....in public or not. (yoga pants and a sweatshirt this time of year) With Uggs cable knit slippers. (love them)
I ate a cupcake for breakfast dessert.
I LOVE breakfast dessert.
I haven't worked out since the one time I promised you I would. *sigh*
I'm considering buying Uggs.
I blame you...
I'm jealous you have TIGHTER. I'm really looking forward to that one!
omg! On Saturday when we had a snow day, we all stayed in our PJs as well! Except for the few times we had to go shovel. But then we just changed back into PJs
Snow days rawk... if you're a teacher.
I love PJ days!
It is 3 degrees here, so I could just stay in them all day long today too!
1. my feet are frickin freezing. I'm wearing snow boots with thick socks. In the house. And there's nothing to be done...
2. I blush. Actually I just blushed at work today and it gave me an idea for a blog post (amazing the things we make posts out of)
3. Due to my stupid schedule, I'm down to one bloghopping, query stalking day a week on wednesday. But you guys are in my handful of 'everyday' blogs I check in on. You're that much fun:)
4. Can't wait to see the trailer for LIAR SOCIETY!
5.My kid has the stomach flu and I'm secretly hoping I'll catch it at the end of the week so I don't have to go to work...
6. I made my husband buy me a bottle of wine and I seriously plan on drinking a glass a night because I heard it can prevent wrinkles.
Truth: Why is blogger lying to me? It says you posted this at 6AM but I know that's not true because you really effed up my morning when I checked you blog today and it still had yesterday's (awesome, but still old) post. Blogger is full of codswallop today!
I should be studying for the physics final I have in a few hours, but I'm watching The Big Bang Theory and listening to techno. At least the physics book is open in front of me... study through osmosis?
1 - I'm not feeling Christmas-y
2 - I fell asleep last night without cleaning the kitchen. I *hate* leaving the dishes.. ew.
3 - I'm terrified to learn how to drive in snow and I'm most certain I will die a snow-y death.
I can't wait to see the trailer!
Dang! Simon hasn't been here yet. :-(
I apologize in advance for this one, but...I LOVE Barry Manilow! Love. love. love.
I actually enjoy airport delays when I'm flying without children.
I always stay in PJ's all day when I don't have anywhere to be. I'm sure the UPS man wishes I wouldn't. :-)
Crap! Common Simon! I totally have to check back in for his. No pressure now or anything, dude! Everyone is just watching and waiting for this funny...
Truth: First thing I ate this morning was watermelon laffy taffy. Second thing: strawberry laffy taffy. Balanced breakfast FTW.
I wear my pj's most days all day long unless I'm leaving the house.
I'm a Gleek.
So is hubby because I forced him to watch it with me.
I tend to not eat breakfast because I get up late and am too lazy, I mean still to tired, to make breakfast-y foods.
Scrolled down just to read an inappropriate comment by Simon because laughing is good, but he didn't stop by yet.
Instead I laughed at Matthew's because he is up there as funny too :)
No pressure boys!
Now wondering if I could be a comment stalker today or I have nothing better to do. Help me I think it could be both.
I think I'll move on to FarmTown now because this is just embarrassing....
I feel like a window display here at work, with huge picture windows and no blinds in front of them. I'm seriously tempted to start posing in the window when people pass by.
If we had snow days in Calgary I would have been in my pj's for about a month already. :)
Tuesday Truths:
-When you're a retired teacher, every day can be a PJ day....unless you have to go to the grocery store or Target or a doc appt.
- PJ days are okay but that means bad hair day too and sometimes I can't tolerate the scaryhair look so I shower and put on clothes to get rid of the bed head!
-I'm getting ready to sub my latest PB (nonfiction) to agents and I'm scared s**tless!
- Simon or no Simon, you girls crack me up daily and I'm sooo glad you're blogging cuz some of my favorite bloggers have cut back or stopped blogging. Of course it's hard to be mad at them because the change is due to time needed to write or revise writing!
My Truths:
1. I can't get anything done if I'm in my PJs all day. So I HAVE TO change.
2. On the other hand, I just got some Gilly Hicks sweat pants, and I could stay in THOSE all day. They're comfy as clouds.
3. I was ready to face this week with a positive attitude, but yesterday was the WORST Monday possibly all year and now I'm counting the hours to the weekend. Again.
4. When is the Liar Society trailer going to be out?! I can't take your teasing!
1) I recently discovered your blog, and now I can't stop reading it.
2) The only time I wear something other than PJs or work clothes, is when I dress up to go write at Barnes n' Noble.
3)I occasionally get impatient with myself when it takes me too long to finish a book, because there are too many books I want to read. And the Liar Society is definitely on my list.
This week I love the hamster from Bolt. So I have decided to walk around the office and yell out 'Be Awesome' at least twice a day. It's not only fun but I feel motivational to others.
I wonder if I've become that crazy co-worker everyone talks about.
Saturdays are PJ days in my house. We lounge as long as we possibly can until one of us has some other obligation which requires clothing.
I have a mad crush on a co-worker. I'm completely available but he is not so it will remain simply that. I do find it difficult not to stare at him all day though.
Can't wait for that trailer!
I wore my PJs to work today. It was jammie breakfast and our department makes breakfast for our cast and crew. It started as way to celebrate the last morning matinee but has become a fundraiser for our adopt a family.
Dude, I love your Tell the Truth Tuesdays! They always make me smile. And truthfully? I hate you a little, because you're so pithy and funny and I'm so NOT.
But I don't really hate you, you know that, right? Right.
My truth: My son has pajama day at school tomorrow. Many parents purchase 'nice' pajamas for such days at our school, but I'm not one of them. I'm excited that I can just roll him out of bed and skip that whole getting dressed part tomorrow.
Pajamas all day happens 'round here too...and sometimes there isn't a flake of snow around.
Ummm... Where is Simon??
Are we still waiting for Simon??!!
I finished reading 'A Darker Music' by Maris Morton ... and then wrote a review ... but I can't post it til it gets made public on another site :)
You had some fabulous and perfect truths. Here's some of mine, less fabulous, no less true.
1. right now i am drinking children's tylenol and eating mini-marshmallows since that's the best snacks i've got
2. ... because i already ate all the chocolates out of the advent calendar.
3. and when i found an old wig i made a video for my friend Alycia because i've already missed my revision deadline so why not just waste an hour making weird, creepy videos about how little orphan annie deals with the holidays?
4. which i then posted to youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knHRQ2nb034
5. before serving peas and scrambled eggs for dinner.
It was just one of those days. But now I am going to see what Simon got up to ...
-I refuse to watch Glee or wear Uggs just because I'm not "one of those girls."
-Due to tons of snow followed by super-coldness, we were out of school (I'm a mom and teacher, so we) for four days. I neither changed out of jammies nor showered for those four days (although I did change my jammies. but no to the shower)
erica (although really wants to say christy now that she admitted her truths)
1. I'm late to the party this week, but that's only because I karked yesterday afternoon after feeling cruddy all morning.
2. That may have been TMI.
3. I don't comment like this for just anyone, y'know. You gals make me a better snarker. You should be proud.
4. I'm still looking forward to that book trailer. You know why.
8. I may have blushed a little at the linky mention. Though I didn't burst my chausses, cuz that would've been inappropriate.
11. If you followed that link, there's no way I can top it, so I'll quite while I'm ahead.
12.5. I'm on a horse.
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